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... THE CABINET. First Lord of the Treasury.. Mr Gladstone. The Lord Chancellor Lord Hatherley (late Sir W. Page Wood.) Lord President of the Council Earl de Grey and Ripon. Lord Privy Earl of Kimberley. Secretary for the Home De- partment MrfBruce. Secretary for Foreign Affairs The Earl of Clarendon. Secretary for the Colonies Earl Granville. Secretary for War Mr Cardwell. Secretary for The Duke ...

Bristol & South Wales Union

... From Bristol, (! 40, 9 50, 12 -10, 3 -10, 5 30, and Sundays 2 30p.m. arriving at I'ort- iT,1 Station before X lo.jli, 1 53,4 53, (:inti S mdays 4 4!)) trains to Newport. From N ewport to Portslcr-wpt & up stations to London, 0 14, 7 .*54, 10 25, 1 25, 5 18 9 IS Sundays, 11 5.3, i 28, '.) 13. From Portskewet, by ferry, 85, 11, 5 55 a Sundays 5. ...


... FANCY REPOSITORY FOR SOUTH WALES, (ESTABLISHED 1820,) HIGH-STREET, HAVERFORDWEST. Watches, Clocks, Silver Plate, Jewellery, China, Glass, Lamps, Cabinet Goods, Papier Machie Ditto, Electro Plate, superb Bohemian Glass Ornaments, Jet Goods in endless variety, and every description of Fancy Articles suitable for presents. Jji? R. & B. P RAT T BEG to announce to the Nobility, Gentry, Clergy, and ...


... THE LONDON MARKETS. METROPOLITAN CATTLE MARKET. LONDON, MONDAY, March 17. To-day's market was fairly supplied with foreign stock for the tune of year, and the demand for it ruled steady at full quotations. The sheep appeared in prime condition. The arrival of beasts fresh up from our own grazing districts, and Scotland, was moderate in number, and the quality of most beasts was prime, ...


... BUTTER MARKET. LONDON, MONDAY, May 6.-Irish butter, new fourth Corky sells at 8gig per cwt; inferior old is unsaleable. Of English butter the market is unusuaHy short, and the best Dorset find buyers at 12011 to 124s per cwt. No Devon yet at market. Of fresh butter the supply is increasing very fast, and the quality is very good. The demand is less active and prices lower, and are likely to ...


... BRYNYMOR HALL. Sir Watkin and Lady Wynn, Miss Wynn, and suite, Wynnstay PENBALLT ARMS. Mrs Williams, Skinners' Arms, Machynlleth Mr and Mrs E. Williams, Machynlleth MRS MORGAN, PLAS EDWARDS. Mr and Mrs Teece Whitehurst, The Mount House, Shrewsbury, servants and family Miss Clara Isabel Meire, Bowbrook House, Shrewsbury Mr Norton, jun., and the Misses Norton, Newtown Mr Lewis Morris, Mrs Morris ...


... Saturday January 31,1863. Wheat brought to Market 230 Barley brought to Market 881 „ Unsold 72 „ Unsold S36 Sold 158 s. d. a. d. s. d. s. d. Best Wheat 6 0 to 6 0 Best Barley 3 4 „ 3 6 Good ditto 5 6 5 8 Good ditto 3 0 3 O Inferiorditto a 0,. 5 0 Inferior ditto. ...


... J CARMARTHENSHIRE. CARMARTHENSHIRE STEEPLE CHASES. Tuesday. OPEN STEEPLE CHASE Mr W. R. H. Powell's Ace of Hearts (Mr T. Davies). Mr Lewis's Wings (Mr J. R. James). 2 Mr Smith's Gingerbread (Richards). 3 Won by a length. THE GOLDEN GROVE STAKES. Mr A. L. Phillips's Stember. (Richards). 1 mrteo. Lort Plfillips's Cock Robin.(Mr T. Davies). 2 Mr uwyther's Capeston (Mr Gwyther). 3 Won by a length. ...

CORN, &c

... ABERYSTWYTH, MONDAY, Jan. 18th.—Very fair attendance at to day's market, but business being rather dull, dealers were reluctant in purchasing. Prices had a downward tendency, and quotations were as followsWheat, 6s. 6d. to 7s. 6d. per bushel; Barley, 4s. Od. to 5s. Od.; Oats, white, 3s. 9d.; ditto, black, Ss. 6d.; Potatoes, Is. 8d. to 2s. 6d.; Cheese, 8d. to 4d. per lb; Butter, fresh, Is. Sd. ...


... MILFORD BRA.NUE LINE OF RAlL^ From Johnston (late Milford Road) to TJP TRAINS WEEK DATS. tlf TJP TRAINS WEEK DATS. tlf —- —p* a. m. a.m. p. m. p. m. p. m. g 9 Miiford ..dep 8 50 1110 1 50 4 55 7 0 Johnston arr '9 5 11 25 2 5 5 9 7_ DOWN TRAINS WEEK DAYS. a.m. a.m. p.m. p.m. p. m, %) \\$ Johnston 9 25 11 40 2 15 6 31 7 20 »01» Miiford .arr 9 40 11 55 2 30 6 44 7 35 ...


... I'he Liverpool and Bristol Channel Steam Navigation Company's Steam Ships are intended to sail with Goods and Passengers, wntess prevented by any unforeseen occurrence) as follows, Mth or without pilots, and liberty to tow vessels:— From Liverpool to Milford and Bristol. Saturday Sept. 7 11 mora Saturday 21 11 morn ^turday 14 6J even Saturday 28 4 even From Milford for Bristol. Landing ...


... tyHlS Church is in a state of decay throughout roof, walls, and Windows, and the dry rot is active in the interior. It is not for worshippers, and, if not at once repaired, will soon be- etle a ruin. To effect the repairs barely necessary above £ 1000 « Required of the money that shall be contributed a landowner— Rev. J. H. A. Philipps, Picton Castle, has promised to add the Toward s the ...