... PUBLIO AMI7SRMWTH, 6,A Royal etndra Iheafte*-Tho PeantQ're Roblno Theatre ?? ?? M',q}ullMvei loyal Amphlthetm- e's 'A Lunatio, Borneo and Juliet, and DWneatlo Er1onomy` Royal Cologo1um T - 'ilazappa, and the PentemlnID Dick Whl XutOD. New Adelphi Theatre..-ThePantomime Olondrella. St. JTmes's Hall ' Ou rtt Home. - Chrialy's Mnstrels: The ,: agn raM alllo &c. Hengler's trau, ...


... PHILIEIABMONIO SOCIETY'S CONOERT. ; The fourth subscription concert of the present s Reason of the Liverpool Philharmonic Society took bt place on Tuesday evening the attendance being, d as usual, very large and tashionable: The pro. or gramme comprised Gounod'o Messe Solennelle iu G (3t. Cecllia), Mendelssohn's 95thPsalm ro an~d the hymn Hear my prayer, the first of the four ...


... pil1O saA na &Q beatrie Eeyal.-Tb Oliera .Tbe GradlDuhess. frrwo-ot Wals Thsarie.- The Pilhte of Bobber', end 41Asemnbtn and (fdasudia, ,hhlhl atrt.-1'echbzd ILAud The QuIdt -syal oloatenu Theat aqnlo dnd d W1frl podWO, and Luke the Labourer. 3tu lambs's lleU anD Ope'etta Hous.. - chidy's - Mbeatel Durleaqola Trovaere ' n. 'ew ?? HAIL-Oducert, 3nder'The B19ds bf'he Abrur, ...


... Elcction and a Fr-ce Offer: A Sermion pr'eached before th e Free ,Synod of Aberudeen, 8ta April, 186l2, usir published fi at their request. Abordeen A. & Rt. bMiln. SYNOD Sermons are frequently distinguished by their dul- niess; some of them are marked by average ability; others, 0 again, aro really valuable, and worthy of publication; Mr Surellie's discouras, which Ias just been issued in the ...


... A YEAR AGO. T Ol11y a year ago Ncath th, swe ill tue cliUrCllyard OIIe, Ve left w ithi lor crots n1or stone, All tha;, we loved belolw. T1enlede nud blute her eyes, Sweet her stikile as tle Iralth o l day, )\llcii lark sshiw or a jovois lav Dowil fronl the lciaullesi slics. oler, ill the dClear ld lionie, ( As tile twiligdit stelals iOlwD the hill, I sit, anl I SC2 iher ,till, t; A1el riil)(i ...


... LITERA T U RE. T7/( Pantle rnd Writs if Fstsope---Mois Acl/ess rin Uea hiv ed/s linRhts on Ch'iosy of A ir sins Diet Caesv. fly JoH it! D H i t )MACPetERsONV, AID. London Macmillan & Co., 1869. tit WLe believe that we are not mistaken in supposing that. the LI) name of tho late Dr Macphserson, who was, for more than s hli~lf-a-eentnlry, Sob-Principal aned Professor of Greek inl XigoCollege, is ...


... E2I'11 A U iS. 'liii cv dave ccvo tile CSieplicd. head been smitten, Andl tilie bidL flicek been cc ittrCiei to Llieir Icolices,. (I c %ital whlet grefd they cwatched Mill onl the hill1, lx cued to thle nieneccild tro eelitwoccn thle thiers',; Si c Cv 'Ii' Hidm untrIick g ri one his slin los brow, 'Tom' by tlii ciroil tlicrviic cuecere leiancl I II iccecke i I'lCect t here; WM liecTile tic ili ...


... P OETRY. - ------ 0- TI B E D. 'Tis past. The sunshine of my life has iled, Night'S shadows gather round on every side; I sock not now to raise the drooping head, Nor stins the eurrent of the flowing tide. It was not always thus. Year aftor year I hoped, II dreanit, I laboured, but in vain And 'low too late is shed the bitter toar, The inensory of past joys but brings me pain. I am not sad, ...


... POE TRY. OUT, LITTLE CHILD WITH RADIANT EYS j With seeking licarte we still grop on ODW Where dropt our jewel in the dumst;1 in Thu looking crowd have long, since gene, And still we seek with lonely trust gn 0 little child with radiant eyes I Dark underneath the brightening sod a The sweetest life ofall our years Is crowded in as gittoGdlg We stand outsidieftheo ga0te in tears I tee o little ...


... LIT E It AT U RE. - - ------ a- - re BY' 'hi ` ' I/tsfw the Tcsl'fis e of Lsit ; Fros Doctor J11co'trin L, i. Tianslated aid arranged by the Author of Be ii i1siicles of the Shonberg-Cott a Family, &c. Lon- ur d I ': ''. N elson & Sons. la, T ai i :v wortly addition to the Schonberg-Cotta series. bo Tti-,t rhe volime contains the best utterances and thoughts Pr of t hi great German Reformoer ...


... DESOLATE. IN MEMORIY OF J. J. 1. Another hand to realms of endless glory Beckons to-day; Another voice to youth and manhood hoary Calls, come away. His warfare over brother takes sweet rest, Eyes closed, brow cold, hands folded o'er his breast. 11. 1 know him dead, and yet, amid my sorrow, Metbink2 see Over his brow a smile that with the morrow Will welcome me: I dream, for never morrow with ...


... LE FOrLEr says, the unseasonable oharaoter of the weather has almost entirely prevented the adoption of those light and elegant toilettes prepared in anticipation of warmn days and sunny skies. Hence the fashion (which we hoped was but for a day) of large silk paletots, or burnous with a sleeves, is still almost universally followed, and we can scarcely wonder, under the circumstances, that ...