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... POItTADOWN FAIR.-The fair on Saturday was large, and business brisk. Good beef cattle com- manded high rates, and were in lively request. Milch cows were much sought after, and still command firm rates, according to their milking qualities. The same remnark.applies to springers. The prices were from £8 to £13, but a great many sales were made below these figures. There was a moderate show of ...


... THE COURT. WINoD.SOnl CASree,l Nov. 6.-Therc was no addition to the Royal dinner-party yesterday. The Queen and teo Prince Consort walked and drove ill the Homc Park this morni ng, and. visited the Duchess of Kent it Frogniore. The Prince and Princess Frederick William have now taken up their residence in Berlin for the season. Sir Jamns and Laily Chatterton have arived at tho Paviliou Hlotel, ...


... FASHION'. T If E C 0 U R T. WINDSOR CASTLr, APmrr, 7-._To-day being the bilrth-daiy of Prince Leopold, the Duchess of Kent and the Princess of Leiningen paid her Majesty an early congratulatory visit. The Qneen and Prince Consort, accompanied by Prince Alfred, walked in the grounds of the Castle this morning. Princess Alice walked and drove in the Home-park. Princess Helena and Princess Louisa ...


... THE COURT. LONDON, THUUSDAY.-Her IMa:ijosty the Queen beld her first Levee this season at two o'clock yesterday afternoon, in St. James's Palace. The Queen rid his Royal Highiness tile Princo Consort arrived from Buckingham Palace, attended by the ladlies and gentlemen in %waiting, and were received by the great officers of State. Ilis Royal Iglighness the Duke of CGnibridge and his Serene ...

FASHION. The approac

... hing drawing-room of Saturday, the 28th inst., was expected to be a brilliant one, but the Court mourninz for the late Prince of Hohenlohe- Langenbonrg, will deprive it of snme of its eelft. The difference it will make in the costumes of the debutantes will be hut trifling, sinco, whatever the material, the color will be white, and the only alteration requisite will be black ribbons, as the ...


... THE COURT. OSBORNE, JULY 28.-Her Majesty and the Prince Consort gave their annual dinner and fete yesterday to the seamen and marines ot the Royal yachts, the detachment of infantry stationed at East Cowes, the labourers and workmen employed on the Osborne estate, and the Coast Guard and Trinity House men. Dinner was prepared for about 650 persons, nnd was laid in large tents erected on the ...


... THE LATE REV. DR. CROLY. IN MIEMORIAMT. ?? fter ?? fineral of the Eev. Dr. Croly, and siI!rgeStu(I by seeing it wreathi of laurel laid on tiC cnfin by some ?? of tel o VluLuILee Rifle Corps. Ay, pilace the hiiiel wrenth upoti ins bier- The dauintless wariior in Truti is high cause; lle serv d h his Mnster faithfully while hhre, l)isdiflning over in the strife to pauise. The weary, ceaseless ...


... FAIRS IN ULSTER DURING TIME ENSUING I WEEK. ANTRIn.-Carnlough, Friday. AR)IAGIT. - Mountnorris, Mlonday; Calhyianna, Tuesday; Blackwvatertowvni, Tonesborouighi, Tandragee, Wednesday; Lurgan, Thursday; Keady, Friday. CAVAN.-Bntlersbridge, Monday; Shercocl;, Stra- done, Wednesday; Swadlinbar, Saturday. Do%.-Castlewellan, Monday; Gilford, Ifilltown, Portaferry, Tuesday; Crossgar, Donaghadec, ...


... THE COURT, OSnoRNExt, FRIDrrA.-The Queen, Prince Consort, and the Royal family, arrived at Osborne yestcrday, at halr-past two o'clock. SATRunoAY.-Tlhe Qucen, the Prince Consort, and tlre Roya l faamily walked in thc grounds yestcrday. SUNDAY.-Princoi and Princess Luiningeon visited her Majesty yesterday. This morning lher Miljesty, his Royal Htighness the Prince Consort, their Royal ...


... T H E C O UR R T. WINDSOR CASTLE, WEDNESDAY.-Her Majesty and his Royal Highness the Prince Consort rode out on horseback yesterday afternoon, accompanied bry the Prince of' Wales, Princess Alice, and Prince Alfred. In attendance were the Hon. Eleanor Stanley, Colonel thle RIoi. A. N. Ilood, Captain Du Plat, and Captain Grey. Thoe Royal dinner-party in the evening in- cluded the Prince of ...


... T H E C O U R T. WINDSOR CASTLrE, TRJSDAY.-Her Royal Iligliness the Duchess of Knit tgave a j ave!nile pa31ty last night at Fro-more, at which her Majesty and his Royal Hhrhness the Prince Consort were present, accoen- pa ied by their Royal Higlinesses Princess Alice, Prince Arthur, Prince Leopold, Princess Helena, Princess Louisa, and Princess Beatrice. The Queen ami the Prince were attended ...


... T If E C 0 U It T Loxmmm, TUlESDAY.-The Queen held a Couit and Prlivy Coun cil yesterday atiteqnnon at Buck ingham P'atlace. The Prince Con teceotnpanicd by Prince Alfi%!d, rodoe onl horseback yesterdlay morning, at- ended by' Colonel the lIon. A. I-Haidingo The Prhincess Ilelena rodo in the llidinig-house of Buck- inrgliam Palace. The Prince Consort visited the Duke Wf'Canmbriilge yesterday ...