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Yorkshire Post and Leeds Intelligencer




Yorkshire and the Humber, England

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Yorkshire Post and Leeds Intelligencer

FROM OUR LONDON . ~ Lojrrx» ff , Monday Bvea . ' It i« tAlmfaly wtein bj that Derby's Cabinet

... Bacon calls the sidola f I may allowed the joke. But Ido not t will do any real harm. I regard the fusion •* the Conservative Whigs with the old Conservatives virtually accomplished, and inclined thiny that shall see ere long practical evidence of the fact ...


... it known to the new Government that they shall have his fair »u|>|K>rt ; an-l this tone ii» taken generally and frankly the Whig Statesmen to lord Derby applied. TllJ w Premier, if we are not misinformed. in consequence of the refusal* he haw received ...

would hare upon the last extremity of war had they not been nisnured beforehand of tha the Emperor of the

... take very cheerful view the future. All say pretty much what said te yon lest letter, that tha fusion of the Coneervative- Whigs, and Conservatives virtually and that its formal announcement in merely question of time. A decent period of widowhood,— semblance ...

SCOTLAND. Lurd-Ailvocattf

... wen, and there never can be, more than two great parties in Parliament; it not in the nature of things ; and the fs.werful Whig section which the Reform question give* the Conservatives majority votes cannot remain (.ermanentlv in its actual abnormal ...

The SjMrtator that it would to deny tlu* litt of the new Ministry conveys impitMMi efficiency, and lxrhai* of

... the Foreign (fffice the Tories have got two step* in advance of their own former Govei nment, and one step in raneeof the Whigs t'u niselves. What the Administration may gain or lose Lord Cranls-rne's Indian administration it i* of course iui|NMsible ...


... lower classes. In the same way there was very little distinction between Liberal Conservative and Conservative Lilieral, a Whig and a Liberal ; a Liberal and advanced Liberal and a Radical, although there wasa clearly defined line between aConservati ...


... circumstances, Lord Derby justified the confidence in him her Majesty and tin; country by his frank advances those leaders of the Whig |>arty who might not unreasonably supposed willing to give all requisite aid in this emergency in the conduct of public affairs ...


... how much it is indebted Sir John Pakington during his last administration of the Admiralty. And if any arrangement with the Whigs had necessitated change in this dejiartment, should have said that it was dearly purchased. We care the less, however, to follow ...


... Lord was yesterday returned unoppored, POST, THURSDAY, form, said, would never settled without mutual in*sic-rate Tories and Whig.*. HUNTINGDON. General Pt*-1 was yesterday m ...


... quarter alone, that the most advance the m«*t democratic section of the ivtrty It Wat not from amongst the arisbK-ratic and old Whigs, from whom Lord Eiissell might naturally have been ex|HM*te ...


... hi. ownership id which constitutes the only right Ireland could have, if ac inclined, number him amcng her historic sunn.— Whig. THE GREAT FAILURE IX WESTMINSTER. Lately wan announce! the failure ..f Russell, Gladstone, Co., and it was added that pro ...