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... TALES FRiO' BLACKWOOD. Vol. VIII. Blackwood I' and Sons. at We can add nothing to what baa already been said in ihi commendation of this popular reprint. Of convenient sise, of and printed in clear bold type, these volumes, reproducing be tit the choicest of Afaga's light literature, are always welcome, especially as reliefs to the tedium of a monotonous railway c journey. at PICTURES ...


... THE OCTOBER MAGAZINES. Blaekwood* discourses on Spiritualism with its accus- tomed lucidity and analytical power. The article is entitled Seeing is Believing, and the writer argues thatman is credulous from his very impatience to get the truth, and his inexperience of the ways in which truth oau be sought. Supremedisregard, says the writer, to the accuracy of the facts on which its ...


... lOUTMLDGE'S NATURAL HISTORY. Parts XV. and XVI. i London: Routledge and Co., FarringdoDk-street. T 3~hese parts treat of sheep, deer. swine, &o., in a popilar and bifily Interesting manner. Typographical excellence and ?? talent are displayed in this useful work. Sa9LL'S POPTUBR !NATURAL HISTORY; ILLUSTRATED OSTowrY OF EROLARVD *FAtiLY. PAPER AXAD FAMILY ~Bc. a8. London: Ca590il and C., La ...


... 'The 18th volume of BLAciwoonD's TAIxe ?? i Di Caomri, the Fatal Repast, the Vision of COgliostro, the First Rec and Lset Kiss, the Smuggler's Leap, the Haunted and the to I Haunters, and thi Duellists. A most excellont and cheap compl. gre lation of light literature, well printed on good paper. 'aid TEn NEWSPAPI:S GAZETTEER AND GumE TO ADVERTISERS. to h An Annual legieter of Newepapers ...


... ?? ?? .. ?? -- l ' 111 1; 1 )S Nl1 ESTIS. The lark it loves the VlloW ooro; 'The jyW thle 1tweohool top; TIll rooks the (rile whoso loafy crowns UncIIdsitg sowny and 10P. The robiu in the nettle builsd, Anud the sparrow in the hedge; The eogle loves the slopilig rook, And the granite slab nud ledge. All other birds bhave hosen eorth iol haems both morn And even - But the arit he ohoso the ...


... W: PO L HLL, OVENT- ?? ~ G BDE . AT? * HEVO U~IEE' BALL. 'is now compilitcdso fDarS theinsin srcueicnend The building, ,*vhich is, formed almotntrlofroad glasais, i'ii..what may vbooe ale -the.CytlPlc tl, 'btte.ti~s ir ilnobh more oraetladtehl of Hye Par an4 ydenam.. e to hl~.aleve toreceep;the officers, of outes*mal twf~tb p~p 'f te ujihal, ad I poldtake in the whol squfr feet, in dlfyrogv o ...


... THEf PILGRIT. When thou art young and life is ?? and gay, And thine eyS gliotOll, naut thy heart beats high; No fears to shok, no Wellrs to ?? d way8 NO ?? to sadden with a sigh . Strong in thy youth and hioppiness, aware! Vilgrims and sojouners& thy fittthers were. W nin lastroouer.I and all seema bright, AO d the desire of wear yearobtained' When glad Hope mnakes ?? future dance In light, ...


... qW* Books, Prints. 2lfosic, r., fo, revieto, ore , equested to be sent I ,at Arft. C. Mitchett's, BRerl Lio Court, Fleet-sreet, London, addressed To the Editor of the EXETES FLYNG POST. They I utill be dttlyf/o ea sljed , amd rereive an eart 'y 11t e. I t THE WILD FLONVERS OF ENGLAND. London: t Houlston and Wright, Paternoster-row. This interesting and prettily illustrated! work is drawing ...


... THE CUrfATEI'S FIRlESIDE. I have one only daeghter, But she is more to me Thtan if I had a score or so To olustor round my lnee; And no'er by hoon coiupttfliotk WeS idler's time beguiled, As the onroto'5 leisure momenta By tho prattil of his child. Mvi weorthy friend and vicar, The Iteverend Mr. Blount, Of little rosy children Has moro than be can count; And the good man semiles aeoeuely, And ...


... TH' Two Grx& Co;AMNiENTs. By Dr. Candlish. L6ndoo: Nelson. It I' eeldom our fortune to meet with a' work, on. the dutes 'of 'religlon, which brings them home so powerfully to u meus business and bosoms I as the Two Great Command- ments:` T he twelfth chapter of the Romano, which foroe the groundworkc of 'the volume, and which, from its piece Immediately after the profound toachings of the ...


... TEIE WIFE'S SONG. Forget not ' Thou didet breatbh a vow, Tint aye witlth tbe0wY evening star Thv heart would seek its home,-and thou Wouldsl love and bless us from afar. Behold-the ovening star doth shino,- Thy flower, the rose, is dewy wet I and thy childron (thbne and mineS Forgoet thee not:-doat tlon forget? 'Forget not, husband of my heart! The words thou left'st have been a oharm: 'They ...


... HOLSWORTHY AGRICULTURAL SOCIETYI - - . . I ?? -I -- VPAA t The sixth annual exhibition of stock wshl ?? The attendance, notwithstanding the very unsettled state 0 ia the weather, was good, but the show of animals deficient both' Noi in quantity and quality. The Judges ?? Sheep, Catfle,.I adSht3I3eqpi.5hearng-Messrs~ rotter (IThorverton), Bodley yea (StockleighPonieroy). nd Snow (Baunton) ...