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Lanarkshire, Scotland

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Advertisements & Notices

... the boekin the hands of his son or danghter.-C. ,L C. London: Charles H. Clarke, 13 Paternositr Row. - I' i G OD AGAINST SLAVERY. By Dr. CgEEVzR G of New York. Price 4s. Apart from the great intrinsic rmrct of this Volume, it contain the Lectures for ...

Advertisements & Notices

... le did oot blame them for being in the cQn- dition. in which they now were, asjit was caused by the degrading iuiluenoe of slavery. HIe should, however, censure them harshly if they suffered tbemselvesat o reain so swithoui striving hard for imnprovement ...


... lariest and moat Finished Orgaloation In the World. . COnmposed of UNTAUGHT AFRICAN SLAVES FROM THE PLANTATIONS OF AMERICA l SLAVERY AS IT. APPEARED IN AMERICA, prior to the Great Rebellion, faithfully pourtrwyod by thoce who of late have boen freed from ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EDINBURGH. DR. CHEEVER AND AMERICAN SLAVERY. Just Published, Price 2d,- R EPORT Of PUBLIC MEETING held in Queen Stretwet Halal, Edinburgh, on Thursday, December 22, IS59, with teferenc to Dr. Cheever and American Slavery. Edinburgh: Andrew Elliot, 15Prince's ...

* ?? (SarDt,-CONTINU

... TRONG ATE, FA LL OF RICHMOND. Although thla event may not be Good News to many wrho have sympathined (although not with Slavery) with the * 33raer antd Spirit of the Southern Armies, who have eo lorg tentcoded with the overwehelming Leglone of the North ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ilooias, This Evening (Monday), 26th 'Uareh, at EiLbt o'clock. Iulj'ct:-e-'Jhle Coustitution of the United States, Is it Pro- Slavery or Anti.Slaverv I B.AUIE AtACDOWALL in the Chair. Tickets to he had at Messrs. D. & J. Smith's, 17S Trongats; ir. 1 ci'sr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PHOTOGIRAPHS taken ?? Designs, : by J. NOEL Pe'1ON,, Esq. ?? entitled Bond and Free. illustrative of the system' of Negro Slavery, accompanied with suitable Letter-press. II. The chane of obtaining a VALUABLE PRIZE at the Annailm Drawing in December. The ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Mis'soontry Asso. elation. Also, Correrpondents ili all parts of Europe anmd other Conueties, Tle1 lldeprldset is thorouglly Anti-Slavery in character, is all tincoripromisieg friend of freedoac nnd religiotis liberty, 01i( d scucsses boldly all questions of mitoral ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Business, on and after 1st March, at FIVE o'clock ?? Saturdays excepted. PRESENT CRISIS OF AMERICAN SLAVERY. G EORGE THOMPSON, EsQ., the well-known G Anti-Slavery Lecturer, and late M.P. for the Tower Ham- lets, will Deliver an A D D R E S S on the Moral, Religious ...

Advertisements & Notices

... taken at Half-past Seven. Adi,,sonee Free. Collection at the doer to defray expenses. A M E R I C A N SLAVERY. Bead the Article on 'AMEERICAN SLAVERY, in GOOD WR DS for DECEM .IBER. Union and Emancipation Soriety Office, Co eden Hotel, Glasgow. . ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THOMPSON, Fe,_Ate *eU-llown IkA Anti-Slavery Lecturer, and MDP.fcbtieTowsr lets, will Deliver rih- ADDRESS on the Mdoral, Rel1w iid P01itical Aspects of t5er UnitedStates, in their beama on ethe Question of Slavery, ina the 'Usty Ha1I, on Tuesday Evening ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Robert Miller, 57 Gallowvgnte; John Gemmel, 49 George Street; and from Members of Committee. P.IESENT CRISIS OF AMERICAN SLAVERY. GEORGE THOMPSON, ESQ., the well-known ) Anti SiaveryLecturer,and late M.P. for the Tower Ham- lets, will Deliver an ADDRESS ...