... FIINANCIAL SUMMARY OF THE EXHI- BITION. I Though The International Exhibition has not yet d run its allotted c ourse, but is destinedl to drag b throu.-h a fog ?? season, for the benefit of ~I\Iesrs. -elk and Lucas, a point has ar- riveci at which ve muay fairly enlarge those weekly t financial accounlts which we have constantly placed tl before our readers, and present a more detailed ...


... I THE INTERNATIONAL EXHIBT.ION. I Just seventeen days, shilling and half-croa'n, still remain for seeing the great International Exhi- bition, and as yet there are but very moderate symnp- toms of a revival in the public curiosity. The weather shows symptoms of breaking up, the days grow short and dark, and the end approaches. Nevertheless the daily attendances compare very badly with the ...


... A Lady's Visit to Manila and Japan. By AXI D'A. London: EHurst and Blackett. We have had several men's books upon Japan and the Philippine Islands. They have embraced the more material aspects of the two countries, and given the broad outlines of their government and municipal institutions. Here is a lady's book that gives colour to the masculine chiar'oscuro, aud.fills up with a thousand ...


... LITERAT URE. History of England from the Fall of WrolsY to tile Death of Elizabeth. By JAMS ANTHONY FROVtD, M.A. Reign of Elizabeth, vols. land 2. Losgnan- The first ten years of Elizabeth's rule have been accounted peculiarly fortunate in their freedom from domestic disturbance. It was not to be expected that the religious revolution with which her reign was identified could be carried out ...


... 1 (FROM oun SPECIAL coaRssPONDENTi.) ar Sweet are the results which are already promised by exhibitors at the coming of the Exhibition. In 5( my last I spoke of an American's mechanical horse 01 but here is something nore wonderful still, viz., a ha mechanical concierge! A second domestic comfort e3 iifto * given to the Parisians next year in ?? shape of a window that will shut by means of a' ...


... I MUSIC AND DAY07NOL LICENSES. l At the quarter sessions held at Kingston-on- Thaumes on Thursday, then magistrates proceeded to hear applications for renewals of licenses for music and dancing, and fresh applications for licenses of that description. The magistrates present were :-Mlajor Penhryn (chair- man), Messrs. Adams, Darmer, and Hardrntn, Captain Mackinnon, ILP., Sir W. Parker, &c. ...


... r S, , FIEry ART ?? ., _ _ * i, T:.t , . X . . . A, I ,NEWl PIO!URES 4T ,TE, ORYST4L,, PALA The large picture gallery of the Palace, which hia for some Yea po t been oea Ot the mot agreeable attractions for the host of pleasure Ieeirker of the metro. Ipoli eand the provinces, has juat received an. importast addition in e a very choice private collection of tmodern Pictures, most of whiqh, ar ...


... Mexico, Ancientfnd Modems. By mldnui a-of Amm. Translated under the Author's ?? intendence by TnoAS ALPrssa 2 vols. Lo- don: a ohu Maxwell and Co.B Whatever may be the faults of Juarez, he un- M questionably represents that innate popular senti- Me mont which in Mexico, as in every other country. H, survives all changes of government, underlies all -TI temporary enthusiasm, and grows with the ...


... I L121RATU . I The Slave Pasver: its Character, Career, and Probable Deisignis. By J. E. CAIRiNES, M.A., Professor of Jurisprudtence and Political Economy in Queen's College, Gaiway. Second Edition, much enlarged, and with a uew Preface. 1863. Professor Cairnes's book is, beyond all question, the most valuiable contribution to the political history and morality of our time that has been called ...


... . i music, - i , . I PHILRARXIONIO APPIETY.. The Philharmonic concert of last nigt, thf ?? te ?? announSOed, in conformity with the fashbn of the day, as being in counexion with the tbrcen- ?? ana~lverry ot the birth of Shake, The pro. gamme Was as follows: PART L Overturq, Corlolanus ?? Beethoven. Cazouet, -he Iever told her love, Mrm. Lockey (Twelfth Night) .H. Haydn. Concerto Uloln ...


... LITBlETUM. Of Australasian oa r nd tir Iiuenc in the n Preeto and Arrt of -Pun o0WutV am tior. By S. DouoaN BID, M.D., LR O.P h, ha Physician to the Benevolent Asylum, Melbourne. th London: Lougman and o., 188 Pp. 188 V With two illustrations n ?? adT two on woqd bi A ve7r few years ago-itbin the memory, a indeed, of such as still pride themselves upOI1 heir youth-the mention of Australia ...


... EITERATURB. A Briefevietv of Ten Years' Missionart' Labour in Itulia, between 1852 and 1861, prepared from i Local Reports and Orkjinal Letters. By JOSEH W. MULLENS D. D., Missionary of the London Mis- 1D1i sionary SocIoty in caleutta. London I Jamvu d Nisbet and This is an important volume, rising in corn- prehensivepess and philosophy far above the Bo narrow spirit of sect, and taking ...