... 0-noert Hall—TlmrtoiiV En . rtatannat. ~ vjueen's Hall, 11. u-«reet - Se«e«jr •' Art. Exhibition Paintings. Mayer's Egyptian dally and third Maadsy the Royal Institution Ma^uia, (first and third Monday *h* m»nth fro*). ton Hall-The Carpenter Family. Handler's Cirqne Tarttrt-Eqatetrtan Pantomime and other , . (MoaMtn- joj'ttlar Dr»m%*nd ChriatmM Putotnix'f. j AiMphlth—tW ChrUtmM Pantoinlaia. . ...


... London, Saturday ArrmNoos. The business transactions effected to-day in the public markets wire the most limited And restricted character, quite insufficient to effect any material change in prloes. The demand for money has been steady at full rates, and being the quotations for loans the stock market on the best securities. The state of American affWn regarded the main cau-e of the prevailing ...


... Mayer'a Egyptian Museum, - Open dally (first and third Monday ia the month free). Royal Institution Museum, Oolqultt-street -Open daily (first and third Monday in the mtnth free). Parisian Gallery Anatomy, Paradise-street, Zoological Gardens, West Derby-road. Royal Amphitheatre—The Child of the Regiment. Royal Colosseum—The Drama of The Tiger Slayer. Clayton Hall—Rumsev and Newoomb's ...


... TO THE COMMERCIAL AND MANUFACTURING CLASSES LANCASHIRE, &C. Gentlemen, —Were 1 disposed so to do, I eight put cases s ar.ce bearing upon the pnsent anomalous position England towards America, but I consider thoce already placed before you be sufficient to meet the question sc ...


... \\ hat Mr. Tyrcr's claims for ro-cloction, as put forth by himself in his address just issued to the electors? lie says in effect that having represented the ward for years it would unbecoming in him to promise anything for the future; that by the past quite willing to be judged; that he is satisfied to leave the verdict their hands; that he is proud of the increasing commerce the town, and ...


... f Fro.n the Londm Guueite Friday, September 27 Tntioa. J. F. Vivos aud L. Lerisou. Birmingham nier? aatS 8- c ' olin. w. R. ro:kttt, and w. white. Liverpool, rteamtHK owners. O. J. UfOJ? Bury, Lauoaidiire. lau I surveyors W. 11. bean and M lJurhatu. worsted H >V. lvM-rt ttroet, ad load ironmonger' W fyke* tew., W. ttykes . Heokinoodwiko. York'h ra. carpet »!iura:turerH icturing ••hcuiut*. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T VERPOOL ARMS HOTEL, LA ?? 'I ThiM ancient Easbbllbehmet balin uandergonse exteririve- inakct the White LI1n .Ion, Dientaif. etise jlto- laomS' ?? n the ?? ,ba fe~roalyt b has gF ayuR on tie above 1fetabi ihment. where hi opee. witt due carsnd attvatiton to the comtforte of hi cnsome,A B- f Onnba=~l iy between ?? 11 matsons of Bonger end Belial Bridge. l4fenvb 3 H & B NWIWCI~ HOTEL, ?? ev ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Vl16 parformed with moceelntaa 1n wl make thafbts eraclbl a O .ompany * It e ' S : - 'be W01 IR1 * .i .:yeo London Xii .1.0. Djtsfl1 -rn ?? ilo I l tra $b Ij ,B4BY: - ; rj $ - testridl ~ iand K eteF Mi DAi , , 1 .tr~lD 4S'JB~leR'aelM 'nN0 Mn8I-I, Puus 1'S Tm MDAW, wI be pejlr;*d thi t,,, D YOU 11M1DlGi 0'e lib.r.- I o t,., Ira1 p V M: - AVOA 'NaVAr : : JVJDA-NDs.: . ,,si .. .1pf T 1H'3 ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... : f: ?? *- ~~ - HI bAY - Tniebc). the 2tch Inst, at Halt-%A One o'cl - -. ?? 1 J~~ a96cm Se sl ourK :io i . 195k. abA1rFttIt, a nd~ B .OO, } lO , su8da. & oS It1>1 00,. B2k1 ts Day ltna the lat stn., at Half gait One oeloei, at the Vommnrial. seroom. Tem Itourt * ocr - o oet5 OIterOe AmericMa B oote a. jhmcs1~~1 by sea water an the voyage of mp tiat ex Nep . ?? ,,N ,ow Orans.-Apply to -Mesr ...


... London, Tdbsdat Aftemioon. Tke still oontlnuea and fine, and the crops are rapidly ripening under tho Influence. thj stock exohango this favourable olr-1 atiil imparts a firm tone to the funds, and prices have boon well maintained to-day, Vat business jet restricted. In the railway share market the noticed yesterday Is &ustalncd. specie movement continues favonraMo, owing diminished of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BRITISH AND NORTH RRBOAH ROYA lithU STEAM1SHIPB, 4w NOTIOR. .g Ths Steamm a cal at OORK AB OURg en both Outward ae Honmicrd Peassages. to recolve and land HMal1. WrIght by ?? Siteamrs to Halfx and Boson, anD a New York, 43 peM ton and 5 per oent. primage. PATTERN PAROSET-Parcelscontalning remelss of Goods on board will be taken free of fieibbt by the Mail Steamersm Frnsght on other Parcelt 6c ...

Advertisements & Notices

... i PH~h] S[ARMCONIO. . GRAN~D CONOFiITS 1oglOLD.9 (1fi.DAY0,_TEE in SZPTB8 E rcUfIOlPAL AnTX6. 8: 3A-ADAME GASS aER Oa brat Sypearno eldnv ter ratta 10 from Amelca), - ?IADA~E VEARDOT (ATI -A, SlGNO1, AN'GELO T.,TE, SIGNQO FALLAR, * SIGNOR KI'i, - ?? .SINOR ClAMRL - IS perlated Beoxw and Satill for Ladies vtu~ &.1 each I GISUMUcr 0PtllNTG THE PUBLIC. OEMI-Ai St the ofi1ec of the -let, hibge. t ...