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South West, England


Devon, England

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... and parsonatinfluencoe fat of Lard Palnaersotn that such a party can ha kept together for a the mionth,-that reelites and W~higs end Radicals should all jostle we together at tlas heels of a Premier distrusted by each as a states- esi mnan and much more ...


... or that for all purposes of knowledge yen won't come out of Ireland worse than you went into it. Under the title of A Great Whig Journalist, we have a scathing criticism on the career of Defoe; and apreopos of Col.Thompson's book on the ParagusyanWarwe ...


... Doat one c-hit more flittering then the answer Yi given to the some question a month age by abs organ of ourfrionds sq the Whigs. Na one has yet sptoken up toe the lRodiralse: perhaps eoy Mrl. Bright ciii give us his notietts onl the present state of affairs ...


... deceased. Tue wt'iter titus sums up htis able paper on Ilelabcuhay's very faults proclaimed lisa Power. He was the greatest Whig orator siccc the dayc of 'Burke. No man baa aver I written purer Saron. Ac ank essayict he has' never been 6cr- Passed. Spare ...


... Chancellor of the Exchequer is too true not to be quotod:- For the test hundred years at least, there has not beenn as single Whig l'liniatry which has excelled in finance. Indeed, a, we shall more nearlyexpreas the troth if ws say that, in this 51 respect ...


... intereoted in the great question of the day. To this paper 01 succeeds one on 1Lord Macaulay and Dundee, in which. the 'as great Whig historian ie taken to task for an injustice done to John Grahame, of Claverhouss, Viscount Dundee, who took a prominent part ...


... smiteth grsten'~prays ,. a ie -Let the'lo'fe'lntly tam-ht ~s~ 'a le Blo40om, bw~tt, ?? blpol# hh. - le The6 . 'tl 'o ?? . 1 at Whigs aire eeierefr otrnsti'grt' fbr' .thbe'nmpsist~ ;w!isp,qt$ ishav~ee dippene d,s.te~tr -,olesistitl1 patron~age, lir !ticet°D ...


... principally witbaSirJ. Maokintosb,and onoor two of Mackintosh's Scotch contemporaries who occaslocelly ,coutrl. hated to the WhIg press oftheir day butnonoolwhom were remark. able men as newspaper writers. There is an article on a ,question which hes excited ...


... Ciaticallor of the Exchequser to takes off' either at otace or by two instalenemts,che wasi duties apes tea fintl eugar. WVith'i Whig Goveinmetit ints ffico the next year, atn icithi Euioep in a state of fattoeti, attd weree Still Sit. GIlotietti as Chtancellor ...


... theon entitled Louis Napoileon's' Intentionis tested- by hisi IConduct, inasmcuch 'a we sime thir Emperor,'s policy- from a Whig point of view.. The 'writer' undartakqs, to .eestablislr thoenseassrtl'io:- Whei ?? Eniperor's objacte; r or we consent to ...


... Bath, who hoe got rid of her debts by the same summary process, and has the Leffrontery to beasot of her knavery; a zealous Whig tradesman, who has mansgad to hooup in town at the death of the old fox Loyal, and is fall of the edifyiag show; a good man ...