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... she appears abroad; and wvhat is 110ore remarkihibe, is the utter indifl'rence maniatsted towards her companion. The lady is short, and rather stout, with an extreniely juvenile gait and manner. The partner of her flight is of middle height, with sandy hair ...


... considerable pmise. Ills stories, wnhich have appeared in many mwtihers, are ot' tho ' fast order; but, at tho same tinw, te never troubles the reader with a line that could he called dull, but usually contrives to malke his stories decidedly interestitl ...


... Cavalier and ltouindihad story, Ovingdean Grange, is continued in thle present number. The itonuldhieads are brought to the Grange, and the young hero of thle story is made to go throuigh various excitilg ndventures. A short paper called Ceplialonin ...


... side, and the contents in the window of the new coiner made precisely to match those in the window of' his fieighbour. In short, the two windows appear to belong to one es- tablishment, the name of the old inhabitant being purposely left in superior ...


... (FnoM Tur FIRLD.) TirE society on board the Skylark was not only very extensive, but mixed, and perpetually ciianging-in short, the steamer inclosedi a little world within her- self, and gave full opportunity for the study of American character in all ...


... faults lie upon the surface. LovL AT FIRST SIGUT. By CAPTAIN CURLING. London: ltead 4, Lock. THE first and most important story of the three com- prised in the volume gives its name to the whole. The plot is one of the most transparent, and the inc:- ...


... Strand. THE author of lleadlong Hall, Mir. Peacock, begins ih this month's Fraser a nCW story, entitled Gryll Grange. It would be unfaii to judgo a story from the opening pagos; but, so far, this tale deserves rather to be called clever and learned ...


... where the Pardon de Ploermel was performed. Lord Cremorno has arrived at Dartrey, Rockeorry. Lord Cloubrockl is making a short stay at Elvidge's . Hotel. The Archdeacon ?? has arrived at Robert IWilson's, Esq., Richmond, Monlistown, I Mrs. Verseloyle's ...


... Tuileries, where he overheard a conversation to the following effect between two of the most renowned men in France:- Who is that short man? inquired a celebrated poet of a Minister with curly black hair and lustrous eyes. 1 With his sturdy frame and careless ...


... will be conducted with no less ability to the eld. Framlny Parsonage has now advanced to the fifteenth chapter, and as the story grows in lengthi it in- creases in interest, and, indeed, bids fair to add new laurels to the abundant garland already gathered ...


... own time-i.e., to tell the story in painting, with a force, a precision, and a disitnetness, which should force even those who ran to read. Mr. Hunts is, in short, the first of a series of Protestant pictures, in which the story of Holy Writ is to be told ...


... usual, it is because of the solid character of its contents ratherthau fronm any defect in the partic alar papers. Carleton's story, Utratm Horaim ? is con- chided, and Vonved the Dano continued; and these are the only tales, if we except a slight sketch ...