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Freeman's Journal

Advertisements & Notices

... TQUEEtWS. ROYAkL THEATRE -: *iY), July :Wd, thle purfrol-1,1cacs 1criti ellicaclitce ,I Sti (i.. f (11Sf 'ITUS or, T'ic Forgotteo Iiricd..ic3liisi Ir 'ICi~jnp 'fit OS ( Qithitils Fulvitlit Mr ',iflvil .11cws MtII Diii no.50,t, Mr' I i tzjaic'i Lyc'iiS. Me' Il VIti , So- 11.1 rui, II cii, IM'soi 1`. New N, :i idr Dvriso~il o iicli V. iii ic ?? tlei cclcbr',liii Miiy1t-oi0l.ii TvI,(,1. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... lxQUEEN'S R~OYAL TIFlATRB~-- 37 IENEIT 01 N111. TI. C. SING, and his Last aippeari- a MmC-IiSS Biessie King.-TIllS EVENLG(rdyJl Mil, thle Perfornmances will commience wniththaclebrated Isranin of INGOMAII, 'TljiK IPAKlitAIJM ANof aiia', MrJ'I Kiing ;Myron, M I Notn ?? ulMr. Duff; Lykon, Mr Viv~5tI; lior %r incent; Aect, Mrs Parker ; l'arthernia, Miss9 A f'arker.No IitiIlltDi ,m.'Itissenmoit, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T IFATRE ROYAL, DUBIJN -Mr. TiIAmiIiiB has the pleasure to announce. titat lie hs, I, cenjenction with 'Mr. WILLERlT BEALE,, made arrange- incnls for a short series of Italian Operas.. commencing oil 31lONi)AY, SEPTEMBERL 10, ISGO, supported by tilt ?? eliacelt 'Artistes: bIAIiAMIiIL GIIISI )SIGNORt MAPJO 11AIIAME VIAR.DOT ISIGNO).k ANQEFLO LLUISE 3IIA~ijIL ORVIL IlGNtit GRIAZIANI hIA I)IX ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ClHINEYPIECES in Italian, Belgian, Irish, and English Marble, Enamelled Slate and Cost Iron. suitable for Drawingrooms, ,DIningrooms, BedrOMIl, &cs 'v Aery large StACk to selhet. from.-dMURIOE BROOKS, OK''ilLE-PlA~, Dubihi. ' k OOM PAPER.-A most extensive and varied assortment of the Newest patterns, from 4d. to 1lb. per dozen. Builders' IroilmOngory, Grates, K :tchen Ranges, Stoves, dc, Metal ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OOMh PAPER, in great variety, at 1 1LMAURICE EhlOOKS'S, SACKViLLE-PLACE, Dublin. DANIEL DOLAN, CITY OF DUBLIN PAPER STAINING WORKS, 16, PARLIAMENT-STIIEET, and 4, and 0, CRANE-LANE, White Leads, Paints, Oils, Turpontine, Colours, Varnisiles Plato, Shoet, and Crown Glass; plaster of Paris, Roman nnd Portland Contents, Gold Miouldings for Rooms, and Pictars Frames at moderate Prices, Wholesale ...

Advertisements & Notices

... R OOM PAPER, in great variety, at R M lAUBICE BROOKS'S, SACKVILLE-PLACE, Dublin. +ANIEL DOLAN, CITY OF DUBLIN J.J PAPER STAINING WORKS, li, PARLIAMENT-STREET, and 4, and 6, CRANE-LANE, White Leads, Paints, Oils, Turpentine, Colours, Varnishes. Plate, Sheet, and Crown Glass; Piaster of Paris, Roman and Portland Cements, Gold Mouldings for Rooms, and Picture Frames at mnoderate Prices, Wholesale ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MERCANTILE SALES. Auction of Tea, Spirits, Ac. FVOR SALE BY AUCTIoN, to close ae- _ counts at our Office, COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS, on THIS DAY (Thursday), 20th Inst, at One o'Clock. 20 Paclkages Congon Tea. 2 ipcsPorit.- I Puncleon Rumn. ' I.l Quarter CasksCognacBrandy. 15 Casks J.J&.'S Whiskey, 1850.1817,819.19 , JAMEt, STOKES, WIDOW,'t*nd SONS, Brokeral. I. 20th Dec. 1860.r * P Auctioa ef Sugar ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IIIEATRE ILOYAL, DUBLIN -Mr. IIARRIB hiars the 'leasure to announce that he has, eolancttOO with )ir. WILLERte BEALE, made arrange, :S for a short scries of Italian Operas, supported by r'sl>~lL GllSI StGNOR 31ARIO3 5,AiSANIE VlAltDOT ~ ISGNOR-ANGELO LUISE ;;jl.l~li O1tYIL1. SIGNOR GltAZIANI llI.E SEILATZEtK SIGNOR FALLAR gnlLLE RITA! SIGNOR KINNI And SIGNOR CIIIERCI Alitj.ih GASSIEIR klrt ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TiHE CITY ASSESSORSHIP. ni TO THE EDITOR OF THE FREEMANWS JOUBNAL bi 18, Cork-bill, 24th October, 1860. DEAR SIR-My attention was attractod by an advertise. jnent in your paper of yesterday, signed E. W. O'Mahony, ad- hi dressed to the Burgesses of the City, wherein the writer in etates he bad . taken counsel with the Venerable Dr. Yore, who, with many other Catholic dignitarios, had promised ...

Advertisements & Notices

... M,3GANTILE S§ALES. SS.aud CO.'s EA IND[A PALEALE W g f tho N;ow Brewrlnx- In fine order.; Guinness's XX Porter. Drogheda Ale. DevonshirS Cider. ISAAC MALONE, 52, LOWER STEIIIEN STRE ET, DUBLIN. A K EKLE:JON AND S ON,I V EAST INDIA AND MILD ALE BREWERS, ALLOA. Avents.tSBiITH and M-BLAIN, LOWER ABBET-STREETj Dublin. 5 1 O GALLONS SUPERIOR FRENCH, ;)Vt% COLZA OI ex Jane Wii~ams, from Itouen, j.~d ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IIEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. I Continved success of the celebrated Irish Comedian, ITjohiN DREW, who will appear This Evening (by special f.ire) as Handy Andy, being most positively his last ap- ,ear a Ic this ?? Night of My Friend in the PI , °^_1S EVENING (Friday), November Jth, the per- So mnces will commence with the laughable Farce of KILL O MCIE-Air 3armaduke Mildmaa, Ur Holston * Mr Brown, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RAILWAYS. J)UNDALK and ENNISKILLEN RA[L WAY COMPANY. COOTEHILL EXTENSION. NOTICE of SIXTIH CALL £1 per Share (except ?? the Shares have been fully paid up) on £10 Five per Cent. Preference Shares, numbered fronet 28iS80 to 82038, making, vith Deposit, nnd first, second, third, fourth and fifth Cll, *67 paid up on each Share. Notice Is bereby given ticat, in pureana'ce of a rosolutlon of the ...