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Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland


Antrim, Northern Ireland

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Advertisements & Notices

... Insuraonce OQ9ice. 1801 [ADVERTISEMrENT 1.] 8, lIAMILTON STREET, BELFAST, 17th M1aY, 18$0. TO THIE EDITOR OF THE BELFAST DAILY WHIG. Sint-My attention having lieen edirected1 to an ad- verlisenment, signed V. K. Vail, which appeared in your paper of' yesterday ...

Advertisements & Notices

... with the collection of information. p ORTER, ALE, AND BOTTLING STORES The Subscriber has alwuiys ill Prime Order the folio whig:- Guinnees' XX PORTER, genuine, 2s. Gd. per Doz. Drogiheda Str-ong Socet ALE, 2s. Od. Bass's and Allso'pp's Bitter ALES, 29 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... To CoRR ItESPONDENTS. a long and discursive letter, I epoter of the Northern Whig, in which Flozll tho t wO have buett for several days I lt°lijue his professional charactcr by a (ic.) (>f allo mous lettcrs, with ; cthof wuig a doubt on the idelity of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... principal j ournials in Beltfast dim-ing fhie twvelve months ending 30 1h Jule i, 1860:- NEWS.L ' ETTEI.. 125,000 Northern Whig, . .. 65,080 Mercury, 02,000 Banner of Ulster, G,000) It wvill thus be seen tlat the stamped circulation ...

Advertisements & Notices

... tie pilnucipal jisurnals in Belfast durinlg the twelve months enduing 30th JUll(, 1860:- I NEWS-LETTER, 125,000 Northern Whig, . 65,000 Mercury, . .. . 62,00 Banner of Ulster, . 76,000 It will thus be seen that time stamped circulation of the NEws-LETTER ...

Advertisements & Notices

... issued to the principal journals in Belfast during the twelve mouths ending 30th June, 1860:- NEWS-L¢'T R . 125,000 Northern Whig, Gi,000 Mercury, 62,000 Banner of Ulster 76,000 It will thkus be seen that the stamped circulation of the Nttws-LETTrmER ...

Advertisements & Notices

... joillI L:; ill Bollt iL dllrini- tlle I lvelvo 11 u mt hs .,,;l,, Jl~b.illf', I SM :- NEWSLET EI't, 125,000 Nivl'heril Whig, 65,00 31erclulr, 02,000 Banner of Ulster, . 70,000 It. will thu1s be %eell Olvit tile stalllpcl Circulationtl of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... islelud hi th hiii il jtioiiill inl !ellstzt duing tie twelve osiiitalls onidig l30th Jiii 180O:-0 MN WS-fTEI.125O000 NortXhoro Whig, . O5,000 1ieinctry, . 62,000 Blanner of ullter, 76,000 It will thus li n seetil I at t1h1 staninei i civellition ...

Advertisements & Notices

... , 125,000 Northern Whig, . . 6000 iIrcury, .62,000 Banner of Ulster, 76,000 It will thus be seen that tho stamped circulation of thle NEws-LETTER was, for tie twelve mionths ending June last, nearly doetblo that of the Whig and Mlercury-a fact which ...

Advertisements & Notices

... to the prillcipal journals in Belfast during the twelve months ending 30th June, 1860:- NEWVS-LETTER . 125,000 Northern Whig, 65,000 Mercury .62,000 Banner of Ulster, . 70,000 It will thus be seen that thc stamped circulation of' the NEws-LE'TTR WIwas ...

Advertisements & Notices

... to the principal journals in Belfast during the twelvo months ending 30th Juno, 1860:- NEWS-LETTER, . 125,000 Northern Whig .0. 65,000 MeIrcury, . 62,000 Banner of Ulster, ., , 70,000 It will thus be seen tbat'tho stamped circulation of the N ...

Advertisements & Notices

... to tile principal journals in Belfast during the twelvo months ending 30th June, 1860:- NElYS-LETTER, 125,000 Northern Whig, , G.. 5,000 Mercury, . . 62,000 Banner of Ulster,, ..- 71,000 It will thus bc seen that tile stamped circulation of thle ...