The American news of such deep interest that iiKu justifiably make it the subject a few remarks supplementary ..

... the country, the instinct of every man and woman in the land, contradicts the idea that any possibility of an independent South remain after the capital was abandoned, its Government set adrift, and its army withdrawn into the solitudes of the interior ...


... with keen anxiety, and they may be here at any moment. * r ' ' 1• j lint while conceding that Charleston may ba attacked by land, it is just possible that thia attaok may be deferred for an indefinite period. At present, from all that I can learn, it is ...


... field for the much-abused boilers; so that there is a good chance of their being usefully disposed of last. The case of the woman Smith, who was at the last Norwich Assizes sentenced live years penal servitude for cruelly ill-using and starving her domestic ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Fortifications., The Army before the Commonwealth. Establishment of the Militia. Army before and after the Revolution. Bill of Rights and Act of Settlement. Payment of Army by Parliament. Military Expenditure. Mutiny Act. The Army in Relation to our R ...

Advertisements & Notices

... E, TEHOUGHTS on FREE TRADE Al in LAND. By WILLIAX FOWLPB, LL.B., M.P. We strongly advise our readers to peruse Al Fowler's small treatise, for we are convinced be proves his grievances. He shows that our laws9e land do much harm which is not generally ...


... it stuck into the ground in falling, that he would take the life of a woman who had re. jected his tenders affection. Then there are such cases those of Constance Kent and the woman Winsor—different in the objects for which the crime was committed, but ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ennis, and in thi vloinitl of the corn and butiter earkets. Lot'No. 3-The Llio Estate in tile Lands of (ower Is- land ald the Curra,,h, being part of the Lands of Gower, aitunte in tlb Barony of lMoyarta, and County of Clare, held by lease for three lives ...

Advertisements & Notices

... No. 33, Kildare-street, Dublin. CHARLES HENRY JAMES, Offictal As- aignee, No. 29j, Upper Ormond-quay, Dublin, d5,7 LANDED ESTATES. LANDED ESTATES COURT, IltELAND. CITY OF DUBLIN. In the Matter of 1 u BE SOLD, before the Estate of I TL the Hononrable Judge ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Dublin.' nn10, LANDED ESTATES. LANDED ESTATES COURT QREL&ND). FINAL NOTICE TO CLAIMANTS AND INCUJMBRANCERS. I the Matter of AKE NOTICE, that The Estate of | the Schedule of Ineum. Arthur OfBeirne, a Minor, branees affecting the Lands of Owner; Aughareagh ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WILSON, Nelson-land. 15th Sept., 1800. I18,7 EPILEPSY.-The Sub8criber's remedies E are found most successful in curing the above disease In females, and are confidently recommended. W. LEGER ERSON, LM., BP, HENRY-STREET. DUBLIN. HOUSES AND LANDS.' Q OUTH SEA ...

Advertisements & Notices

... considerably under value, For cards to view apply to CAREY, BRiOTUBERS, Eouse and Land Agents, as 19 Lower Ormend-quay. LANDED El STATES IN THE LANDEDESTATES COURT, ILE(LAND, COUNTY DUBLIN. In the Matter of 1 ' 0 BE SOLD, before the Ectate of J the Honourable ...


... confirmed the decision of Mr. Temple, judge of the Rochdale County Court, who few months since refused to accept the evidence of a woman who openly acknowledged that she was an infidel. The total number of deaths resulting from the recent colliery explosion at ...