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... Lincoln 1 -Grimsby Wakefield 1 1 . Total Conservative gains 18 Total Whig-Radical 8 Thus the Conservatives show a net gain of 11 seats. Of these 11 seats 9 were previously tilled by Whig-Radicals, and their having changed hands makes a difference of 18 on ...


... e with them, and to state that he had been ordered by the Board to have the advertisement& inserted in the Haws-Lartza and WHIG only. SrPFLY OF COALS. The Clerk stated that there were only about four weeks' supply of coal in store, and advertisements ...


... canker that lies at the root oldie Whig muse, and has reduced it to its present state—a mere hollow trunk with all the sap and pith oaten out of it—ia, that it has no domestic policy at all. Session after session the Whig programme becomes more scanty and ...

THE LAST RESORT. generally of one religion, and the poor of another ; and that a liberal and charitably ..

... £2OOO per annum. Mr. White is to step into his shoes. The whole thing is to be quietly and snugly arranged after the true Whig fashion, tf—and luckily there is always an if in these coutingencie-i—if the good people of Kid- (TO BE CONTINUED.) -- In 1838 ...

tent have the boldness to assert that a parent has the right to forbid his child access to God's word

... Feta e Preservation Act to be put in force, was presented to him. The reason is plain. It has ever been the policy of the Whigs to endeavour to secure the support of the Romish hierarchy in Ireland. Hence Protestant counties are often dealt with in a ...

AMERICA. Qneetniewn, Friday, July 25. The Royal malt se-aster .Inglo-Saxou arrived here this evening. Mu news ..

... drive them back at the point of - the bayonet. Vicksburg can't Le taken. Toe rieblntrg Whig soya the damage to the city it very *every. The publication of the Whig is hereafter suspended, the shot and shell falling too thick for our printers. Vicieibive ...


... through the town, and amused themselves as best they could, until the time came for their departure by the evening trains. The Whig and freeman, true to their well-known instincts—to depreciate everything Conger vatic° or Protestant—set down the number , ...


... what were regarded as there senseless demonstrations in the North of Leland on the pert of Orangemen. The whole vocabulary of Whig and Radical spleen, large as it undoubtedly is, was exhausted n vituperative efforts to bring into disrepute and contempt whatever ...


... prove that the Protestants were the aggresses, but, in vain. Tho Ulster Observer, theNerthern Whig, and the Banner, have entered into a Trinity in Unity—if the Whig wil allow the expression, of malicious abuse, in order to lay the onus of the disgraceful ...

Lll.l iltee hi III:, 11 Lant:s Hurt-, then,

... Protestant has rest. A'd is tormoil and tumult. The ono dares to violate the law, and the other is protesting against such license. Whig Government in Ireland bespeaks partiality, weakness, and, as the consequence, disorder and disaster. From the dal s of its ...


... and several threatening notices have been receive through Drumm Post-ofilcs.—Erpresr. R. A. DUNCAN, ESQ., MAGHERATELT.—We (Whig) have great pleasure in copying the following paragraph which appears in the Lesdea Sunday 'limes newspaper of the 12th inst ...