... ead Farmer's Scrap Book; being a Collection of Poems, Gongs, Scralps, ?? Third Edition, Enlarged and Revised. London: V. MACINTOSH, 24, Paternoster-row. Derby: 3161MROSE anl SoNs, Iron-gate and Market-place. Mr. Farmer is nostranger to the critics, so an ample portion as his preface is devoted to their mollification. He has, how- vioer, no reason to fear the infliction which lhe seems to dread ...


... LITERATU RE Daventport Duan. By CHAS. LEvrm. London: CHAarMAN and HALL, 193, Piccadilly. It has been rather hypercritically said that a duel, an elope- ment, and a fight make up a novel by Lever. We demur to the characteristics of his racy stories being so unceremoniously dismissed. Out of gratitude to the creator of Mickey Fee, Kerry O'Leary, Kate O'Donoghue, and twenty more inimit- able ...


... DERBY'HIRE AGRICULTURAL AND HORTICULTURAL SHOW. ?? GRACE TTI D DCI;E or D EV1ONSHIRIE, . GG. Chairman of Comm itec-JotteN IITCHMAN, Esq., M.D., M ickleov r. DCeputytChairman-oln JOii FAULKNER, Esqr, Bretby. On Wednesday last the ninth annual exhibition of the Derby and Derbyshire Agricultural and Horticul- I tural Society took place in the New Cattle Market andt Recreation Ground. Special ...


... mnx. . TDOMAS AT=i SHARLES JAMES FoD RrrA(MP v W.-x How CHARLES JAMES FOX BECAMIE A REFosmra.-Fox sI bad displayed no-particular talent so long as he was in the n ministerial ranks. He appeared quite satisfied to receive his tj salary. and to squander that and a great deal more in p gambling 'but no sooner did his father, Lord Holland, set g him at ease by paying off his debts, the amount of ...


... | .. _ .I . , ^ .. - - L 2 . The annual general meeting of the members of this im- portant institution was held at the Museum on Friday last. The report of the committee for the past year having been read by the Secretary, Mr. Jewitt, It was resolved, on the motion of Sir Henry S. Wilmot, Bart., seconded by Mr. Longdon, that the same be received and adopted. The treasurer's balance-sheet of ...


... poELRY. KATE. ilir of auburn, peachen cheek, Voice that tinkled silv'ry laughter, lips of coral, eyes t eat apekt. Big and glorictli with hereafer. Mierry footsteps pawkie way, Tongue that ovned the jlft of lealling, Heart ihat held the tenderest away, Conqucrinlg by it. kindly dealing. Clown to ghilhood, passins years Yield a beaudy mlore tian burnan Summfler ?? winter aeres, Girlhood opcns ...


... I te LITTLEOVER. In this village a public subscription was entered into, and AS1a dinnerof beef and mutton was supplied to all the men (about 90 in number), a quart of ale being also given to each. Tea was given to the women, who enjoyed it in small parties. Refreshments were also provided for the children, who will to long remember the happy event which they celebrated. CHADDESDEN. he This ...


... *&& D will enable us to make our list more complete, and wM be ofinterestto ourroaders, if publishers, when forward- fgekls for review, will state their price BOO1 S, &I., RECEIVED DURING THE MONTH!. Talex and Sketohes. Nimmo. S. John Wesley in company with High Churchmen. Chureb Pres Cempany. 4& ?.tter Parley's Annual. Ben George. Ss. The Christmas Rookseller. Is. Considerations upon the ...


... POETiRY. THE DAISY. When first the teeming world was rife With beauty, plenty. light, and life d When Nature's Godhead, great and wise, Had look'd upon the earth and skies, And saw all good that He had done. - From glow-worm's spark to rolling sun; 'When every tribe, and every race, Seem'd well contented with their place; One little voice alone was heard To utter a complaining word. ...


... WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1864. AGRICULTURAL DISCUSSIONS AND EX- I HIBITIONS. 1___ ._i_ _ _ 1 ?? As _ e -- - I ' We are pleased to observe that the Derbyshire of Agricultural Society has not sunk into inglorious re- D pose after its very successful and gratifying exhibition an of stock in September. A very animated discussion o on 1Autumnal Cultivation took place at the Town afl Hall on Friday ...


... USIDOoN HALL.-Haddon is old English feudalism ediffeed. O! It represents the rough grandeur, hospitality, wassail, and rude romance of the English nobility five hundred years ago. Ilt was all in its glory dbout the time when Thoma P5.ece the Magnificent uged to entertain great companies of beltedg knights of the realm in a manner that exceeded regal munifi. g cence in those days-even directing ...


... BOOKS, &c,, RECEIVED DURING THE MONTH. Tb&ArtJournal. Virtue Christian Treasury. Groom- Dhaxwood'a Magazine. Black- bridge and Sons weed and Sons The Children's Hour. Ibid ;eaGrdener. Ibid * The Household. Ibid teselfan's Magazine. Mac- The Floral World, Ibid Millar and Co. The Intellectual Observer. Ibid agnhwd and Her Subject Races. Christian Society. Ibid ibd Merry and Wise. Jacksons, Wal- ...