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Yorkshire Post and Leeds Intelligencer



Leeds, Yorkshire, England

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Yorkshire Post and Leeds Intelligencer


... AMERICA. FALMOUTH, NOV. 8. The Arago, from New York, 27th ult., arrived this morning and proceeded for Havre. (By Atlantic Telegraph,) NEW YORK, NOV. 7. The Democrats have carried the elections in Maryland and Delaware. The Republicans lieen victorious ...


... AMERICA. A Jftter this subject, sifjnpd J. 5.,” apix*ars the Time*. Tin- writer lias just returned from a trip through some the most important rollin'? mills in tha United Slates and Canada. After remarking on the causes the depression in the iron trade ...


... AMERICA. Nkw York, January 3. Federal troops, tinder General Sibley, liave gone to Savaunah to i|uell the negro disturbance on the plantations in the vicinity that city. The national screw steamer England arrived out to day. Sooth am ptok, January 3. ...


... AMERICA. THE IMPEACHMENT OF THE PRESIDENT. WASHINGTON, May 2'j. To-day the Senate Court acquitted President Johnsonon the second and third article? of impeachment. The second article charged that the President, without authority of the law of the 21st ...


... AMERICA. NEW YORK, September 1. The national steam-ship France arrived out day. NEW YORK, September 2. The Republicans have carried Vermont elections by an increased majority, electing Governor of the State and three members to Congress. AUSTRALIA. Via ...


... AMERICA. The lloyal mail steamship Persia, from New York on October 30, arrived at Queenstown 11.10 a. in. on Saturday, with 5C cabin passengers and 438,000 dols. in specie. She landed 119 sacks of mails, and proceeded for Liverpool at 11.20 All ...


... AMERICA. NEW YORK, Oct Evening. Tli trial of Mr Davis has been postponed till the spring. New Orleans dcs|«tchcs state that Mr Johnson urged the Governor Louisiana force the GODstitutional Amendment through the Legislature. reported that prominent South ...


... AMERICA. York, Juno 2. The public debt of the United States has decreased during the past month by $13,250,000. The cash in the Treasury amounts to $124,000,000, namely, $104,000,000 in coin and $20,000,000 in currency. The cash in the Treasury is $2 ...


... AMERICA New York, January 18. The National steamer France and the Anchor steamers lowa and Acadia arrived out on Sunday; and the North German Lloyd’s steamer New York and the Inman steamer City of Antwerp arrived to-day, the former at a.m. New York, January ...


... AMERICA. WASHINGTON, August 7. The Secretary of the Treasury has issued his usual monthly statement of the public debt and the cash in the Treasury the United States. The former amounted on the Ist inst. to 2,633,500,009 dollars, and the latter to 110 ...


... AMERICA. NEW YORK, October t. Mr Howell Cobb is dead. YORK, October it. The steamship Samariaarrived at Bostra 4 p.m. to-day. NEW YORK, October 1L Intelligence received here from Havanaah. announces that Queen Isabella's birthday was celebrated there ...


... AMERICA NEW YORK, Julv (Evening.) A fight occurred the 4th, at Atlanta, Georgia, between soldiers and freed men. Mr George Peabodv has been tendered public reception at Montreal. Tlie cholera has disappeared at New York. The Damascus has arrived. NEW ...