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... PEDESTRIANIS[M. HACKNEY WICK. RACE FOR ?? Two MlmEs' CIALLTENGIt Cetr.-Thse fourth onutest fob ir. W. Price's Two Mliles' Chsilergn Cup took place on Mouday at Mr. Baum's grounds. 'hc prize s ta fine tropliy, given on handicap t runs, the con- ditions being to hold it for six months, and answor :ll challenges fron any one in the original entry. It was first won by W. Mills (brother of Teddy. ...


... I- All;. - wzammaed~wdy at 11.35, at B-a~t ?? thetab. pcaitioea, ~ asseltotws, mdseno~t trum ~ Willsebw edmC lbi ?? Islwas ?? thsewatllk fairma la 73 o'k- f er m, P elsr he obbige 12 toya thaeenvu jitws nd maes. Mr. HI~m . p Bmett MAd tbey -p4scored, van al e teisgem ad oaftued 100mm.,6 r be a hetorv afer thnspe of bawleta, urncauht a. wam n daln. o smeven whee ubm fall for ?? IS uss Jaeg ...


... - ?? ?? ^ol >b'Elt:b wat weather, te ~10 aa e , 3 with 5D ffo rn;w t61 .n te st t, lW tm n ths f Zme 1hdprniibabgea ?? Ie, tob ehapt Dawdl c end Vol 7 to S p,jXX Bea R0lagwe oap~e 10 10va ea, lt with Sd 31r.T.wo allc ?? bwyne Bhb exta;tho wianer tobe ?? 2001, Tb.-ee ng dea ~t~let (I ap rb. 1. t. T. Be z e rpagnq,, O etz4b .i1 g.u 22*60wlg~aores:_eq~o4 ?? ?? Beating : IL to1 eauhetadon V ...

Sporting Intelligence

... [. 'pintii intutfietrce. TATTERSALL'S.-MOnDAY. There was another crowded assembly at Albert-gate to-day, and the immense amount of business that was transacted at the poet last week was demonstrated by the heavy and protracted settlng. So absorbing, indeed, was the process of adjusting accounts, that there was no definite attempt at betting, a few occasional lad wandering wagei a representing ...

Sporting Intelligence

... I IortiTn~ 3EtrteTc+. ' I - ~TATT8R8ALV8-DMowfDw The aspect of the Sbscriptiou-room to-day presnted a marked contrast to that of MeA1day last, for not only was the attendance , mengre but the proceedings wore dull and tame in the extreme. Repeated offers of 6 to I on the field for the Ascot Stakes failed in provoking a response, but the odds being ultimately extended to a to 1 tho favourite ...


... ; :,BoYAL &IOimatu ?? U et, - i ?? . I . . I ?? ?? .. Cf ) ? ; ; bt > . . ..X i -M ;3 ,.O~ftheS P t 1 1~ bu ?? d 4| ,*lktW sa 4ectly hascetbe excetiondofbis ntrst nh*1 ?? 156ld i Toneequen o f9 the limite io we Wr o enaled to 7iv the reiutbytd~rpbw tee prinb* ura a detied ?? fromn tfii t!iofs tatg ?? the yacht ?? th essiv~lat O herhoutg~. The ySebIIS5 te appdated time to up- thir~ttia Puntisl7 ...


... If I N ,i I srl, 1X6- , X %GkAM RtACES-4W6DNESDAY. The wevthes, ~&y was sagaiof the most unfavourable kcharcter, heav~44teaifallij, with but alight intemiulion t throughout the afternoon. The attendance, however, wasr 3 nearly as Ige as that of Tuesday, and there was a .light iuprove t in the racing, a return of which will be found below. 3 Turn ToWNe P..ATE (Hadicap) of 70 son. Half a mile. 0 ...


... OF 9 B 4 _- E. lp 0,. + ' ?l BNORE I SIR withiH @ P Sut,-Mattere look very ?? nowr witih li-regard to the Lincoln Spring BP eetlq,.*hid, to judg by =- the fair amount of suqoess tat attended the fat rcin, at ag Oheimstoa Tn a! ?? la ts% wd been kindly suprd vy owners o hor but fot th Inr it i186Ofa; d 1861 delayed the co, conimenecement of parjt long enough to spoil the affair Le inl a great ...

Sporting Intelligence

... Opqt(IT i qr'-patif antre I THE LIVE16P0OL U'?D IaNCOLN =RETXNG.' T0 TO ?? ?? OF ?? W=Y = SIB,~-No sooneg 'is oiesensation over than eaother crops up to trouble the turf wforld; and to enliven the 'o6mouig riterregnumo' the old panic, to the effect that the Derby will be nuU and void for two years, and then caorred away from Epsom, is revived. It is no joke either, for if M±tritudd ...

Sporting Intelligence

... s a , as futgIturte. X 'A A I lli'U ND. ' ppea ppearance of the e te 3trlen th~tle, concerning the T d or Derby DOW' than they did before the Crave e , de- I and the opportunities afforded to ree oaeat esce c isi al a miystery, ro being the problem propounded, though he does plenty of ~ Dsewso~n vov hima with aoe ofh isable1ompan son; f \ei~say'' lr~r3tz,'bs'ded'qi~t out ?? ip r aud the ...

Sporting Intelligence

... Ml 41=14?4',A 1, hi *W# t tact. I ?? ? , . i,,a -11?110,lfza Paz, #1 J-H , E T I |ETING. Thee was>4ss pation egerday'spleasant weather to-day, and no case was observable in the attendance; on the contrary, as the afternoon wore the heights becamee more crowded. -Racing commenced, at half-past 1 o'olock with the Forest Handicap, which only produced four runners from the twenty-tbree ...

Sporting Intelligence

... I :- A ?? Utne : BROMLEY, VTNET; GZai ?? experment of. he atn'1~~ ~lrmc a eulnoanty saeureeo; th rM utt waU i large stendata 3 undoubtedy being t&O ?? the gatea monelraatemnjbu theweaherweeiglfavnrle to the sport. Asinunintetl the attendineewas numnerods, dft ?? I lass, includir~both ateplcb 1 I tehtoe three of the f avoorites Were IJo le12doe acar'A could not euom. ~~ viable 'W~or~hDbell ...