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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... and two years afterwards was returned for Carlisle on Whig principles. His abilities soon became apparent after he entered the House of Commons, and he was deemed a great acquisi- tion to the Whigs, a political party then hourly gaining strength in the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... liberal and republican innti- tutions by a visit to America, Captain EIrall laid preceded her and set her the examplo of a Whig of W'higs turned Toey by a visit to Liberty's head-quarters; and Thomas oore himself, though he didi not roturn from America un-~higged ...

DEATH OF MR. JOSEPH PARKE3. Mr. I'arkes, whose death record with deep regret, is known locally to but few of

... political soldier; he had entered with all his heart into the battle for Reform ; and from that time forward he held in the great Whig army a place, if not of command, yet of trust and of influence. Perhaps no man was better acquainted than he with the secret ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... generally esteemed by all partieo, in the province orer wbicb he g5resided. In politics he was a&llhis life a firm and consistent Whig; but was not in the habit of speaking in parliament. Dnurin& his college life the'present Earl Grey was one of his pupils. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... EARL FoRTESCcuz, K.s., died on Saturday, in his seventy-ninth year. lie bad for many years been a zealous supporter of the Whig party, and had done good service to his political friends during his long career in the House of Commons, more especially during ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... there was one great point on which he sbowedno disposition to syinpathise with the Whigs. He was no friend to Parliamentary reform; and when in 1830 he joined the Whigs, and supported the Reform Bill, he probably did so quite as much from a conviction ...