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... VESSELS ENTERED OUTWARDS. December 30. en Messina, Hjalmar, 125, Den., Holm, Page, Ohlsen, & to, Martinique, Augustine, 130, F., Bea^fils, E. Thomas. Tarragona, Frederick VII., 130, Den., Pedersen, Page, Ohlsen, & Co. December 31. Nantes, Albion, 108, B., Pert, R. W. Parry. January 2, 1860. St. Nazaire, Marie Rose, 83, F., Labour, F. P. Carrel- Charente, Harriett, 09, B., Reed, Cory & Sons.. ...


... THE CHARITIES FOR THE BLIND. The School for the Indigent Blind, St. George's-fields, Southwark, holds the first rank among the charities for the blind, not only in England, but in the world. It does more in the way of education, mentally, morally, and manually, than any other of its kind. It clothes, feeds, educates, teaches a trade to, and instructs in music, nearly 200 blind persons annually ...


... AND LIST OF FAIRS, NOTICES, ETC., IN THE COUNTIES OF OLAMORGAN, MONMOUTH, AND BRECON, FOR TUB ENSUING WEEK. JAN. 8. -1ST SUNDAY AFTER EPIPHANY.—Morning, 1st lesson, 44th ch. Isaiah 2titi lesson, 61I1 oh. Matthew. Evening, 1st lesson, 46ih ch. Isaiah 2nd lesson, 6th ch. Romans.—Fun Moon 23 m. past 3 afternoon 9. Royal Exchange burnt, 1838 10. Archbishop Ldud beheaded, 164.3 11. Hilary Law Term ...


... LIST OF AGENTS. Canton-Mr. Gaskill, news agent I Mr. David Thomas, news agent. Penarth—Mr. Barston, news agent. „ Mr. Wookey, news agent. Merthyr—Mr. li. Lewis, news agent, High-street. j, Mrs. White, news agent, High-street, j, Mr. Thomas Howell, news agent, Glebeland. „ Mr. David Davies, news agent, Pontmorlais. Dowlait—Mx David Thomas, bookbinder and news agent. Mr. Henry Watts, news agent ...


... RHYMNEY RAILWAY. Week Days. Sundays UP' 1,2,3 1,2,3 1,2,3 1,2,3 1,2 3, a.m. p. m.j p.m. a.m. p. n, Cardiff ( statn.) 10 0 1 401 5 20 8 45 4 25 WalnutTree Bridge. 10 18 I 581 5 38 9 3 4 43 9| Caerphilly JO 3 ...


... Traffic for Week ending Jan. 1, I860 £ 3870 0 0 Corresponding Week last Year £ 3600 11 II RHYMNEY RAILWAY. Traffic for week ending Dec. 31, 1859. a £ 536 14 10 ...


... I BANKRUPTS. (From the London Gazette of Friday.) William Levett, Union-street, Southwark, patent wadding manufacturer. Thomas Bigglestone, Hereford, grocer. Thomas Aston, Willenhall, engineer. Christopher Price, Wolverhampton, butcher. George Ellis, Sheffield, baker. From the Gazette of Tuesday. Joseph Tilley, St. Andrew's-road, Southwark, licensed victualler. George Batters, Hatcham, Surrey, ...

List of Subscribers to the Usk Coal Fund

... £ S. D. £ S. D. REV. ILTVD NICHOLL. 5 0 0 MR. JERRORAS 0 1 0 Judge Falconer .3 0 0 Mr. Richardson .0 1 0 Mrs. Pocock 1 0 OMr.JohnThomas.O 2 6 G. R. G. Relph, Esq 1 0 0 Mr, T. Wiggington 0 2 6 F. M'Donnell, Esq. 2 0 0 Mr. Evan Jones 0 I 0 Mrs. M'Donnell 0 10 0 Mr. P. Herbert 0 2 6 Major M'Donnell. 0 10 0 Mr. John Prosser. 0 2 0 Mrs. Reece .1 0 0 Mr. W. Thomas ,0 1 0 Miss Gill 0 10 0 Mr. Jas. ...


... TAFF VALE RAILWAY. I UP TRAINS.—Week Days. Sunday*. 1 -VI oil 2 3 12 STATION!. a.m. p.m. p.m. a.m. p.m. Cardiff Dock 9 15 2 40 8 45 3 45 Cardiff 9 30 2 55 6 30 9 0 4 0 Llaodaff 9 39 3 4 6 39 9 9 4 9 Pentyrch 9 47 3 12 6 47 9 171 4 17 Taff's Well. 9 52 3 17 6 52 9 22 4 22 Treferest 10 3j 3 28 7 4 9 33! 4 33 Newbridge 10 8. 3 33 7 9 9 38; 4 38 Aberdare Junction 10 19 3 43 7 20 9 48; 4 48 ...


... DRS. 7'he Trustees and Managers of the Tredegar Savings' Bank. CRS. GENERAL STATEMENT. s. d. 1859. By .Es.d. Nov 20th Nov. 20th. (..j,. (f. Balance due on the 20th Nov., 1«58, Sums actually paid to_De- including interest, asperlastReturn 991 3 1 positors, mcluduig inte- Sums received of Depositors, withm r^st, withinthe year OKU year ending 20th Nov 1859 879 13 3 ending 20th Nov 18o9 379 6 J ...


... Return for the week ending Dec. 31, 1859 :— Inmates in Refuge and Workhouse at com- mencement of the week. 271 29 Born 0 300 Discharged 21 Dead 0 —— 21 Remaining. 279 Corresponding week last year 286 Vagrants relieved during the week 8 Imbecile, or idiots, in the house In School. Industrial training. BOYS I7 Girls *9 19 76 42 OUT-DOOR RELIEF. Districts. Not AB. A.B. Children Total ^Relief ...