... to nm abolish slavery throughout the Dutch colonies. Onr{ the first day of last J ulythlat great object was effected for, by all act of the Dutch legislature, I duly ratitled by the king, it was decreed that, from 01 that (late, slavery sbould cease on ...


... ety had been so completely v brought under the influence of the Pro-Slavery party Ia its I -management, that the Word of God was made void -in its *publications in the mat-ter of slavery. They kept back. lbse -whole couinsel of God on -this fearf-al evil ...


... Claim for Anti. Slavery Sympathy. By James William Massie, R1)D., LL.D, London: John Snow. (Pp. 472.) IN June, last year, Dr. Massie and the Rev. J. H. Rlylance were appointed a deputation to convey an address from the Ministerial Anti-Slavery Confer. ence ...


... get back pretty much a'l tne North made out of slavery. God is the gzeat tax-gatherer. He is out now, aud he will bhve a good time, (Great laughter.) Every nation that bed ?? to do with the cure of slavery (especinlly Enolnd) was nOW sufferiog, for the ...

Literary Notices

... the pro- slavery shareholders deserve at once to be reduced to a parallel with the basest criminals that lie fettered within the cells of our public prisons.-P. 158. Shall we pat the bloodhounds of' slavery ? Shall we fee the curs of slavery ? Shall ...


... career. If we would particu- Iarise any passage, we take the following. Speaking of slavery, the author truly inquires- ''What have we gained By our encouragement of slavery? We see war's devastations, even now; The smoking towns, the groaning battle-fields ...


... tells us that he links together on his title-page Slavery and Secession as cause and effect. Some people, he says, Say that slavery has bad nothing to do with originating the present difficulties, but that it is the desire of the South to be free from the ...


... ial account of id the rise and progress of slavery in the United States. Spain introduced slavery into America, but at the door of Great Britain lies the sin of its perpetuation. The trade was so lucrative that, under the patronage of royalty and commerce ...

Literary Notices

... most instances of any of wilful intention thereby to bolster up slavery in in any of its forms, but merely of want of due re- flection, an easy adoption of the popular notion e that slavery was a Jewish institution, notwithstand- A., ing that it is susceptible ...

Original Poetry

... n, Leligion, language, reft by tyrant hand Enough for her that slavery's pollution Should not extend itself through freedom's land. Yet bastard patliots cheer'd her rebel ban, And slavery's cause have miscalled liberty; And when the German Duchies took ...

Our Library Table

... shew that slavery cannot be defended on Scriptural grounds. We, taking for granted the infallibility of God's Holy Word, are anxious only, for our own con- science sake, to learn, whether, by the authority of that Word, the institution of slavery is sanctioned ...


... in North America- By H. Reid.-Only that Mr. Reid's book embraces some account of the constitution of Congress, and of the Slavery question, it would be by no means either amusing or instructive, Most of his observa- tions on American manners and customs ...