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Advertisements & Notices

... are ever wise and sincere, in which his majesty alludes to the conduct of Queen Victoria in -not returning the empress's visit. It is true that the empress herself gave the Queen a dispensation Nevertheless, the emperor in the letter in question expresses ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Doing agoodtrade, whichmay e greatly improved. Pleasantly aituated within a few milea of town. ?? J. Robinson.Builder, Queen Victoria, Tooting-grove, Lower Tooting, Surrey, First-rate Marine Store Business Tf 0 be DISPOS:ED 01F. The Nese unatanas a verv ...


... ascended the throne; and had there been issue of the mar- riage between the prinicess and Prince Leopold, in all likeli- hood Queen Victoria would never have possessed the crown. TO ADVERTISERS& THSI GUAROANTEE]) B OThAT1lN oF REYNOLDSIS NEWSPAPER 1s U)pw vada ...


... reet, W., Piblishers to the Queen, H.R.H. the Prince of Wales, and his Imperial Majesty Napoleon II. Returns to be made at the expiration of six months. O S E P H G I L L O T T, J e etallic Penrmaker to the Queen, VICTORIA WOotPs, BIRtIsi3rr HAM, p1, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... which are the following, viz. - A Letter written bythe Command of her Most Gracious Majesty the Queen Victoria; A Letter also written by the Command of the Queen's Most Illustrious Consort, his late Royal Highness the Prince Albert; As well as letters from ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Events, Social and Political, which have happened in or had relation to the Kingdom of Great Britain, from the Accession of Queen Victoria to the opening of the Present Parliament. By JOSEPH IRVING. 8vo, half bound, I s. TZi is dazy. ' A Levy cinicus and valuable ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CoraTX'AT Rf3sAnDEs (Deuvonportb-Alanniugwns executed b 13th. November. 114: Kohl, for the P'aitw ure, i26th January, 18iFS. Queen Victoria, was married 10th a February, 1840.. .T. WALER.-W 'e have not room for your poem. VERITAS.-Yonr letter is too lengthy ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Regent-st., London, and 98, Princes-st., Edibhrgbh. POSITIVELY NO AGENTS. TO S E P H G I LL O T T, J Metallic Penmaker to the Queen, VICTORIA WORKS, BIRMINGHAM, 90, JOHN-STREET, NEW YORE, AND 37, GRAcEcHuRcH-STRERT, LONDON, E.C. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Social and Political, which have happened in or had Relation to the Kingdom of- Great Britain, from the Accession of Queen Victoria to the Opening of the present Parlia- ment. By JOSEPH IRVING. With Index and a Table of Administrations. 8vo. half-bound ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Social and Political, which have happened in, or bad relation to, the Kingdom of Great Britain from the Accession of Queen Victoria to the Opening of the Present Parlin- ment. By JOSEPH Iavinro. With Index and a Table of Administrations. The HOUSE. of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LE PETIT PRECEPTEUR; or, First Steps to French Conversation. By F. GRANDINEsAU formerly French Master to her Majesty Queen Victoria. Thirty-fifth Edition. Fifty weoodcuts. 2. IL PICCOLO PRECETTORE; or, First Steps to Italian Conversation. Being a Translation ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Samuel xiii.: Galatians ?? rises 45m. past 3; sets 17mh. past B.-Ful moon Cm. before 1 alt. 20. DIONDAY.-Accession of Queen Victoria, 1837. 21. TUESDAY.-Longest day. 22. WEDNESDAY.-Fire at London-bridge, 1861. 23. TruesDAY.-Siege of Silistria raised, ...