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... W __-«•_ wu tabe great care to aecure the oorrect printing j ef Advertisements . we cannot be answerable for inaccu- racies, or for any oenssquenee. arising tbsrefrom. TO COBREBPONDENTB. Ite aottos can be taken of anonymous communications Whatever is intended for insertion must be written en cas aide of tbe paper only, and authenticated by the nam* aad address of tbo writer; not necessarily ...


... LATEST NEWS. The Moniteur says that according to news received the Government 10,000 Garibaldians took part in the battle at Montana. Their loss was 800 killed and Wounded, and they left 2,000 prisoners, 5,000 or 6,000 rifles, and six guns. The loss of the Pontifical troops Was 150 killed and wounded. In consequence of the news from Italy, the Emperor has ordered the departure of third ...


... BRBDHURST.—Wednesday, the 6th, Twelfth day or Epiphany, hiving been chosen a suitable occasion for the village school treat, Bredhurst ou that day presented an unusually lively appearance. The children assembled at Kensley-street, whence they proceeded, bearing flags and vociferating lustily, through this village ; being join jd in their march several members ot the new church choir, which is ...

ORIGINAL CORRESPONDENCE. THE MARKET WEIGHTON RINGERS. To the Editor of the Yorkshire Gazette. Sir,—A letter ..

... the 24th ult., signed by a Yorkshire Catholic nobleman, Lord Herries, and also one from a minister of the Es*ab lished Church, who signs himself Rector of the Deanery of Harthill, in both of which are used language of strong condemnation against the rector of Market Weighton, for refusing to allow the church bells to ring on the occasion of the marriage of Mr. W. Langdale, who himself ...

BIRTHS. Sept. 3rd, at Galleyden, Great Baddow, the wife ofthe Kev. George Iloyd, II. A., of a son. p Sei

... ?? 1, ?? 0,t ge l>^o, Chelmsford, the wife of the Key. \\ illiain Gibbens, of a son. Sept. 2nd, at Leaden Roding Rectorv, the wife of the Rev I nomas Parkes, of a daughter. lu^'n 1 ?? 1 Hawkins-atte-Well, Romford, the wile of Alfred Hamilton, Esq., of a son. MARRIAGES. Sept. 1st. at St. James's Church, Colchester, bv the Rev R S. Cummins, Rector, Alexander John Wallace, 'Esq., to Julia' ...


... • ' '* ; . J .. ■ •• v. ■ *T ►: i, ft* *•' O#^* directed. The have given - measure. When, hoir d v)r, propos ' ntvwtf rt# fcha earnestness of their amounting, as he to •** * .» , ; ♦hey have just syffrage,was .• pott|ellq|d desire by the Bacn _, dicU } ».- .; 1 fa alt'' ward, the position of made, but the* •’.acerity *ifl vatu .. . f ...


... TESTIMONIAL TO W.D. LITTLEDALE, ESQUIRE. On Wednesday afternoon last, a beautiful gold timepiece in glass shade, was presented by J. Munby, Esq., the secretary to the Yorkshire Wilberforce School for the Blind, on behalf of the pupils of that institution, to the above-named gentleman. Most of the pupils were present at the ceremony, which took place in the Concert Room of the school. The ...


... WHUJrr we take great care to secure the eorreet printing of Advertisements, we cannot be answerable for inaccu- racies, or for any consequences arising therefrom. TO CORRESPONDENTS. Coeeespondents will greatly ?? our arrangements by posting their communications as early U the week as possible, and by sending a second letter by a later post when necessary. Ko notice can be taken of anonymous ...


... After a lengthened and patient investigation, the prisoner Southey has been found guilty of wilful murder, and sentenced to death. The circumstances of the case were sufficiently extraordinary to arrest public attention throughout the country. In the first place the number of the murderer’s victims was for above the average. The instances are, happily, rare, in which five lives are taken by ...


... SUNDAY SCHOOLS. To the Editor of the Yorkshire Gazette. Sir, —A statistical report of the Educational Committee has just been published, which proves (I regret to say) the fact that all the religious denominations show greater activity and interest in Sunday schools than is evinced the members of the Established Church. You will be sorry to learn that this general statement is borne out by the ...

FOR SALE, a Neat PONY PHAETON, in good Condition ; also a GIG, suitable for a Pony. To be seen

... at Mr. F. Walkbb's, Cab Proprietor, Blossom- street, York. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, by Mr. THOMAS WALKER, at his Auction Rooms, in New- stbeet, York, on TUESDAY, Bth Junb, 180., at Seven 0 -look in the Evening precisely. LOT L Five SHARES in the York Union ?? Company LOT 2. *^ J Five SHARES in the York New Waterworks Company, and One NEW SHARE in tbe same Company. Tha first call ol £2 10s. per ...