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Waterford Mirror and Tramore Visitor



Republic of Ireland, Republic of Ireland


Waterford, Republic of Ireland

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Waterford Mirror and Tramore Visitor


... THE POPULAR FEELING AMERICA. (From the Northern Whig). The fbllowinp extract from a private letter written hr well-known New England Abolitionist to friend*in England. Although the events to which it refers have long since been made public, the authentic ...


... tli9 pi’es°nt Governmeut was so pining in the col 1 idjs opposition tboir organs at the Press fulminated thunders against the Whigs because they would nothing for Ireland. Now that the Tories are in power it remains to be scon whether they will realise the ...


... tIH. enemy been driven from several positions hut still confronted him. lie captured guns and 2.J00 prisoners. The Richmaml Whig estimates the Confederate loss .3,000 men. including six generals killed and Sevan wounded. The Federal loss is estimated at ...

SITE WEDNESDAY EVENING MAY 5, 1869 Clje GOVERNMENT AND THE RAILWAYS.. With extreme regret both friends and foes ..

... sufficiently powerful to reject the unanimous request of the Irish Representatives. Perhaps on no subject were our Members, Whig and Tory, ever before perfectly atone, and the novelty Po phenomenon might of itself have so impressed the Ministry ns to draw ...


... Army tho Rappahannock. Gen. Wool has been appointed to the command of the newlv created denaftment of the K ist. The Richmond Whig says—“ All tho Union officers taken prisoners at Murfreesboro, arc to be kept in close couPncment rntil General Butler has ...


... Major Knox by 241 votes, against Flanagan’s 229. Waterford has elected Mr Delahur.ty, Nationist, agaiust Henry W. Barrun, old Whig. Youghal—ln 1865 Sir .T. M'Kenna polled 1-22 votes, and Mr Butt 30, On Saturday former only polled 105, and by Weguelan, who ...

iVATEiii'UKD A.\ l) via/1 C.iv— ik'i’itiil'Ai -Ji, JN3«. WATERFORD PETTY COUNTV WEXFORD ELECTION, MK. Fun; ..

... opposition the Whig*. (Loud cheer*.) Why? For very simple n-twon . because they have fur nearly quarter a century unbroken administration been our deadly enemies ; ** pldd-s few. mid destruction to the people,” has been the motto of Whig rule. (Cheers ...

CARRTCK—Two o’Ctocg

... accounted for by ♦• * e fact . Talbot is keeping nheid. -Every possible obstacle is thrown in tbe way o- Ihe Conservatives the Whigs. Almost e*ery seconi vote subjected to the qualification oath, which, in more cases than one, | led to rather hot, worly encounters ...


... ire, nnd to 1841. under the Melbourne uiiuUtt was Chief aSecrctary for Ireland, where he was universally beloved. When the Whig* came ng:«in into power in 1846, was opnointi d Commissioner of Woods and Forests, and succeeded Lord Campbell Chancellor of ...


... whether he could tell the answer to the boyish riddle—* Why is a bald man’s hat like heaven ?'—replied, ‘ Because there not a Whig in it.’ Quiadity liy Ourran.—Lundy Foot, the • celebrated tobacconist, applied to Curran for a motto when he first started ...

Uivtljs, itßmuiijfS, nub ZDiniljs. BIRTHS. Sumlay, at Biou Row, the wife of Mr. Richard Farrell daughter. the ..

... House Commons. Mr. M'Kenna 1 comes forward totally disconnected with any I political party unfettered any pledge to | either Whigs or Tories,” but resolved to devote bis time and his talents to promote the prosperity of all classes of Irishmen, irrespective ...

18 6..19 6

... Liberal party so called, distinctly intimates, but the term has a very wide application. Whether Fir Colman exactly means the Whigs and the party now in office is not quite manifest ; however, the general character ofhis predilections needs not be doubted ...