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[No title]

... authorised to state that an electric or*™ i„ being bmIt by Bryceson, Brothers, and Co for Hp! Majesty s Opera, Theatre Royal, Drury Lane Thl organ » to!be erected at a distance behind thenna „ as usual, bnt the organist will, for the firsf ,? AnlIl^Sbferf,iSS35'wiS ...

District l^uis

... they may be in readiness then, even after the application of those entitled by courtesy to admission, and with which the Drury Lane manager is- overwhelmed, have been provided for. CONSUMPTION, and all nervous, bullous, stomach, and liver complaints in ...

[No title]

... with which they are associated by the artists who pro- duce The Mask. Last week, TheMerchant of Venice was revived at Drury Lane, the part of Shylock being supported by Mr. Phelps, as usual, but advertised on alternate nights to be relieved by Mr. Barry ...

[No title]

... —The other io-irned Judges concurred, and the conviction was athrmed. A new ballet, entitled Beda, has been produced at Drury lane Theatre. Dumas's Wild drama of Madame daChamblay* has been played at Porte St. Martin. Duke Ernest, of Wurtemberg, who ...

[No title]

... under the notice of the Recorder at the Central Criminal Court. A trades- man, named Frederick Lee, of Brownlow-street, Drury Lane, had beensummoued toserveonthe petty jury at the sessions. Instead of attending himself, he sent a man in his employment ...

[No title]

... Several actresses are about to make their first ap- pearance in London. Among them are a Miss Marie O'Be vine, engaged at Drury Lane; Miss Edith Challis, at the Holborn; Miss Clara Thomson at the New Roy: alty; and Miss Rose Berend, at the Globe. Among ...

F A C E TI &

... A poor Shirt-maker. GREAT THEATRICAL SENSATION.—(A PROPHECY.—The French version of the Battle of Waterloo is produced at Drury Lane, and meets with the greatest success. We need not say it is brought out as a burlesque, and is received throughout with ...