Advertisements & Notices

... WItl be Ie~patnh'd lImmedieitwti, FGSW YOUE Tha.,plendid tlret-claaetcrow Steamshlap s 2 * K H ERASIIN N Tlll, . lf ilLtorde; 1278 tonD recitotr. il'hiX oagnii veneo vreeni ortc te to obippnst of cotton, &h.o a mn datdasirable =pyortunntv. .dh ?? one of the beet and ?? screw? ?? atit~e^t-* For terreseofir eight, or cabin p'Amage. having R Bs socombn lw 3tB,8\J& 21 Waterhereet, Iverpool- and 1 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ubitc $nztemutlte, SATUDAY EVENING CONCERTS. CONCET HALL, LORD NELSON.SnTRj. KIORHTENTE SEASON. TOMOpAPOW (SATURDAY) EVENING, JANUARY 25M MR. B. A. RAMSDEN Will give his New Entertainment, under the tile of MUSICAL KEYSTONES; AMeonaor~loguO, consisting of dsrsive Observations on M;xdtpie Hi~ttde by lloeries tio Reserved Satu I ?? CALDR OD Secretary SnLTHE OLLWING SONGSM- *@goihere's ...


... Commander William!*, R.N., who was the mall agent oa hoard the royal nail steamer Trent when she was st -pi by the Federal war San Jacinto. and Slidell and Mason, Confederate commissioners, takoa from her, is member of the Royal Yacht Club, tfe members of which entertained Mr. Wiliami at dinner, at Pljmouth, responding to the toast of his health, the guest v ening said— The New York papers ...


... Official Appointment. Mr. Alexander Graham Due lop has been appointed First Viceconsul at Constantinople. Fssays and Reviews.—The arguments in the case cf the Bishop of S lisbury the Rev. Dr. Williams were continued Saturday. The further hearing the case will be resumed on January 7th.f The British Despatch to the Federal Government.—lt is stated that Lord Lyons was directed to communicate ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VOI[CE TO ADVEEjTI8R Dhe P'sblio tare peniy Iftiryned that the exfo TrLIMA}tJO Ino tbo DAILY wrovlilllotsmallt PUIBA0AID ADVERo11jjH. VtJIOTS refe-nug to Situabionr, Hou~aj~, and ?? W=Wte, Property I) be Sold or Let A, n rornotend all the -Msollimieoti o 17srits?, aCO nrAaclti, Is SWXINOB; Mt~h the ahz- or Tf1E1ER INSERTIONt1 to ON£ EEmibLIN_ foir SIX INTSER.TIONS (or wa eoothw) week) 0ONE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... O' WS X\LRS TFFEATRE, pL RI yToN 0JQUyAt.E. IlVERPOoL. lrx;t, 14E?DEI N. 1AT FIVE NI(GtHTS OF THE XELAON ?? NIO.BT BlUIT r `70,F THlE BURLMliQUE 0I T~l9I- ITlJP:SDAY) EVENING, SEPP. 16, pefraco,71ii comemeonre with a Comedy, ia one Art, f~eecwltcttr~ce t ertitlred THE GOV.ERNOR'S WIFE Shr U((ov'Y'iomesaco u).Mr. W.Glaicerey' rly rigges (with Bonol., .. I. M ?? .. MiU't t larry Nelson. mlhw1f w ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -- tr N ) dt¢ Ilsid*onPost-omfo, W.oltou. 9so A TO PURCHASE for - GE iD AMEN'S LEFT-OPT CLOTArS. pesnlyor by letter, to L Gentlemen wated juch , bo ford-street. 10A IVeb 9 .~0ntlmel crsbe acoomneodated with neatly. ,~~~l~a~A~tLV~ad BEDROOM at I-o. 7, Clyde- I I~lnr. tland~terrnEverton. terms moderate. - TO BE LET, a DRAWING ?? r0~enmodoratterms. Family respect- ?? leger Hihly satisfactory ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SHIIRPMSI mnd IASSENGERS werlpetfulyinforro Uaat an and after flatlirday, Igts May. thle BIIITIIIH WNW ITORTlV AXI1OR1PA ROYAL MAIL COMPANY intends to depatebt firtk-clas full-posered. fiast Car-go Steamners fronA T1,lerpool to New York over alternate Saturday, with liberty tocel t n rihIot; ain I conetlon with the Corn- wsny'a Mal Steamers) a weekly salling for New York, anti Freigt ...

Advertisements & Notices

... an aetkre ASMiTANT In ih Grosery W =a -n AD rb to B Jones, 210, Grea H astreef, sscn~tFFICEBOY. BIrMocmec 3 e W ;,k=-Addrms a l4 M erury-o @o0. a zTR8 and STRAW BON!IT TRINM a n. . , at Bvana's, London-road. ?? good MflITNERP,-Applye to &5 Bodstreet. . ~lAflTBD. as~ d FOREMAN SAKERI-Agply to N. v-street, Windsor. 9pmyl WAJNTED, a PE:R8ON who is experienced in finishin Phzotographs in Bepl. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1F HtNCOCK, Jeweller and Silver- e 0 smito the Queen Iod IELH. 3he Drince Of t, begs respectfull to invite the nobi and his name- was5 vatrone to Inapect so100 v. 15 1 uhlque 5IIVWBOXES psby p -1mi th; sale WORDI,1Y AND CO., 56, jORDSTRBT, LVERPOLI Brn ?? ceebotedt colleetion in Pars; lo h ue lIY adIAMND pBARbm~TO tOdK, tbchO Ooipor Belan of Dondon. ?? ?? Work- Awardod tono. be ?? Tlz M1}NyS ...


... «• ha« n-^b, down ofcrt driven by Cornoltns thaempley Eotwrt waa intoxicated at the tine. 11* was Wfsaaaaft- - - the body of P.triok Geary,-3C m, *f who «M carpenter the tha V^.r. the Northern Hospital, where died WednwcUy, erysipelas having set in. Verdict, the body Robert Boardman, Infant eon Boardman, 108, liaigb-swet, Kvertoo About lire o'clock on Thursday the mother gave Urn the be—lt, ...


... Liverpool gALVS LEX SUPREMA. In House Lords, last evening, Lord Wodehouse stated that the of Monaco had told the villages of and Roqnebrune to France for 4,000,000 franca, or £166,000. tho Home of Commons, last evening, Lord John Kussell entered into explanation of the under which Mentone and Roquebrune were sold to Franoe by the Prinoe of Monaco. He alio stated that the indemnity to bo paid ...