... PrJINCE OF WALES THEATRE. DIDLLE. DEATI1ICE AS MARIE ANTOINETTE. Ancting aflltle'' sailstories of the death of kings,hbusy Some herve been deposed, Some Slain in war, no more tragic and toiuching histioty has ever occurred than in the fate of the liatndsoir'e and unhappy Mlario Antoinette, the Quecn ot Louiii thieSixteenlthof Francee. Her praise wassoundced in onie oftehemiost eloquent ...


... T-HE TRE ROYAL. MR. TOOLE IN I ID AL{ER TITAN LIF I. Ileth for Its own sake and that of its principal exponent--for its merits of constreetioit sad elharaeter-paintiflg a1s wait as its uses forbisitrionie developmeont-t0m neW dosnaetie dramnalofINM. Byron, in which Mir. Tooke appeared here last night, is entitled to seome- tising more than passing mention. In1 plot and incident, Dearer than ...


... IBIRMINGHAM MUSICAL FkSTIVAL. SECONrD DA ?? THE MORNING PERFORMANCE. The fine ?? of the preceding evening were not destined to be realised yesterday. The nan got up In an l temper, and refused to show himself, and the clouds took a dirty advantage of the absence of the King of Day, and joined isue In the construction of one of those cold vapour baths-euphemistloally designated Scotch mists- ...


... HANDEL MUSICAL FESTIVA.L. FIRST DAY Verom our e1vs lReporter] Flee HIllijalus w ith which the crystal d o, ne at S yden- ham resounded yesterday, on the occasion of the formal opening of the third Triennial Handel Festival, whatever their effect upon the general public, will ienquestionably have awakened a heartfelt echo in the breast of every person interested in the commercial issue of the ...


... TJ[EATRE ROYAL. It is gratifying to find that the atern business of political warfare, in which Birmingham iH noew # earnestly absorbed, has so little influence on the public taste for gecn, or and more humaniaing pursuits, and that it is possible f jr m em - bers of the snse community to take very opposite views of rival election candidates like Dixon and Lloyd without abating a jot of their ...


... There Is a feminine waywardness and perversity about Festivals which will often sot at defiance the most carefal calculations and the most seemingly perfect arrangements, Here we are within a few days of the great triennial event, for which we have been more or less actively preparing since the Festival of 1864 faded from view, and though we have bad the lemsons of a century's experience to ...


... Some ray that ever 'gainst that seaon coples, Wherein oar laviofur' birth is celebirate, The bird ol dafning singeth au night long; And then, they say, no spirit ca walk abroad- The nights re wholesome, then no planeta' trike No fairy takes, nor witch bath power to charm; Be hallowed and so gracious is the time' It Is the fashlon'to speak of Fadrle and Neoromancy as things of the remote 'past ...


... The eighth annual exhibition of the Stourbridge and District Horticultural end Floral Society was held at the Corn Exchange, yesterday. The previous Ehows have taken place earlier in the year, and the present one can scorzely be compared with those of former years, from the difflrence of the season in which It is hall. One effect of this was that the show was not so large a one as usual, the ...


... BIRMINGHAM CATTLE SHOW, DENTITION OF PIGS, The following statement, In reference to the recent diaqualificatione of pige, has been forwarded to us:- PEN 205, CLASs 41,-Threo Fat Pigs, of one litter, not exceeding ten months old, having been disqualified -by Profeesor Gamgee, with the remark, Disqualified-the state of dentiteon indicating that the animate are of dif- ferent ages, I think it ...


... B IMIEIGHAM CATTLE AND POULTRY I SHoW. A meeting of the Council of the Bsingbanham Cattle and Poultry Show was held at the Queen's Hotel, yesterday, at noon. Mr. H. Luokecek presided, and there were also present the Mayor (Mr. T. Avery), Messrs. J. Mathews, IL Adkins, G. C. Adkins, W. B. Mapplebeok, J. Smith, T. 1. Wright, T. Brn-man, J. Shackel, F. Sabin, T. Bur- bidge, J. Lowe, R. C, Chawner ...


... [Prone,) Lrc i'ellcl,3 Thle extreme heat ami( beauty ol tbis stulolm- VeaCthUe reider the deniand for ligh t amid thin miaterides very great, and never has thier been a gTeater variety (of celgant rlatze-like drLsses. Whito is extremely fashionable, whether in mnuslin. alpaca, foulard, or sultan, ; white muslinl over a coloured silk petticoat being especially ill favour, often made with a ...


... THE NEW TOWN 13ALL. ! . ' ?? IT; is a fortunate circumstance that our Town Council, before committing itself to an absolute and final selection of the best of the competitive plans for a new Town Hall resolved upon eonsulting an architect of Mr TITErS eminence., Mr TiTE, as will be seen from his letters read at the council meeting yesterday, will pronounce no hasty or ill-considered opinion, ...