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... W ANTED, a TEACHER, competent to insJtruA, W BOY i; the usu8d branchbe of an Englisb Edrft. tiOD. aia-y, £40 p.r ainan, and a Hepldp,,ft , Apply by ltter prepaid to Mr CHARLES J 3KAppletou, Skirlaugh. YOUNG LADY wiehes for . ljZ-ENGAGE- A M.SlNT. She in cowpetentt ,rIVAC ENGLISH, FARYOl cnmki;1, and MUSIC, nhJ jlba kad aeven yeare' exptrienoe.-Addrns.' 'M ?? .tel ttfice, Hull TEIE REV'. J-.. ...

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... POST r 1=4 i IX STA M PS. SEALED ENDS TP y LV E STAMPS. C~tJFFl,'RERS FRtOM DEBILITY and those who kJ by indiscretion in early life or other causes are prevented irons entering the marriage state, or done so find themselves in- eny way it- ^ vng I the due fufilm~ent of ito duties ?? Competent to the New bdition of'the I , u t ?? ad I DX. DE; ROOS, ?? no9I l Ald tl;b subjects- ..,N)WbX ...

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... SHIPPING, &c, ,TXHULL TO EDINBURGH AND 'txtJ.. LEITH, X Whence there are daily Conveyances toK h .Glasgow, Stirling, Perth, Aberdeen, the Lochs, and to all Places on the East and West of Scotland, the Screw Steamers E ?? Captain THOMSON. XV kRSAW . ?? Captain J. GARDNER. (or other Steamer), wil be despatched as undernoted hvw~tber xvitherst. pilots, and with liberty to tow and assist vessels ...

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... MONEY. £ 21,000, £700 and' several smaller i29000 9 sums between £200 and £500, are ?? ly to advance on good Mortgage Securities on application to Mr. GEORGE KENYON, Solicitor, T'horne and Doncaster. Thorne l 21st sty 1867a. 7 (115) SITUATIONS VAcJa&T. anED ~ experienced Clergyman, for a Sole Yorksh inirrual arish of the West Raiding YorkhBrE LThe stipend offered is £75 a year, with surplice ...

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... THE TU L L P A C K -E T is PUBLISUED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, t~lstamped, TwoPENCE. I Stamped, TnREPRPEieE, UNSTAXPED 'STAMPED.> 2d. I3d. p3AL-YE'AR (CREDIT) I s. 4d. 6s. 66d. DITTrO (IN ADVANCE) 4.4d s.(. TO ADVERTISERS. The Scale for Short .Prelyaid Advertiaements will be as follows. From the country, Postage Stamps car be sent as cash. An Advertisement of 8 words ?? d. 16 ,. ?? Od. 26 ?? ...

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... OLOGIOAL GARDENS, L IVERFOOL. ?? ZOOWOWAL GARDE. COMPANY E)), ?? to Act of Parxiarneat, 6 acd 7 Vict. DAYS EVEEY DAY DURINQ TEE WEEIC Z(EXCEPT SATURDAY. GREATSUccdEs 01F THE ND XEW CO'AII PANTOMIME, with splendid Now Dresses, &CD., entitled THE SCULPTOR'S DRSAM, HBLEQUIN AND THE MAGIC TALISMAN. w Scenery by . Jons ORANVnIcOD The whole under the dlreoln of llr. Jon LAunm. .u ?? ?? Mr. John ...

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... v- 'noiw the' ?? Kieler.. .JOB RW YOmK oad ' in WI ock. 'hospdPh-olam Amerlean 519o 0$1A.L TI 0, A. IL ZMMA. ame Idppew~aaed. baullt bp Mr. a~ ehi S ie ou old. and as aoomdaln al yto *stemal4% ?? T!AYIjOB A 00. - . 03 N=W YOPlU STAR IN ow PAKtM. . g6 ot'eh 0.-h g I WaWeilo01o k Ths splettm flwtdelaaslre yiwk builb Ship UDBDRW-P-lATP- MU on 2edon K am2her %n 5ihmind cloatbe IhAPAL,, NOTION TO ...

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... ~~~T~3,nact, Y)INO A ouo el5 Jodoe, Ii? Icadaso ~ A Maush, ScoilanNERSscsd ANTE~~plyatll3. 15310 0strtst. ?? 14~~ wth I e~orea~ ~ ~O~5. myl4 -A WItuien, 1 M ?? toh foheto ni WAN0Tl D.A 500WNTEad. a FOREMAN I j7A~i~D. aalever 1ALESguieaN.-ppert Ernm.Apy. ~vWrorut. to I11'i0 Hi cotpandy od, Lvrol,9~ _;rat Geore-steef 'D VOITA unfestandsr ShtipsAplyt Mr. I m5r1 chemast m euggoatseet ! 9uHr y ...

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... NOTICE TO ADVERTI41RS. The Publio 'are respeotfully in'forroed that the C-ARGE for -INSERTION in the DAILY MERCURY of 'somall P.RE- 'PAID ADVERTISEMENTS referiring to Situations, Houses, and Persona Wanted, Property to be Sold or Let, Apartments, and all the MisIcellaneoius Wants of the' Comicimunity, -is SIXPEj\7Cg ; that the charge for' THREE INSERTIONS is ONE SEILLING-for SIX IN- SERTIONS ...

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... SATURDAY EVENING CONCERTS, J WNCER HALI4 LORD NELS0GN4?R=I BIXTEENTH SEASON. opi SATIfDAY EVEN[SG NEXT. T1ns 2Sm INSTANT, G ORAND FESTIVAL CONCERT Of Vocal and Instrumental SCOTCH M IUSIC, BY IMR. JULIAN ADAMS A celebr~aed original Caledonlan Band and ?? ?? accompanled by the fiablanders MISS FLORA MCDONALD AND MR. MILNE. ~nign- Icd. 3d-- SideGalleries d.rerved Seats. U. TO ooininaeioe at ...

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... TwEn LIY0EOL AND GLASGOW. _ ne e 1d by nnoruo too rance1 the uidernac0e e seamers are Intended to tail or wlthout _5otb -etween LIYSReTOOL and 0u Ader :- . IIW A1SHII'S. sHXo. . rneus new stveam iMS!1-IC. BBYOJ. MARCH. ~ MAN. HERlBON TnrdyU 5tHP~ Ar. n HARRIER .Monday. 96, at In DnV ?? t % wadst Ux rAJ ?? wonIr~ HERON ?? T 2, a HA&RRIXR ?? 8 iE Goods fat ehpwt ?? or Ure~oo muos ba1t dde the ' ...


... [BY ELECTKJC AND MAGNETIC TELEGRAPHS ] HOUSE OF COMMONS. WEDNE3DAY, FEBRUARY 13. The Speaker txk the chair at two o'clock. NEW MEMBER. Mr. took his seat for Bradford. CHURCH RATES. the mot'on of Mr. Bkistow, a return, showing the number bills relating to churoh rates introduced into both Houses of Parliament daring the last 20 years, with the names of the persons introduced them, was ordered. ...