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... T If E C 0 U It T Loxmmm, TUlESDAY.-The Queen held a Couit and Prlivy Coun cil yesterday atiteqnnon at Buck ingham P'atlace. The Prince Con teceotnpanicd by Prince Alfi%!d, rodoe onl horseback yesterdlay morning, at- ended by' Colonel the lIon. A. I-Haidingo The Prhincess Ilelena rodo in the llidinig-house of Buck- inrgliam Palace. The Prince Consort visited the Duke Wf'Canmbriilge yesterday ...


... T H E C O UR R T. WINDSOR CASTLE, WEDNESDAY.-Her Majesty and his Royal Highness the Prince Consort rode out on horseback yesterday afternoon, accompanied bry the Prince of' Wales, Princess Alice, and Prince Alfred. In attendance were the Hon. Eleanor Stanley, Colonel thle RIoi. A. N. Ilood, Captain Du Plat, and Captain Grey. Thoe Royal dinner-party in the evening in- cluded the Prince of ...


... THE SOLDIER'S FATE. EoGYPVS sand iS lightly press'd O'er thy lifeless love, Mary; Soft and lasting is his rest, By the waving grove, Maryv Where the night in dew is W\eepillg, Nile's drowsy murmurs keeping, Breezes through, the palm-trees sweeping From the burning West, Mlary. Bright that fatal morining shone In the dapplir skies, Mary; When the brazen trumpet's tone Bade the warriors rise; ...


... FAS ffION. THE COURT. It is rumored that the Queen will visit Ireland in the course of the Summer. VISIT OF Tltt- PRINCE OF WALES TO CANADA.-It has been determined, in order to give greater eclat and importance to the visit of the.Prince of Wales to Canada, that his Royal Hichness shall not only be attended by a Secretarv of State, as representing the Crown, bit by her Majesty's first Great ...


... Timw ART JOURNuAL FOR AUGUST. London: J. S. V'irtue. Belfast: J. Ia)-ton, Waring Street. 1b noticing the Art Journal, one can only compare it with itself, for there is no other publication extant that can in any way be put beside it as a record and a repertoire of art. This month we have three engrav ings, all of the si-gisest merit. The Vife of Rubeiss is copied from the picture by the great ...


... THE SAINT AND THE HERO. YiE holy knaves, to whom the crowd It stupid adoration knelt, To see, whilst abject heads they bowcd, The blood of Jaunarius melt: A grcater miracle behold Than that of simulated gore, Which melts when hot, congeals when cold, But which your silly dupes adore. Ye linow how It3ly ha6 bcen, Thank most Yuurselves, for weary years, of slavery a mournful scene- A wretceied ...


... FAS HION. T H E CO U RT. BALMOnRAL, SrePT' 2.-Her Majesty, accornpanied by the Prince and Princess of' Leiningen and the Prikicesses Alice, Idleina, and Louise, and Prince 'Arthur, 'drovo to 'Alt-ndw-Guissadh yesterday, 'and rode to the Falls of Glasshalt. The Prince Consort went obt deer..stalkzing. ' Lord Charles L: FitzRoy has succeeded Lieut'-Colonel'tlie oDn'Duvll'ey'd 'Ros' in attendance ...


... T II E C O U I T OSnORNE, JULY 5.-Tho Queen. and the Prince Consort, accompanied by the Duke of Saxe.Coburg and the Royal family, arrived at Osborne yesterday evening at'seven, o'clock. lier Majesty was gra- ciously pleased, on Tuesday last, to stand sponsor in person to the infant son of Colonel and the Rlon. Mrs. T. Al. Biddulph, in the private chapel at Buck- inghlam Palace; the Princess ...


... F A IRS. DROGIEDA SPRING FAIR-MARCIT 12.-The first fair of tLis town for this year came ofr to-day. From early dawn horned cattle, with lots of sheep and an immense supply ot swine, were driven into tOwn. A largo numbher of graziers and cattle dealers Irom the neighbouring counties assembled in the cattle mart during the day. Some very excellent oeef was sold at £3 per civt., and infeLior 45s. ...


... F A I R S. OMAGIT FuIR.-Oui fair on Tnesday last wa.1 not largely su ppl) ed, except wit t black cat tl, of which the she Yio'IS 4il iicil grLeater than usual, spriligols were a good dall looked fiCo, andI high prices obtaineld. Beef cattle of all I inds sold hi gh. Mr. David Scott, of' Tatnagole, rcfused over £40 for two bollocks, Except for cattle sprli ging or suitabile for beef, there was ...


... L I T E RA RY NE AV S. To thc six lectures IOiO the Chemical History of n Candle (adapted to a juvenile anditodry), by Pro- fessor Faraday, wiclih wo havo already announ ced as albnut to be delivered at the Royal Institutioni in Alhemarlo Street, wo havo uo ow the pleasure to addl the promise or' Twelve Lectures on Fishes, by Pro- fessor Owenu- 'Twelv Lectures on Electricity, by Professor ...


... THE COURT. WINDSOR CASTLE, WI(DNESDAY.-1-Her MajeSty'S dinner-party yesterday included her Royal Highness Princess Alice, the hereditary Prince and PrinCess of Hfolstein-AuglstelboUrg, the Lady-in-Waiting to her Serene Hichiness, the Prince and Princess of Leinin- gen, the Earl of Danmore, the Earl and Countess (le it Warr, the Right Hon. Sidney and Mrs. Herbert, the Hon. Mrs. T. MI. Biddulph, ...