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... This society's second exhibition during the present year of flowers and plants took place yesterday, in George Square. St in the number of exhibitors and plants, the show probably did not exceed the previous exhibitions of the society ; but the quality of the plants exhibited far surpassed the quality of any plants shown in former years. The flowers were con- 9i veaiently arranged in two large ...


... GIFFORD FAIR-TUErDAT, JagE 19. The stock to-day Wias- somewhat similar in point of num- ber and variety to those exhibited last year at this time- blackfaced wethers, half-bred hogge (clipped and rough), and a few lots of Cheviot ewes. The trade in the morning was very dull -in consequence of the high prices asked by the dealers, and continued so -up to twelve o'clock when, the holders having ...


... LITERA TURB. 1COTFALLS xON THE BOUNDARY or AXOTvn3 WORLD, with PNsnative Illustrations. By Robert Dale Owen, formerly Member of Congrs s and _merican Minister to Naples. Londons Thitbner & Co., oD Paternoster Row. MTE truth' that extremes meet may be aptly illustrated in tennection with the volume before us. Robert Dale Owen is sn of Robert Owen, of New Lanark, who gained for him. sel a world ...


... L I TER A TU FE. THE 'Wire ~jp £acx _s O race and Philip 1 Wharton; Au D ore of 'The Queens of Society W Ilustratiens and Drabwinge byh-K DrowlzieL In ?? i Godwin. Eagraved by the rothes D i volumes. .tondoii, James5 Hogg e velu 5UC955 which has*attended a very interesting work by tie t3sme authors- Tee Qu55 of Societyg-which we a Cytt noticed, has no doubt suggested the present publiqa- J ...


... L ?? - T .wE L LI T~StAAT U'E. ~ TBE HifsroltY ObP t A'sieews H~c o ga LT c T EMNLRsaP YE-Afl': A Lecture. 'By D). Runeiman, D. D., states Minister of tblvt P~ariah, Glasow. Gltasgow: Robert that .Andesron5. Queen TPsis Lecture was delivered in the Corporation Gailleries boor C in March of Qais year, anid is now publisherd 61y rueqttt. It Slater is respeotfulby dedicated to Honi. A. GalbraithI ...


... HIGHLAND SKTCHne IVr. TM CHURCE. The foreground from tis point of sight Mlust briefly us detain The, parish church starnds& on the right, net, neatt, and very plain. ehbind the church are garden plots; The sluggard bath been there, com soe we½ U';iJr tbe finest spots An O1Wly one of aiI the iota Shows culture or good care, Who owns that one ?1 The minisiter, * A man said, looking sinister, ...


... ' IGHLAND SKETCHES. ?? - n TT.- VII. THE ISLE OF 3IUL. Our easel's cow turn'd t the west, And there a little it mast rest; Far in the ?? en FrWithbhils dark blue and plains bright green; This picture of the hapPY isle Was sketched in true Salvator style, Ere lowland bagnen ventured forth With BarPnes DO far west and north; qua reproduced here, line and shade, AnldDeithser worse nor better ...


... ?? A fed -age -- (Abridged fro0n, ELakwdod's Magazine for -Pe.) bhree years against allcomers The Cham a keeps.the Ring, S it againstwhatstijsrie might T universe -as lriug; Free years the .invatigsrdle The Champion'aitrfgtah hath graced, Telides' belt or that which spanned The sinewy loins of ector grand, No braver heart e:nhraoed, And in three years no foeman -Had dared dispiste thegrize; ...


... L.I TBRAT U RE. ?? ANTI.SLAVERY POLsCY. An., Oration }against Trimmeros and Trimming. By Henry Ward -Tan public character and consistency of Henry Ward Beecher, one of the most eminent irving advocates-cf human i freedom, having been through some mistake impugned in this I city, and the imputation being too apt to gain credence with I those, and those only, who are not acquainted with. his his ...


... DUMBARTONSMIRE CATrLE SEOW. _. . . . - -W . I ?? A _ - I ?? annual show of the Dumbartonshire Agricultural Society WU- held at Dumbarton yesterday. The display of to wits 1 and of a very superior ?? stock was large, , '-arscs exhibited being particularly number of first-class .. - * I d worthy of notics. The fullOvWt, id a list of the awardd SECTION ?? AYRSHIRE BREED, Class I. Cow in milk (9 ...


... j G'R'AND 'EVEN'ING 'O NC, E :Ri.L I MVMinXa AfHEM1E HAYES. i' The cone&rit n'iuc$ by ?? Merijon Kyle, music publisher ,with Madame OCathirine Hayes 'as the leading' E, attr5 ?? ?? in the City Hall last night, the at- Y' 'tefndanca being 'omewhat 'mege; considering that lidy's .world wade 'iiutation as a vocaist, and the not uareason* t able OhargeYadmsion. Madame Hayea's iin excellent - voice ...


... TREATRE-ROYAL-ORIGINAL DR.AI1A. List ?? this theatre was well filled by a fashionable audience, attracted by sornowhat of a rarity irn this city, the production of an original drama. The Ways of the World, the title given to this new piece, bears much. the same relation to the regular five act heavy dramatic plays ?? an idyll *1-es to an cpic poem. The story is a simnple one, and the ...