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... L1T.ERATURE. Ons or Tanss. By Charles Lever. London: Chapman & Hal, 183 Piccadilly. Ton two numbers which have appeared of this tale give : considerable promise that it will not be unworthy of the received talent of its author. Of the construction of the story it would be vain to speak, as it is scarcely yet deve- t loped, but the illustrations of nature, and human nature, C promise to be of ...


... THE VOLVXUERS OF 1803 AND OF 1860. E (From the Times.)j1 Saturday was one of those surprises for which flo la ,ene can be prepared without a careful consideration bi .of the character and the history of this country. a] Hyde Park saw an army such as it had not seen for B half a century; an army such as any Generalwould nm be only too glad to find m his halld at the hour of ti need, ready for ...


... H{AMILTON CATTLE SEOW. Yesterday the annual show of farm stock and dairy pro- duce, in connection with the Lanarkehire Farmers' Society, vwas held at Hamilton on a field in the suburbs of the town. The exhibition of dairy produce took place at nine o'clock in the hall attached to the lamilton Arms Inn (Arkle's). The show commeuced at eleven o'clock for dairy stock, and that for horses at one ...


... . THE RETIURN. (From Ballads and Metdical Sketches, by Geo. F. Preston.) b Well hast thou held, C gallant ship and true, c Thy prosperous course, from shores of farthest Ind, t Witb steady sails through-leagues of waters blue, a Still wafted onwards by the western wind. I How strangely, England, do thy white eliffs gleam; Strange look thy breadths of pastures, fields of gran r ID sultry orient ...


... LITER A UR E. EAnRoxfcs Or POLITICAL ECONOMY. By Freddric Bastiat- Translated from the French, with a Notice of the Life and VritiTngs of the Author, by Patrick James Stirling, F.R.S.E. London: John Murray, Albamarls Street. 1860. -FEDERIC BASTIAT, whose principal work has now been first given to the British public, through the admirable transla- tion by the author of The Philosophy of Trade ...


... TRE-A.TRE-ROYAL. XfT) AVT% 1rTV frrwART.TigRRA IP I MM AND MRS. CHARLES KUEAN. I -, ,4tocse twin constellations of our diramatic hemisphere an- lost 'night after an absenice of several ye'ars. -* They r'atbt oncluded an engagemfentt in Edinburgh, which has been Mnk e sense, both Irom the~ e xcitement it haicaaist among ?? s seiallythe ftshionable and literary, aid fotral brp.W-ray that ...


... ;. LITER2URE. OUR t1k4.HEDOEnoS .tkksIyroscousArvY OF A SgsAw. * By ThmernasTentth Eaof bondonald. ?? Admiral of tbe.Red,.Rear.Ad raltof the Fleet, e.,o&c. Richard Bentley, LomcE'n. Pob. . WE hail the publication of the first volume of these memoirs, if it were only because it reminds us so amply that our country is defended by invincible warriors on sea as well as on land-a happy conviction, ...


... AlR. jMULII WOOD'S CONCER.l. . I - I .1 I - 1. Inu- w ;l~w Tleis concert, which took place last night in the City Hall, came off with great oc10t. There was a numerouls and fashionable audience pIesent, to w9 hom the whole proceed- incs evidently gave perfect satisfaction. The 1 ole of artists v as a more than usually good one, forming perhaps the best comapany whlicahI Mr. W\ood heas as yet ...


... THE PYNE AND HARRISON OPERA COtpANT. CTHE ROSE OF CASTILLB. The English Opera Company, under the direction of Miss Louisa Pyne and Mr. W. Harrison, comncel a short en. gagement last tight at the Theatre-RoyaL The opera was Balf' 'I Rose of Castille As the plot of this opera has long been familiar to the dramatically inclined public, it being founded on The Muleteer of Toledo, and the ...


... THB FUSILIERS' DOG, IAAlLA BUN OVER, AYTRR HAVING GONE THROUGH THE . CRIEAN CAMPAIC-1N.) B3Y SRi F. la. DoyLs EArT. (PrOm Maclillan'3 Magazine for May.) Co lift him gently fromn the wheels, And soothe his dying pain, ror love and care e'en yet he feels, Thongh love and care be vain; 'Tis sad that, after all these years, Our comrade and our friend, The brave dog of the Fusilier, Should wet With ...


... ] THE BOYS OF' THE IRISH BRIGADE. , There have been considerable disturbances among the Irish papal recruits at Macerata, in which shillelaghs were freely used. and the police, who interfered, were severely ?? owon Corresponcdent from Rome. Wid a stick in my fist, an' a pipe in my cheek, 8- Holy father, I'm come to resthore ye: But bad cess to yer pay- sure what's four;ince a-day And divil a ...


... weather durinn tb -, -- -n - Ad The weather during the peel week wfas very favourable n ror excursions, Witih the exception of some heavy showers On Eriday evening, and a few slight showers On Saturday afternoon, the 'weather waS, excellent. We sre glad to atatoe cl that the various excursions to which we referred in the la early part of last week wrere erteneively patronisod by the th working ...