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Lothian, Scotland

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Literary Notices

... utterance. All men, bellmen and hawkers excepted, speak much more than they spout. Indeethere are numbers-we do not allude to ladies of eburse-wlto tnever speak ia. publir, 'and yet possess a capacity of speaking in private 'whicho is absolutely boundless ...


... His whole soul revolted against the notion, ?? the Great and Blessed God, the iAlerci. ful Father of all naulkind, would speak of a servant or mnaid as inere I money,' and allow a horrible crime Ito go unpunished, because the victim of the brutal usage ...


... future time, will take the shape You chance to give it-shape it fair or foul- Speak to it in your actions; it will hear. Few words live long; but great deeds are the tongues That speak to every age and all mankind. 'The poet is the prophet of the good- Time ...

Literary Notice

... are able to write accurately and elegantly-how few can read aloud in a manner at all tolerable, not to say pleasing.' As to speaking, it is only two or three here and there-the rari nantes in gur'gitc nasto- who can rise to their feet and utter a cotuple ...

Literary Notice

... Paul's Epistles, all breathing a most earnest spirit, and ?? often by great pithiness of expression. In h1s firt dis- course, speaking of the unsettled religious tendencies of the time, continually oscillating from scepticism to superstition, an d from super- ...

Literature, Science, and Art

... agencies of the eleclric telegraph there is nothing else so mar- vellons as receiving intelligence by sorund. The appa- tus speaks a language, a telegraphic langsage, as dis- ti-ict in tone and articulation as belongs to any tongue. 'The sound that makes ...


... touched me with its dreamy shade, Bat the full moonlight fell on her. And as she paused-I know not why- I longed to speak, yet could not speak; The bashful are the boldest-I- I stooped and gently kissed her cheek, A murmur (else somi fragrant air Stirred ...

Literary Notices

... that shall be almost invisible; words, however, at have a capability of tenuity wire-drawers never gr dreamed of:- Pt Speak to me-speak 1' he urged; 'do not, iwv for pity's sake, look so coldly, or turn from me I lil 'I do not look coldly; but spare me ...


... a-dlkr, e A diztict -jand appropriate utterance to every wo~ .i6! pctiajyi. fitted for it.;_aud. the.lan- c gpagq, as she speaks it, falls on the ear like a-- piece of music. The otheris the incarnation of 4 tregpdy. In what can th; delicate daughter- ...

Literary Notices

... art of public speaking. When we speak our sermons-which may be said to be our charac- teristic national fashion-we speak them, it may be, with too much harsh, strong, boisterous bellowing, and convulsive wriggling on occasions; but we speak often with a ...


... any whiskers 1 Thomp- son (after careful examination). Well, sir, I really don't think as you ever will-leastways not to speak of ! Young Swell. That's rather hard, for my Pap-I inean Governor-has plenty ! Thompson (facetiously). Yes, sir,-but ...


... Of WI. Vieuxtemps, whose merits as a violinist of the first rank are so widely known and appreciated, it is unnecessary to speak for- ther than that he performed with all his wonted ability and success. M. Lamoury, on the violon- cello, displayed fine ...