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South West, England


Exeter, Devon, England

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... and parsonatinfluencoe fat of Lard Palnaersotn that such a party can ha kept together for a the mionth,-that reelites and W~higs end Radicals should all jostle we together at tlas heels of a Premier distrusted by each as a states- esi mnan and much more ...


... thit history is the remarkable simi. larity of oircmetsmsances between the commencement and the close of Ibis periosd. The Whigs Caere its oftite Its the year 1842 jttst as they are ino 1862. Pasties in the Honses of Commons waet so nearly balanced ttsot ...


... Ciaticallor of the Exchequser to takes off' either at otace or by two instalenemts,che wasi duties apes tea fintl eugar. WVith'i Whig Goveinmetit ints ffico the next year, atn icithi Euioep in a state of fattoeti, attd weree Still Sit. GIlotietti as Chtancellor ...


... comprehensiveness the Taxation of Ireland. He has described from a personal experience of many years the general course of Whig mal-administrmtion of Irish affairs; and in this pamphlet he tells with point and terseness, some times with eloquence, truths ...


... hoist with their own petare, than thel Bill was shelved. Reform was not only abandoned, but treated with contempt by the Whig occupants of the Treasury Bench; and the Minister who had once shed tears when forced by his colleagues to postpone his Bill ...


... Freodom brostdeoiing slowly dsins In a land of just altd old renowan, Of is settled Fa'ith and a stable Crown: For Tory or Whig or Rlalloial we, Gililstotiiie, Miighlite, whaeltever ire le, We ars all of tin thoroughly loyal, you see, Garibaldi! ...


... him. But what then? Xis be ta he Lord Palnoeraton's successor? TWe should think not. N7o Tory will' support him; not ohie old Whig feniywilfolw i. The Bouse of Ciommons, if at all constituted as it now. is, would not tolerate his want of! temper for a day ...


... highly. At present Mr. Bright and his friends ore supporting Lord Paluocrotol, not because they love the Whigs, but beustuse they lsate the Whigs less than they hate the Tories. They know the WVhigs oire squecezable. Thei know they love office fil nieore ...


... d Tory. Hoe an Crocker ran in couples as Secretory to the Admiralty and Secretary at War. They wrote together against the Whigs in the Neis ?? Guide. His separation from the Tories arose from personal pique against the Duke of Welhngtion in reference ...


... your projects pursue, And this noble Idea keep ever inview; Let but Nambers and Noise the ascendancy gain, And then both ~Whigs and Tories, on Sailsbury Plain, Will lie Down, down,-all of you down! lllackwood . ...


... or that for all purposes of knowledge yen won't come out of Ireland worse than you went into it. Under the title of A Great Whig Journalist, we have a scathing criticism on the career of Defoe; and apreopos of Col.Thompson's book on the ParagusyanWarwe ...