... ?? SATURDAY, JANUARY 24. BEFORE MR. ~rAFLEs. TAKING SPIRITUOUS LIQUORIA INTO THE Bonouon GAOL.-A girl named Susannah Trefascos was brought up in custody charged with taking a quantity of whisky into the Borough Gaol at Walton, contrary to the act of Parliament. It appeared that on the previous day the prisoner went to the gaol for the purpose of visiting her father, who is a debtor confined ...


... I BEFORE UR. COMMISSIONER PERRY. IN RE EDWARD WILLIAMS.-This was an adjourned application of the bankrupt, who described himself as an accountant and agent in Liverpool, for an order of discharge. Mr. M'Oubrey, instructed by Ar. Robert Anderson, appeared on his behalf, and Mr. Conway, in- structed by Mr. ldward Banner, for the assirnees. The bankrupt passed his last examination osi the 31st ...


... I FRI-DAY, JANUARY 16. BFFORE SCISSRS. CASTELLAIN AND SITH. THE Co SsxURROPAs OF WF&ER7Ne CRIN6LIXH.-. Richard Woods, a lad apparently about 18 or 19 years of age, was brought before the court under the following circumstances :-About a quarter to two o'clock this morning Police-officer, Skuce (No. 249) was on duty in Christian-street, when. he no. ticed a person whom he took to be a wroman ...


... I SATURDAY, JANUARY 31. BEFORE MESSRS. J. B. JtFFERY iAND W. PRESTON. CHARGE OF BREAKING INTO WAREHOUSES.- Patrick M'Grath, James M'Creave, John Martin, all young fellows, and Ellen Meran, were charged with breaking into the warehouse of Messrs. Joseph Donnel and Co., No. 1, Rainford-s uare, Temple- court, and the warehouse of Mr. James D. M'Murtrie, No. 6, Plumb-street, Highfield-street, and ...


... I CORONEWS INQUESTS. I BFrORU M. P. P. OURRYT. 011 the idy of Thoma Fogg asplaste ,22 yea Of age, 'who resided In 24, LontelAreaet, The de4 ceased was In the employ of Mr. B. W. Carter, of 61, Peter-street, The deceas~ed, In company with his emploqer, went to examicelathe Ifles of thb chimney at. No. 7, Daulby-street. they boah went on the roof, and whil the dscehsed wa stana ID8 creet on the ...


... MURDER IN SAIFORD. On Sunday night a watchman in the employ of the Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway Company, whilst on his rounds in the vicinity of the New Bailey Prison, heard groanesproceeding from a lonely spot on the banks of the River IrwelL Shortly afterwards hewentwith anotherwatchman towards the spot, and on the steps in front of the works of Messrs. Lowry and Company, machinists, ...


... HAUMTON V. THE WEST DEBBY LoCAL BOARD. -The consideration of this case was resumed in the county magistrates' court, on Saturday, before Messrs. Charles Turnei, M.P., J. Bibby, and J. H. Macrae. It was an adjourned hearing of an information by Mr. J. F. Hamilton, who com- plained that the West Derby Local Board, as the surveyors of highways in their district, had neglected to keep in proper ...


... I TUESDAY, NOVEMBERR 22. i5FO'ORE BR. RAFFLES. ASSAULTING THIE POLICE.-Two labourers named JTares and John Welsh were charged with being drunk and asaaulting police-officer No. 7,05. It appearedi that on Monday night the prisoners were creating a disturb- ance in Hanover-street, when the complainant requested them to go quietly home. James Welsh then made a rush at No. 705, struck him upon ...


... *LIVEPOO POL.IJ COURT. I FRIDAY,, RED. 11,. EXORH- Nis.R55L CUAROEQPFSTcALINO A Dg~nessoWOMIAN8OLIOTU8S. o-Two elderiy-ieorĀ±el, skirted' COtherfna~ Cochrank and jlizabeth Farrell,,who resde in. liuensin Lower Fre- derifk-stteet,'Were qtharged with stea~ling a Coqalderable .proyeevty lately 'ogn da io ae Mary Gloodwxi. 'The' dM -waa not ut before the court io the moa inellgibe mnne posibe.So ...


... THE BALBRIGGAN MURDEM. The trial of Richard Murphy on the obarge of o having murdered his two sisters at Hollywood. near Balbriggan. on the 10th of October jut. * concluded yesterday in the Commission Court, Dublin. Mr. Walsh stated the cae for the Crown, lHe gave the following history of the dreadful ;a tragedy:-The prisoner had lived for some some 1,at a place called Halfpenny-hill, near ...


... j -1XVMPOaOL POLICE COURT. II J i TU.BSDAY, MARCH-14. Dinin IN'TalE Conoffica's COURT.-A nman named la;Richard Woods was' Oharged~wIth being drunk and dlzerdsrly,-In the coroners opurt on ionday. whilt, At ttending an inquest on the bed of his intent chihd. iiaoldentally. Acgcatod in bed. Jr, defenco he said he once had a&faM end hdlibiths'lhead, amid a little drin-k Lugreatlyaffeotedhimn. He ...


... e1a:LLEGED DEATH FROM Y IOLENCE. VERDICT OF MANSLAUGHTER. Yesterday, Mr. Wybergh, deputi coroner, held an inquest on the body of Jane, the wife of William Alexander, a ship carp enter, whoresided at No. 9, Albert-t orace, Rathbone-street. Alex- ander is now in custody oharged with having caused the death of his wife by violence, Mr. Cobb being in attendance to watch the cave on his behalf. The ...