... j pBi~BIC AMUSEMENTS. -I MORNING CONCERT AT THE PHILHAR- tie. ~MONIC, HALL, is The musical season of 1869-70 in Liverpool ,-ot promises to be both attractive and excellent, and ght. the campaigia wae very satisfactorily opened with a morning concertat the Philharmonic Hall on il, Saturday, the artistes being the principal mem- Selo hers of Mr. Mapleson's opera troupe, who man- _urate their ...


... PrlBLIC AMUST'F1aNTS, &G A~~ oyI AI ,Udr : cutro.- Not suoh a Fool ns le ],ok5, amO~l ri I 8ad a Thousanl a Year. rrlceoi WVale Theatre.- A llero of Romance, and 'flie youiid Widow, Ro~yal AmpbtttlctrO. - \Vllo Spealis Firsti ?After DJarik, rind 'A Touch of the lliars)Oy.' ltoyal Colosaeum l InuTheatre. --The iH8 onhoimo 'Tom. Thumb SaMd ?? ?? pI Ac. ntortaiBet&o. st. James's hell and ...


... PU3L10 AM lMEIT, ? a I 20alI Alexandra Thatr.-a NOW Cmd Sellp&' Boy sp~hinthitm-7' Thte inti.ia, n -#The Dead Heart~ _.Teq Dee° prneof Wales ahIre.- Tic Grand Duchess of Gerobtatefo. ?? Colosseum Theatre.- Our Old Iouse at Bomer, Peter Woll the Waggoner, &. fit. Oeorgeh 1alL-Organ Root by Mr. W. T. Bes. jeW SteB Nude HIL-Lor-lon Alhambra Compny, Ifr. and Mrs. St. Xohn, Mt. 4annes Hillier ...


... VARIETIE S. 1. a POPULAR IGNORANOE.-The popular ignorance of this tie enlightened age is ?? astounding. Onythe In other day a customer of an eminent silvoersmyitb, 29. admiring sorne exquisite piece of silver chasery, re- 25- marked, How this would have delighted Cellinil ace We shall be happy to shlow it to Cellini any day he he Will look in, wag the polite observation in reply. at ...


... PUBLIC AMUSBMEM &5. Prince of Wales Theaetre.-The sle of St. Tropen. and The First Night. Roy.] Ajnhitheatre.-Shak~qpre'5 Play f Hn~ry the Eighth,' and The Ronnie Fishwife. New Adelphi Theatre.- The Woman of the World, bthS act of Ricbard 1lll-&~ u Bisc Ss Kgikeriki Royal Colosseum Theatre. -u w' Hkrk I the Performing ear the Tremont Mlinstrols,&c. Myers's Amnerican Bron. - ?? ...


... I PumenE Or WEas THE Tnic.-Few of the per. formances given at this house have been more 3Y, thoroughly enjoyed than that of Shakopeare's he ' Comedy of Errors, layed during the past and er obe repeated ?? throughout the present brweek. Thelpiece is wel mounted, and the charac in tere generalY satisfactorily supported. Messrs. he Bancroft and Searle, who appear as the Antiplolj, make up so ...


... I:. HO I = e -. aORN IrTA g 0~ ORIP ao I engage maj be done Iit'S x t .BlT11-MARRIAGES; a DJiATI c N*?O ISOtOO of 1314b. Manliap, or Jbah r bhaetd 4 Adirly' tSrZ~ 4 W° ?twplrPWAMreotr, UM. Robert, Xraae; r -adaughter. ?? - aps; 22, v i 4f..oh~ Go ,I .of a ., ?? ; ?? lb. jbvl.~ canbu J W . . ?? Rap, ?? ?? J theo ?? Jo Bmr.aWli aoi Parrwnomrhntala 'ahE toth. of Holywell;' : a l we,7ane time and ...


... PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS, 'I THIS DAY. Concert Hall-Saturday Evening Concerts open for the 6f a3Ol. Clayton Hal11-Valentine Vou-den's Entextainment. Royal C .ls.3eum-,Mr. Gardiner Coyne in Two Irish Cbaracters. Tenuonli Hall-Panoramnaof the: Continent. Parision Gallery of Anatomy, Paiadise-streot. oeen's Hall, Bold-street-Sjciety of 'Fine Arts' .Bhll ibion of Paintisngs. htrihrtion Rlooms Postolfce ? ...

MUSEUM RATE. TO THE KPITORS TU* UVKRPOOL iIKRCCRf. Gentleinco rca-l the paragraph In your paper With raspect to ..

... Mr. HorsfaU.and cucreim the towi>o'.ers and Wiliiama and 1 think that the 11 Mr. Williams U correct the fleet t'ie ciau-c would iuser.edja the bill clause *Oounaila orerseers. 4c , to all the powers for levying and reo;»*eiin ...


... PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS, &J., THIS DAY. I Free Publie Muwema, Willham Brownaeoot-Public Daysa: M6ond4s Wedneudays, Thursdays, and gaturdbys, fpom Ten a,m. tll dusk. On Tuesdays and Fridays tbe Museum to closed (except tn stedenbt for cleaning. arranging, &c. Daring Fa r, kViltoun, ?? theMuseux, is pen daily, except On Christmas Day. Free Publil Library, William Brown-street-Open daily, from Ten am. ...


... REVEW.I Sketchu of Alkeia duewg th Kabyle Wor. Londen: Obapnan and HUL This IN the title of a worh presented to the publio by Hugh Mulleneux Walmaley, lieu. tenant in the Imperial Ottoman Amy, author of the Journal of a Bashil-Baouk and Hinta on the Reorganisatlon of the Indian 4rmyy, and connected at least by family aaacliaion with our town, being the son of Sir Joshua Walmsley. Bearigng ...


... PRESS GUARD THEATRICAL PJELWORMA&NOE. The samateur theatrical performance on behalf of t the Lancashire Relief Fand by meembers of the 80th ts Lasnaehire Rifle Volunteers, better known as the At Fkees Guard assistaedbymemborsof the Liverpool In Dramntlio Sootety, took place last evening at the Ep Theatre Royal, under the patronago of his Worship al the Mayor of Llverp301, R. a. Gdrdner, Esq, ...