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Dublin, Republic of Ireland


Dublin, Dublin, Republic of Ireland

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Advertisements & Notices

... ly, for a vear, he was Lieatenant Governor of Newfoandlenf, and from 1847 to 1851 he was employed in various ?? in South America. Four years after this he went with his brother, LF rd Elgin, to China, and has since been entirely employed in thatcountry ...

Advertisements & Notices

... STOCK AND SHARE MARKET. J Publin, J.1nrtay Eveens. The Funds have been unfavourably affected by the recent intelligence from America, leading as it does, to the apprehension of protracted hostililies between the contending parties there. ConsolS were 900 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... and abroad. In Brilain tho nee of the Sewing Machine is still In its Ilullcy, although in America It IIsC become a National Institution. Evonin America itwis only introduced, eud but little kenown so short a time ago as 1853, when thu total sales ...

Advertisements & Notices

... immediately upon leaving the railway etation, to be conveyed to America. -Liverpool ctstrsj. were taken rn board the eteamer imensdlalely upon leaslng ths railwa5 Et&tion, to bo eonveyed to America -Llverpool Jfirctry. ...


... Jemmy Finnigan (with a Sore), Mr Frank Drew; Peggy An- dersen, Miss h Willmott; Nelly Finnigan, Miss ReInhardt. Part Secend, America-Captain Dancer, Mr H Everett ; Mr James Flanigan, Mr Frank Drew; Nelly Finsigan, Miss Rolen- hardt. After which a Grand Irish ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Market in Loudon to-day tends, on the whole, to show that public confidence in a peaceful eolution of the difficulty with America is un- diminished. The Funds, which opened at about the fisal rate of yesterday, attained a further advance of ?? and this ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Eccetric ilances, illustrated by A NEW AND SPLEkNDID PANOIRAMA, embracing all tho Cities aul Towns in the Unilel States of America, and inter- spersed with views of Lake, River, Mountain, Valley, Bltiltings, Ships. &c., palnted expressly for this unsurpassed ...

Advertisements & Notices

... short time longer. TheDanube, as high up as Galatz and Tbrail, may now be considered effectually closed. Cable advices from America state that front hbd stopped the canal navigation earlier than usual. Dornbush's Corn Circular says that virtually our wkole ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THIS DAY (Saturday), January 11th, 1862, America's Answer; tho Prisoners Frood; full particulare- Capture of Nau% Sahib- Sir Robert Peal and the Colleges- Suspenslon of Father Daly; correct details -War In America -Cauada Activo-Catholic InteUlgenca-Tho ...

Advertisements & Notices

... The High Sheriff and tbe Bible Bociety of Westmeath. The Bishop of Orleana and Lanoriclore, * Ministerial Arrangements. America and. Ireland, Lord Palmereton's Funeral. PRICE THREEPENCE. THE PEENNY DESPATCH TL Of TO-MORROW (Saturday), November 4, Will ...

Advertisements & Notices

... a bottle I L WhSOlLs ScOOTHING BrisUp. It Will re.. Wh, Oy ilssfeer immediately; this prepa. i' 1hac se be e a in Use in America over thrty very highly recommended by medical Men r ; iOidI5 i country, with full directions On the ?? to take end sjof in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... and Co., 47, Ludgate hill. f11,10 T HE O'CONNELL STATUE. TMURDER IN LIMERICK. The Case of MORGAN V. GRAY. IMPORTANT FROM AMERICA. GREAT SEA FIGHT. The Blockade of Charleston rats ad. The Confederates again Victorlous. Six Persons Burned to Death. THE ...