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Lanarkshire, Scotland

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Advertisements & Notices

... situation. Apply tb Thos. Baird, Govan. TO BE SOLD, BY PRIVATE BARGAIN, THE1 EASTMOST HALF of the- CROFT T EPARX of WESTSRIELLS, stteeaed on the South Bank of the River Clyde, about two euelee below tie Towon of Govan, containing 6 Acres 2 Rondo aid 16 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... each-to be had of Mr. A. Provan, Book- seller; Mr. H. Morris, Bager: MrsB Spence, Druggist; and Mr. Braeb, Clothier; and at the Union ?? Bunks N 0 TI C E. THE COMMISSIONERS of POLICE of the J BURGH of GOVAN Hereby Intimate, that ata Meeting held by them on ...

Advertisements & Notices

... it Lanond, Writers, 64 West Regent Street, PROPERTY IN RUFTLAND PLAICE, GOVAN ROAD, FOR SALE. UrsBT PIUCE BRatDoCED TO £131. To be Sold. by Public Roup. rnithin the Faculty Hall, Saint George's Place, Glasgow, upon Wvednesday the °7th day of Februarys ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ancioneiloefr PROPERTIES AT GOVAN. TO BE SOLD, BY PUBLIC ROUP, Within the Facuity Hall, St. George's Place, GlsgOwI 632 Wednesday tho 15th day of Maroh, 18GS, at Two O'CIC41S Afternoon, H~TEAT TENEMEBNT, No, 4 Victoria, Strcetf 1-T Govan, let to respeotable Tenants ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MRIZCHANTS'HALL, on TRlUsi)A thehn. IhST., at TWO O'clock-Si ir AIMFS ANDIEInsoN In the Chloir * tihets to be had at the Bar of the E xhan Is. each, Proceeds to be applied to the Relief of hee UermployeL Glasgow.' loth Maiy, 1162, HE LATE ED WARD MORRIS Seine ...

Advertisements & Notices

... COPEUAND ROAD, GOVAN. TO BE SOLD, BY PUBLIC hOUP, Within te Fculty Hall. St. George's Place, Glaoedw, on Weda neaday, 25th January. 1865, at Two ocloek Aftr., THAT CORNER TENEMENT of DWELL- LING XOUSE in Osborns Place, Copeland Read, Govan, as coapied by ...

Advertisements & Notices

... the Burgh of Govan. Third, Every Person Offending against said Orders shaU Forfeit any Sum. not exceeding £20, which the Magis- trates before whom he shall be convicted for such offence may think fit to impose. MORRIS POxLoK, Sen. Msg. Govan, Sept. 21,1865 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Premises, suitable T 'for aill or Workshop.-Apply to A. Stewart 26 Burn- side Street. ° LET, a large Workshop or Hall. Rent, £12.-Apply J. T'Morris, 33 Tureen Street. 0 LET, at 10 Hartfield Street, 1-stalled Stable, with large T. Yard; and House of Two Rooms ...

Advertisements & Notices

... COPELAND RO.tD, GOVAN. TO BE SOLD, BY PUBLIC ROUP, Within the Fneulty Hall. St. George's Place, Glasgow, on Wet nesday, 25th January, 1865, at Troo o'clock r.par,, nnHAT CORNER TENEMENT of DWELL-; JL' ING HOUSES in Osborne Place, Copeland Road. Govan, as occupied ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ann Stireet, with rhomare the Titles and Artices of Boup. PROPERTY IN ALMA STREET, GOVAN, FOR SALE, UPS PuRc, £1800. To be Sold, by Public Roup, within the Faculty Hall, Saint George's Place. Glasgow, on Wednesday the 26th November, 182, at Two o'clock ...

Advertisements & Notices

... COPELAND ROAD, GOVAN. TO BE SOLD, BY PUBLIC ROUP, Witbin the Faculty Hall, St. George's Place, Glasgow, o)l Wed. nesday, 25th January, 1865, at Two o'clock c., THAT CORNER TENEMENT of DWELL- T ING HOUSES in Osborne Place, Copeland Road, Govan, as orcupied ...

Advertisements & Notices

... and Artile's of Hoop. PETERt RE:NNIB, Auctioneer. PROPERTIES IN ALBERT STREET, GOVAN, FOE SALE. Ul-SET Pmeo GREATLY REDUCED. To he Bold, by Public Hoop within thsa.Facult7 H~all, Stint CGeorge's Pie, GlssOW, On Wetlnesday t i 'J68 at Twvo o'clock Afternorn ...