... BOOXS, &c., RECEIVED DURING THE MONTH. 51b A Journal. Virtue Churchman's Magazine. liogg Mao3tweed's Magazine. Black- Christian Treasury. Groon. aood sad Sonn bridge and Sons NZa111a' Magazine. Mae- I The Children's Hour. Ibid sso and Co. The Household. Ibid Uo1sm and Her Sublect Races. The Floral World. Ibid ?? Intellectual Observer. Ibid Q vb spzine. SmlthElder The ChristIan Magazine. IbId ...


... PICKINGS FROM PUNCH, EXIT ROMBAT.INn' be EXIT BOMBALINOl The Earthquake growls beneath his feet, Vesuvius banks her fires, o'erhead, Bewildered gbirr' through the street Slink with a tamned and timorous tread. r. The ptiest holds up his trembling hands, In vain to sainted Januarius; The Despot's hungry hireling bands ?? to deem their pay precarious. Armed Retribution pours its force id From ...


... MIDSUMMER. Past many a shady nook, The babbling meadow brook, 'Wxt grass grown banks with feathery fern abounding, Glides on lis devious way Through all the livelogn day . While fields and woods with summer songs are soundlng. The deep creek, winding, flows By shelving showers where grows Toe silvery willow marked with sun and shadow, And In Its glassy wave The cattle come to lave TheIr ...


... AhALL. T Through the enterprise of Messs. 3Bemrose and Sons, we l had the privilege of listening, on Tuesday, to music of the l. highest class played by a trio of musicians who stand in the he e very first rank. We only need to say that Herr Joachim, ch i Signor Piatti, and Mr. Charles Halle played as they alone sei i can play, to satisfy all musicians that a musical feast of the mi le highest ...


... se The exhibition at the CQorn Exchange, whlch closed on to n Wednesday evening last, after a very successful though brief un career, has, we imagine, fulfilled to the utmost extent the yo * anticipations of its chief promoters; the Revs. J. E. Clarke and PI e A. Olivier. As this exhibition was projected and carried out de Su whwith a view to augment the funds of two new churches at co g ...


... I This great annual mart for the sale of cattle for Christmas consumption was held in the Smithfield Miarret; Derby, yesterday (Tuesday), when a large collection of fat stock of all hinds was penned. The number of cattle shown did not greatly, if at all, exceed that of former Christmas fairs, and the supply was not more than equal to the demand, so that prices ruled high. Complaintswero heard ...


... Me Reliquary. No. XIV.,October. London: JoHN Rus- t!LL SMIITH, 36, Soho.square. Derby: BxEaaosE and SONS, Iron-gate. This local quarterly opens with an elaborate notice of a Carooch of penannular form found in Derbyshire, written by Tbe editor, who gives us also very nicely executed engravings of this specimen and of others. The paper is rather remark- able for its display of research and ...


... Liactnillant s Magazine. No. XLIV., June. London: MACMILLAN and Co., 23, Henrietta-street,Covent-garden. The best paper in the Cambridge monthly is the conversa- fion upon furniture, an interesting discussion between a rich country gentleman, a clergyman, an artist, and a London merchant. The artist argues in favour of a combination of blue and green thus cleverly:- If Nlrs. Plunipton dislikes ...


... LITIRATURE. 27e Art-Journcl. No. Xii., New Series, December. Lon- don: JAMES S. VIRTUE, 26, Ivy-lane. The Art-Journal brings with it this month one of the most charming engravings we have ever seen. It is a beautiful reproduction of Miaclise's Origin of the Harp, the poetical illustration of the following pretty lines by Moore:- 'Tis believed that this Harp, which I wake now for thee, Was a ...


... LIT E RATURE. It wvill erisblo us to make our list more complete, and Ys will be of ilnterest to ou reoadors, if publishers, when forward- i ing books for reviow, will stato their price. h BOOKS, &c., RECEIVED DURING THE MIONTH. r( Tho Sewris (ses of Londoa. Stanley, Rivers, and Co. 7s. d. b The rgrim and the Shrine. Tinsley Brother. 78. Gd. a Legenid. of tI Nor th of Scotland. Nimmo. 5s. ti ...


... BOOKS, &C., RECEIVED DURING THlE MONTH. 8iluel Peter Parley's Annual. Ben George. Ss. dow TheArtJournal. Vilutue. 2s.Cd. By SaInt Pauls. Ibid. I& for li Knows Hle was Right. Ibid. 6d. tion Rlackwood's Magazine. Black wood and Sons. 2s. 6d. the The Gardener. Ibid. Gd. the The Magazine. Smith, Elder, and Co. Is. plS Cassell's Child's Bible. Gd. one MngazIne. Gd. she] Shakespeare. 6d. ...


... THE COURT. LONDON, FRIDAY.-Her Majesty the Queen held a levee in St. James's Palace yesterday afternoon. Her ?? and Lth P'ince Consort,atteiided by the ladsies and gentlemen in waiting, arrived from Buck- inghamn Palace at two o'clock escocted by a detneh- ment of Life Guards, and were received by tile great officers of State. The Duke of Ccubri'16e was pre- sent at the levee. The Queen and ...