Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... SIR JOIIN MELVILLE, the ex.provost of Edinburgh, died on Satur- day, of gastric and typhoid feoer, aged fifty. THE DOWAGER MARCHIONESS or OazioNDw died on the 3rd inst., at Drumcondra Castle, near Dublin, after a brief illness. THE COUNTESS or STRATHMORE ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... protracted illness, Mrs Elizabati Coy, of the Pcrba co Tasern, Iightsbridge-green, Brompton. aged 70. ELLIOT ?? the 23d ult,, of typhoid fever, at the re.ideatt ot a frfl- o1t, East Twenty-eevonthlatreat, New York, James Sattaorr llt E late principal Military ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... prominent buildings were draped in mourning. At Washington similar tokens of respect for his memory were paid. His disease was typhoid fever, but he was literally worn out by fost liv- ing, bard work, and political disappointment, He had been insen- sible for ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... among cbl-ll drec. Dieretena woe very prevalent eluring the early pash of September. Almost every cone, whether of simple or typhoid fever. bas~been accompanied by a puntular ereption or uleeratton, more cr lees, of the throat, In nome cwane the munoon membrane ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... complained of pains in his-limbs, 3 Confinemenit to bis room was ordered. (lasti iofever Eupervenled, and wasted his strength. Typhoid fever e followed, and his five physicians were unable to make a heaas against this combination of maladies I hear . that Sir ...