... YESTERDAY. Before Messrs. J. Pondia, S. Bukitley, T. Lane, and J. Graham. ROGUE AND VAGABOND.-Laurence Greenivay (26), having no home or occupation, was charged with'.bemg concealed on the premises of the Old Gas Company, in Adderley Street. Three times on Tuesday evening the prisoner was turned off the premises, where he had con- cealed himself to sleep, and, finding that he would not go away ...


... BIRMINGHAM POLICE COURT, YESTERDAY. Before MAessrs. H. Manton, J. Poncia, and W. Aliddleenore. EXTORTING MONEY DURING THEc RIOTr3,-Two men, named Thomas Sward and Charles etaetiCe, were charged with assaulting and endeavourlng to extort money from hire, Jenninge, wife of Mr. Jennings, licensed victualler, Newtown Street. Deteotive-inspector Kelly said that on Monday, the 18th of June, when the ...


... BIMGEAM POLICE CORT.' YTSTBRDAY. Before Messrs. !k. O S. Kynnersley (fStipendriaryJ), T. Phkilips, S. Thornton, 0. Ratcliff, andf H. Wtgjin. AN ImrosTo.-A respeotably-dressed young woman, named l remayne, was charged with attompting to obtain money, by false representations, from the Rev. C. Marsden, Hagley Grove, flagley Road, Edgbaoton. A letter from the rev, gentleman, who was unable to ...


... COURT OY QUEEN'S BENOH-TUESDAY. AFTER TERM NISI PRIUS SITTINGS AT WBSTMINSTER- BEFOORE niRON LORD 0meIv JUSTICJ5 AND A SPECIAL JURY, BnROMNIN& V. TIVELLS.-Thfs was an action to recover possosrion of a freehold house, situato In Gloucester Street Queen Square, London,whioh the defendant, lr,TwelLs, haQ taken under the wilU of a Mles Esther Cook. It appeeaed that the defendant's father (Mr. P. D ...


... BIMIINGHAM POLICE UOURT. YESTERDAY, Bafore Arecssr. T. C. S. Kpnnersley (Stipensdiary), e. Sturge, S. 24ornion, J. D. Gooddman, and G. A. veritt. CHARGB OF FORGAY.-CAk4rle& Adams (2,8), Navigation Street grocar's assistant, was charged with absconding with several sums of money belonging to his employer, Mr. Jones, grocer, 15, Goodhall Street, Walhall, and also with btain~ing goods in his ...


... -B1r.MjJNGII,NU POLICE COURT. YESTERtDAY. C s . sture, ~1 . .1itttid, 2'. t'ox, and 1C . h C'ook.ser. MR I .G ossoi, A(.AIN.--JIM( Wmqup~) (;. 20/, LwlVey Strcet,.wtns chrllged, on a varrtiaitt wviths thlreateninig the life of ' tndly 5 hl e. ir. 'T ( Clleston prosecutod, an'd Ir. Cutler tiefellted. DIr. Chest'ol said the prisoler was well knolown to the Court and to thle public as One who, un ...


... YESTERDAY. Before Messrs. T. C. S. KY7pneraleY (Stipendiary), T. Phillips, E. Gsepfter, and C. Ratelkff, ALLEGED TssEs,'r OF A WA'TCF.-Clttrfes Eidcward Jacksone wvas charged with stealing a watch and chain, the property of James Budd, who lodges at the back of No. 10, Suffolk Street. Mr. Cheston appeared for the de- fence. Aceording to thi prosecutor's statement, he was in the house on ...


... YESTERDAY. Before jllcrsr'.r 2. Phillips, H. Wiyyigb, C. B. Cope, E. ' oithrcz', H. Mantone, and C o.tBalcfi FoWL ST.E.AiLtNOa.-GCorfgc Pritetcett (23), pocenot-book mnalcor, Suiffolk Street, was charged with being concerned with two other men0 who stand committed tor trial at the Sessions, ill stealing six fowls, the property of Mr. Jere- miah IlCarthiy, Kiugston Road. Early oin the morning ...

Throat Diseases.—Brown's Bronchial Troches, which have proved successful in America, for the cure of coughs, ..

... or any irritation or soreness of the throat, are now imported, and sold in this country at Is. l.Jd. per box,put up in the form of a*' lozenge, it the most convenient, pleasant, safe and sure remedy for clearing and strengthening the voice known the world. Children will find them beneficial in cases of whooping cough ; family should be without them. Some of the most eminent singers of the ...


... YESTERDAY. 2EFOnRR Mi. COXIMIS91ONE'R SANDERS. Re Scott llptoj elsi, Hantey, consnissorc ?? for last examination and dischargo, attended by. Mr. Grililn for tie Uasoig- neesr and Mr. J, Smith for the bankrupt. Mr. Griffin snid that previous to tiho last meeting In dhe matter, a latter tronm some one giving thie name of French, bal been received by the Registrar. In that letter grave charges ...


... YESTERDAY. BEFOREN Ml R. G. WGoELOD JUDGE. ACTION FOR HIRE OF A CAIn.-Whitall v. Slurry- The plaintiff, a cab proprietor, sued the defendant, a betting man, for 14s., the hire of a cab. Mr. Parry appeared for the defendant. The driver of the cab, a man named Taylor, said that on the 12th of February he agreed to talce the defendant to Sutton Races and back for t fare of 14s. The arrangement ...


... WARWICESHIRE SPRING ASSIZ ES. SATURDAY. CROWN COUR T,-BAcroRy M r. JUSOicR Sm IH, The Court opened at ten o'clock. CHARCrE Or RAPS AT G BENDON .-Charles Albrighton surrendered to his bal, indv was charged with having assaulted Emma, West, at Grendon, on the 2ad of Febra ary, with intent to commit a rape. Mr. D agdaleprose cured, and Mr. Waddy defended, The prosecatrix stated that about five ...