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Grampian, Scotland


Aberdeenshire, Scotland


Peterhead, Aberdeenshire, Scotland

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6 ito lan ir

... destination of the monument. The promoters anuonoce grand melange dramatufue to lake place oa Tuesday evening. June JO, Drury Lane Theatre, under the immediate patronage of tbeir Royal Highuesse* the Prince and Princess of Wales, who have signified their ...

l^fnllncL r, APRIL 8, 1864. FROM CUU LONDON COKRESPCXDENT. London, WednfwiUy. The Prussians have once more ..

... opens Her ijesty's theatre with Verdis Rigoletto ; and I sure every one him successful season, which he well deserves. At Drury Lane the first part of Henry IV has been brought out with much success; how could it be otherwise, when the manager has secured ...

(£ it ig. lint it

... refused peitnit that those representations should place in Her ftlejealy'a Theatre, and they were given in consequence at Drury Lane. Mr Lumley has now put forth announcement thanking the public for ihe generous patronage and substantial benefit conferred ...


... kindly poetical address, Qeorge Augustus Sala, which was read by the author at a Dramatic Entertainment, given iu July, at Drury Lane Theatre, for the benefit of the widow and children of Mr Brough. It concludes thus Too weak to cope in conflicts rude and ...


... best lawyers at will make many converts to his new profession. ie Scotch bar. Appreciating the extraordinary The Managers Drury Lane are becoming emin- difficulties and mischief likely to arise if the finding ently liberal, animated by highly creditable ...


... attains uu , , position anywhere near the admirable Helen, of the disoluteiiess and ol his age hen , M ■as Atkinson is now the Drury Lane him nary, regret the solidity and barrenness of curly Hauo-j i .ml I nt-t-d h.r.ily say that she la no: comparable ve .i ...

MK! PRlTlMlfrizfNift the inhabitants would come forward and subscribe I To pans to his strictures on the ..

... performance, without ever observing the general effect. A gentleman, who was present, and who has witnessed performance! at Drury Lane and Covent Garden 'theatres in London, and in provincial towns in Britain, assured me, without, of course, in the slightest ...


... earnestness and sincerity of his intellectual liberalism. -Daring the performance e - of King John the other night, at Drury Lane, and just at the point when the utmost interest win excited by Prince Arthur praying earnestly to the hard Hubert to spare ...

Si'«iui>li was found to declare in the Curttt1

... most solemn day in the Cbrisifan Calendar. then res will iu sw Easter week ; but, j wiih the exception of The Great City Drury Lane, new ••comedy-drama* of Mr there is no im' port ant change the Ne\l Saturday Her I Majo-i v i >j■cm-house ojH-ns. and the ...

General ilittelligesue

... end, has taken a house and grounds near Fulham, called Prior Park, formerly in the occupation of Mr E. 'P. Smith, late of Drury Lane Theatre, but now of Cremorne Gardens. In this house he will have abundant room to gratify his taste for the antique, as ...

these for Healing 10s, awl at another, woman was sent sixty days to jail for butalin, clothes. Such an ..

... as to the hearing, but the Lord Chamberlaia interposed, and I stipulated for the curtain before licensing the piece. At Drury Lane the pantomime is to be withdrawn and Macbeth substituted, Mr Phelps and Mr Chas. taking the chief part alternately, and ...