... astounds 'r'hi air is dense and wiltry; the plain heaves As With an earthlquake; to the coverts tiy The birds writh tremulous whig end piercing note, The stWed, ffriglted with averted ears And snorting nostril. leaps from side to side ?? w ildly, alid writh ...


... sent forth of .her having ex- pired that her Majesty recovered a warmth in her of breast and one of her arms. Dr. Mead, with whig 1 boldness, held out against the Jacobite physicians, 0 and predicted that the Queen would certainly die wer Ein one hour. ...


... amounted to 447 horses, 642 black cattle, 561 pigs, 149 sheep, 4 calves, and 4 goats. Total number of stock, 1,807.- Northeru Whig. CASTLEISLArea.-Our fair on Mouday was badly supplied, but quite sufficient for the demand. Spring. ers and milchers not worth ...


... ments on the diplomatic correspondence. However, in the year of reactions, 1849, it was not to be expected that either the Whig Government of Great Britain, or the Orleanist aned Fusionist Government of France, would protect Venice, or stand there between ...


... trains ought to attain-will certainly, cut out heavy work for the Volunteers, and perhaps enable the Zouaves to relieve the Whigs in Downing street. Captain Forbes's volume, which is sprinkled with Ice- landic stories and traditions, ?? De touna goot company ...


... iiestai~ahwnt wherewil be presentedt meOse, and whoUple.Isup b t.* l s tlver athest i~OfevntI I'w=1%ft ''Fj buyth~mk Or th.f Tto Whig stadinM g pqbeo ban album. :* Ii-mani t Mr.r mist. W.ur Sinwa ~~ Sts: roif'nauclm. fN4 d,lh Usmost~l Pat P~t5'of heuowe.(4yg ...


... marnl -eano for is-station, a Small'house in the country a o smaller in Polan readthbalteeenepsil for Queen Anne and the Whigs. - Little Mary was, b~orn in anl 1.700;'- and:-amoong -her early recollections wasi ant irruptionfa into the paternal Mansion ...


... begirn ing of thesea- DonI; Mtore pigs were in reqdest, At;81''upwards; slips 'may be quoted it 21e to 27s 6d each-l-urther. Whig. The 'price of Kossutht notes in Hungary has risen 40 to 60 per cent., and it is said that assigrnats of, the nominal value ...


... had taught himself to earn a modest livelihood as a surveyor, Mr Lincoln was elected to the Legislature, chosen, although a Whig, by a constituency chiefly democratic. All his leisure he was then devoting to an intense studv of the law. After his fourth ...


... unrelenting severity the vagaries and blunders of the Foreigns Secretary- the 'little itiatalsnudiag on the shouldere of the Whig aristocracy l-a iS believed by Liberals to be a great statesouain' the 'tan l hose reputatioi Mr. Disraeli once said was ...


... Referring to Austrian leanings itt the British Cabinet, lie says:- The're are those who say that the very similar behaviour of Whigs in office to Tories, as far as Austria is concerned, is determined by a force behind the Crown, unseen to the nation. The son ...


... help, Lords Rockingham, Devonshire, Newcastle, and Grafton were alienated from the Government and driven to organise a strong Whig opposition. When the Grenville Ministry succeeded that of Lord Bute, his influence was still predominant. Work- ing behind ...