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to any extent, if hated by tho Tory party, i* least not welcome to some of the Whigs ; and

... to any extent, if hated by tho Tory party, i* least not welcome to some of the Whigs ; and in the absence of dangerous manifestations of impatience the part of the people, and with administration not believed to be zealous even for its own measnre, Parliament ...

at the lowest cost price. He was a member of the whig national convention of 18(8, and advocated the nomination

... at the lowest cost price. He was a member of the whig national convention of 18(8, and advocated the nomination of General Taylor. In was a candidate for the U.S. senate, but the legislature was democratic, and elected General Shields. After the expiration ...


... up to the Peers’ House, and Will make Willy Cubitt our City’s M.P.! Come fill up our cup, come fill our can! Despair false Whigs, ye’ll ne’er carry your man! Keep all your eyes open, ye ll see what ye’ll see: Old London’s Lord Mayor shall be London’s M ...


... conspirators, the Whig agents of the Bevolution !” We sincerely trust,” continues the Tablet, that every vote that can be influenced by any regard for patriotism, or civilisation, or religion, will be registered against the Whigs upon the very first ...


... ’ On the other band, The O’Donoghue, who had been insulted by Sir Robert Feel, is belaboured with invective by the leading Whig journal because be dared to call the English Secretary for Ireland to account for bis extremely offensive expressions 1 So ...


... on this Bill. (Left sitting.) Kidderminster Election. —The nomination took place on Monday. The candidates were Col. White, Whig, and Mr. Talbot, Liberal Conservative.” The show of hands was in favour of Mr. Talbot, A poll was demanded. ...


... indicated that essayist of no ordinary brilliancy had arisen to instruct and amuse the reading public. Ere long the leaders of the Whig party, iu recognition of his intellectual superiority appointed Lord, then Mr. Macaulay, a Commiesiouer of Bankruptcy; and ...


... his public career Lower Ilonse, voted on all occasions with the Whig party, and, although unfroquent speaker in the House of Peers, invariably supported the views and measures of the Whig governments. death of his father, in October, 1839, succeeded to ...


... Teinj Bar,) Loudon, also all respectable l>r iggists and Dealers in Medicines through* out ihe civilisi d world, at die folio whig prices;—ls. 2s. 4s. Cd. 11s., 225., ind .13s each Box There Is consicerable saving taking the larger sizes. JN.B. —Direttions ...


... IBISH NATIONAL EDUCATION. Th« Northern Daily Whig reports, at greet length, the proceedings of a great demonstration on behalf of the present system of Irish National Education, which was held in liel on Wednesday last. The meeting was conrened the Ulster ...


... and of the consequent sufferings of cattle. Prices have not been so high for 20 years in every Irish market.” The Northern Whig says For the last 20 years fodder has not brought such enormous prices as it at present brings in every Irish market. We know ...


... Convention for the selection of a candidate is to held at Chicago about three weeks, and between now and then there is be “Old Whig” Convention at Baltimore, to galvanize the dead bones of that country. The action of both of these conventions will depend ...