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... THE MAY MAGAZINES. Our notice on Monday reviewed the contents of the Iatriarchs of the periodicals, and to-day we describe some Of the younger and flourishing members recently received. One of the oldest of the new generation has been out- stripped by a later competitor, and while the Cornhil is published before the month is ended, Macmillan, as befits amnore staid and conservative publication ...


... HANDSWORT[ AND LOZELLS FLORAL AND HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY'S EXHIBITION. The third exhibition for the preosnt season, in connection with this Association, took place on Tuesday, in the beautifully laid out grounds surrounding Gilbertstone House, Yardley, the residence of ir. B. N. Kimberley, a gentleman whose succoestal competition for a length of time at the Edgbaeton, llandewonlh, and other ...


... By IS;, CRAIG. (From Foaser for April.) Spring is abroad I T,,ero is life in the air, There is life in the clod; On the earth everywhere There is life and to spare, Spring is abroad. o Irinilet is blown, no earthquake is heaving, ytteal seed its rent cerements and dark grave isleaviug- An infinite power, Between orchard alloys, Beside -water-courses, On hills and through valleys, Musters the ...


... Oft wandering down through Harborne's quiet lanes- A is V wont when daily toil is e'or- 'oP1pird a cottage, 'neath some sheltering trees, FiawraplIed in Nature's mantle-ivy green. Not far fromu thence, a running brook purls by, 'ld nniniuurs soft tbrough tie umbrageous glea In diveor cadence with the fitful breeze. A thouiflud songsters swelled their little throats In grateful harmony. Wliiei ...


... The third eshibition, for the present season, in connection with this society, was held at the Botanic Gardens, yesterday. The afternoon and evening proving ?? it was attended by a large number of visitors. The ehow was not so largo a one as we have noticed at corresponding periods In previous years, but it was well sustained in every department. The ornamental plants were espe- diallv worthy ...


... S P E I N G. Ireye, where the tall plantation firs Slope to the river down the hill, Strange impulses-like vernal stirs- Rave made me wander at their will. I see, with half-attentive eyes, The buds and flowers that mark the Spring, And Nature's myriad prophecies Of what the Summer suns will bring. For every sense I find delight- The new-wed cushat's murmurous tones, Young blossoms bursting ...


... A stately pile once, this- Meet dwelling for a Lord: With turrets high Kissing the sky. Now naught remains to toll, Save ruins hoar and wild, The story vast Of glory'past. Yet beautifal amd fair, With ivy covered o'er, These faint outlines Of other times. An emblem fit, methinks, Of our sad lot to-day- These wasted walls And vacant halls. We fondly thought to while- With others far away- The ...


... TENNYSON'S NEW POE11. Macmillan's Magazine for this month contains the pro- misedpoem by the Poet Laureate, called Sea Dreams- an Idyll. The scene and the subject of the dreams are suggested in the opening passage:- A city clerk, but gently born and bred; Big wife an unknown artist's orphan child- One babe was theirs, a Margaret, three years old': They, thinking that her clear germander ...


... EUNDSWORTH AND LOZELLS FLOWER S HI 0 W. The second exhibition of the soason, in connection with ithc Handsworth and Lozelis Floral and Horticultural Society, was beld yesterday afternoon, in the delightful grounds of Perry Hall, the soat of the Ron. F. G. Cal- thorpe, M.P., whjo nost kindly placed them at the disposal of the committee for the occasion. The weathor proved lmexpecthdly fine, ai ...


... LEECH'S DRAWIlGS. (A RR~OTEAT.)f.. too bad of Leeoh ! There! I've said it ai last. ., puchll every week he toill show 'ems 1 dort n ean hir sketches of Bright dr of Pain, Vin'y'e curls,'ot the neoe ?? Broughaim. dolt rcan hi3 horses,'hrowdver well drawn,- etout 11uite rS, or Rotten Ilow friskers. I don't liwan his dogs, or his snob3, or his swells, Vith tho laultless Da vA andi whiskers. I ...


... I-- - ?,TFRATUREI 81JIEN,(E, AND ' ART. I ocr ?? lterasy news has been interrupted lately by ,,elal notices of important books, and arrears have acrenno. tosuch an extent that meaty worksa of much interest will tsv to beo domlssed with very brief notice, and have to be classed ,rttcr for easier disposal. History and biography have had 0srosl timoirtant addltion since eour last summary ...


... WORCESTER mUSICAL FESTIVAL, (From Our CorrespondeMin.) (From or WEoDNSDAY EVEISNG. The College Hall was this evening crowded in every part (the gallery to repletion, to the evident annoyance of the fair, who formed a large portion of its occupants), the novelty of the first performance in this country of N. W. Gade's cantata, The Ell King's Daughter, proving an inducemsent to the muslial ...