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... letter was addressed from Lausanne to Lord Eliot in October, 1784, and it contains this passage: Yet let me soberly ask you on Whig principles, whether itbe not a dangerous discovery that the King can keep his favourite Minister against a majority of the ...


... animosity of the party which ta, constantly overreaching itself would have 01rdforth feelings of triumph in a much less 1,rerighig Whig. On this subject it is curious tantrst the mode of warfare adopted by Parlia- cotryolabatants in those days with that which ...


... canseawhich led to this podition off aftire. hen Lady Mary first knew rope, ho was ind.Iffolent ?? pollitic, end suspected of whig tendencese, onlyn, perhaps, because he wrote in eon. junction with Steele and Addison, and assooiated with them; but, in the ...


... said, but the little is said well. The political narrative is to show the distinct features of his character as a pure Whig, when Whig principles were the grounds of a well-defined course of action that had to be pursued against a toryism more an- ta-oonist ...


... that mright, perhaps, be n aggravated if the number of voters were mate- ?? increased, according to any method which ithe- the Whig or Tory Governments had d aft'aally proposed. 1t was felt that large con- d stscuencieB acted very much as a mob, and i th-t ...


... treatment of the wemarkable period to which, these per- n sons belnd, h been hitherto wofully one t sided; it was either the keen Whig Presbyterian all for'the Covenant, and admitting no flaw in its d adherents,-no virtue in its enemies; or the stanch v episcopal ...


... unpopular reminiscences of the Whig party nom. passed into oblivion, and his authority descended ito. to the new chieftain, i and s With better quie, 3 and Better opinion, better Confirmation. And from that day forward the Whigs began slowly, but steadily ...


... undertaking which Mr. Layard's bill will, we trust legalise, before members repair to the moors. This measure is neither a Whig nor a Tory measure ; it is a purely educational one, and as such should have the support of both sides of the House of Com- ...


... fun of him for being a hairdresser's son: So I am, he replied; and I am come into the House to give a dressing to the Whigs. Yery characteristic is a saying of Nelson's. Soon after the victory of the Nile, Sir William Hamilton complained of the French ...


... his own fireside. At the ball, across the green, live4 his is-toed Mr. (bflsy, ldch sereiff in 17111, who was in politics a, Whig, and in religion a Nonconformist-one of the rega- lar old Paritan school. Hes kept a ossidlent disenti~ng mi'nister as chaplain; ...


... be hated the very thought of office. He was one of that me- morable coalition between the Grenville tories and the Foxite whigs which, after submitting to be bullied by the King in 1807, first into withdrawing one-half of a miserable measure of concession ...


... King was determined not to be caught in the trap which was set for him; that be had taken alarm at the progress made by the Whigs, and said he should settle it all by turning out Canning. Bates comes from London, and brings with him our passports, c. He ...