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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... capacity was unsuspected, and it was not imagised that in a elicit period lie would soar far shove an- other rs-iing youag Whig, thou in his 31st year-Lord Jolin Russell, The speech on the Irish Church elicited unusual a complinsents froii Mr Hume himself ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... manu'namme,' ?? J ohn Russell has alwrays maintained that-it had the effect of destroying the synnetry of,ethe Whig-measure, and. .frbsstrating W~hig sipectateon in the counties. The Duke- the :Marqub-stoo d forward 'as the 'county' 'member and farmer's friend ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... r and from this period to 1841 be took an active part, under F Sir Robert Peel, in battering the lame Government of the ? Whigs. 'When Peel entered upon office Mr. Herbert Wa, r e appointed Secretary to the Admiralty, and soremained until, in 1845, he ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... -accesaion. to bbigrapi~c jlierature, wihich.'he still further errich6d bv giving 'to. tbe puhito bii C ?? of Engld. TAZ ?? of the Whig party.,to power' In 1846 reiored Lord Campbell to odifeo as ' 9t119g 9JeDgvb.,f Ln--. caster, and- as a eumber of the Itassell ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Adnaira3Iy,sad~the -spai ?? refer. boihserpex d~'L, 'tuirS of those dsye-sasthe naodelfoioues, 'T Sia..ekiu. ' I) Iftom tie Whigs vith Mr. Stanley. andl gradually came, .;rausud . to.Ajhq: sldDryDilly? -till. he joinedih bil paity Lofflir.Robert Pleel- ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... matters anrl salaries, dawned upon the practical mind of the Anglo-Saxon race. A new political group took its seat beside the Whigs and the Tories. Henceforth it never quitted the House of Commons. There it acquired its rank, its influence; there it caused ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Suffolk, could not be other thlion a foremost man in a social and political point of dcxv. a The Duke of Hamilton's father wvas a Whig of the oil school, and probably one of the haughtiest men of his day. He cherished an idea that he was the legitihuato King ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... placed himself at the head of the aci Whigs, -wse among her slaves; and of the three Dukes Po whom she was so successful as to secure for liar three 'in daughters, one was iso other than the hereditary model ta( Whig-the Duireof Bedford. Partly through ...