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... expresdon of her sincerity. On the 18th of October, 1785, a brilliant comic genius, Mm. Jordan, made her first appearance at Drury Lane, as Peggy In the Contry GirL Shewas two years younger tban ?? Frren, and at thattime twenty-three. She was a native of ...


... forthcoming, the first being the appearae cd Ur. Barry Sullivan, the favourite tragedian, who has an ongagement at present at Drury Lane Theatre. ...


... Mr. Falconer, has at last been overcome, for any mother can take her child to the morning performance of the pantomime at Drury Lane, and actually see it now without a Peep o' Day. PROGRESS OF CIViISATION.-The Emperor of Russia has just issued a ukase by ...


... ' He's pinching me, said the boy. WELL SAID, PAT !-When Mr. Sheridan pleaded in court his own cause, and that of the Drury Lane Theatre an Irish labourer, known amongst the actors by the name of Billy Brown, was called upon to give his evidence. Previous ...


... f ill orchestra, performing ithe evolutions of a ballet, stated to have been produced some time before as a pantomime at Drury Lane Theatre. But the serious business or incident represented by action seems to have been the attack of some imaginary enemy ...


... will appear, is in active preparation.' THE THEATRE ROYAL. Mr. Edmnusd Falconer, lessee and manager of the Theatre Hoyal, Drury-lane, and a talented company, appear at this house to-night. The performance is to commence with the new, original, and very ...


... professional tour together through the provinces. Dr. James Pech, who made a very brief effort at the production of opera at Drury Lane Theatre last season, is about to try his fortune once more, in the same establish- ment, during the present month. M. Moyerbeer ...


... had prepared ?? Lije of Cine- raC Sir WVillia Nacpier. Tul PRIVILEGES OF PLUSH.-On the 2rd Masy 1736, the audience at Drury Lane. with the Prince of Wales and his bride among them, witnessed some unex- pected addition to the entertainment promised them ...

Literary Selections

... joking, the other half in evading his angry creditors. He was sometimes for hours, even for days. ambushed in the treasnry at Drury Lane. He seldom answered letters, and vejy often did not open tbose be received. He lust receipts, and paid bills twice or three ...

Art and Literary Gossip

... Alexander, Bishop of Derry and jpoes ; and Xavier and the Jesuit Missionaries, by the 11ev. J. Taylor. The pantomime at Drury Lane is always a great feature of the Christmasholidays, and if its transformation scene this year is morb simple in construction ...


... GARaicL-Edmund Kenn was a great favourite with Mrs. Garrick, the widow of his celebrated predecessor. It was usual with the Drury Lane committee, when they wanted a new comer to make a hit to bring the venerable old lady out of her private box and then prompt ...


... London), Mr. Robert Power; pantaloon, Mr. Halford 2 harleaulna, Miss Frances !. St. Maiie; harlequin (from the Tiieatr lRoyal, Drury Lane): Mr. HL St. Maine; and Columbine (from the Crystal Palace) r Miss Lillie Davis. It is much as usual., There is a good 'fdeal ...