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Freeman's Journal




Republic of Ireland, Republic of Ireland

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Freeman's Journal

Advertisements & Notices

... T HE QUEEN'S ROYAL 'tELEATRE.- Last Week of ilr. T. C. EING.-I' st appearanco of the renowned Si'nor Duvalli, the ChampioA Aocenslonist of the World.-TmllS EVENING (Monday)s July 2d, thls perfor- imrlnesl vill commence witilh Shaks~pare'soTragedy of MAC. 1Ll l (with tile whole of Locke's Musie).-Duncan, Mr lite- James; Malcolm, Mr Duff; Maibetb, Mr King; Banque, Mr yivash; UMacdulf, Mr Vincent ...

Advertisements & Notices

... C'i~HI1' EY 1EECES in Italiani, Belgoian, Irish, rs.. end Ertglish Marble, Enamelled Slate and Cast Iren, rr.,lbb~e vs'r Drawvingroomas, llningrooens, Bedrooms, le, A very lbrge stock to releet from.-MAUBICE BR.OOKS, BACK it'L' 3 Pl ACiS. Dislihsn C HAND.ELIEl SIN OlVMOLU, B1tONZE, \ J AND CRYST IL. HALL AND LOUBf LAMPS. GAS FiTTINGS OF EVERY VABIETY. AN EXTENSIVE STOCK OF THlE NEWEST DESIGNS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TQUEEtWS. ROYAkL THEATRE -: *iY), July :Wd, thle purfrol-1,1cacs 1criti ellicaclitce ,I Sti (i.. f (11Sf 'ITUS or, T'ic Forgotteo Iiricd..ic3liisi Ir 'ICi~jnp 'fit OS ( Qithitils Fulvitlit Mr ',iflvil .11cws MtII Diii no.50,t, Mr' I i tzjaic'i Lyc'iiS. Me' Il VIti , So- 11.1 rui, II cii, IM'soi 1`. New N, :i idr Dvriso~il o iicli V. iii ic introdtICod tlei cclcbr',liii Miiy1t-oi0l.ii TvI,(,1 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLICATIONS. ]'LONVE Rs OF HEAVEN; ott, ExAmI'rs FL C's ritE t%'AiTO, pi'oposred tothis imltation of Christians. From the Icenebl of thoe Abbe Orsini. The CA rtioLic rUBLISILING and I300KNSELLING COST- t'ANrY (Limited), CHARLES DOU!LMAN, Manager, C1, New l~oerd-strecit, Lerirooc JOHN ?IULLANY, 1, l'AiIMIANrIENT- STIIEET, DUII111N. NOTICE.-DUFFY'S IRiBEUITIAN 'The cihneIprcssloll of tIjO 1 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -rHE QUE EN'S ROYAL THEATRE.- ,aIll:NFIT OF. 311. It,1tUCE NORT(N mkild hist ap) Is Val M-Last. Four Nights of Al. TI. C. INTHIS b lNN IIIcII of thle Wonder of the World, Dayvilll !III cmenceNiNG (wcdtirieday), July 4th, the performatee ill coMrmTnCe Knit $lialispere'il Trogedy tof OTIM -O.0t11o0 M'TC i Blrabllanio, MrT B Norten ; go, Mir C Ilcortwelil (ti13 popular Arierican tragedian, whot ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LODGINGS. TDGINGS.-IVANTED, FURNISHED, eisT with Attendanco, .near BRiAY, a SITTINGROOM 'aand TWO BEDROOMS, for a Lady and Children where good Zik Could be supplied * if In a respectable farmer's house prolerred; references interchanged. Address G G, Lodgings, Oae of this Paper. HOUSES AND LANDS. TO be LET, MOUNT VERNON COT- .L TAGE, DOLLYIIOUNT, until tue Ist of November next. It i8 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WANTED. ~ AU Letters to 6e-pre-jstid. ANTE]., Stucco Plast rers. Apply to Tihe lI'Auasples, Stucco plasterers, 31, Brunswick- street, Dublin, orl toMr. 'Court, vlsconmnon, j4,22 U ANTED, two respectable Men (Teetotallers prreferrcd) to collect weekly acsounts for a Drapory bart ; they will require to know the city well, and to idud security. Aidtreso, by lettel 0 aCnnd 11, 21 Wicklomv-strcet, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T HE QUEEN'S ROYAL THlEATRE.- TLiit Night but Ono of Mr. T. C. ElNG.-LaOt ttpptar- ,,.wune~c of thce Wonder of the World, DtvaillI F-Last attelt'eti 1.i;ce of Mr. B. Norton.-THIlS EvENING ('rlsi'sday). July il'!I, thle performances sivil comnmence i~ wthlicle Its G. Grlttln's I Xiy of GwSIr'US or, T1,Ile I.orgotato F'riend.-GisiPPU58, 311' .rc C lse ; Titus Quintus Fitlvilas, Mr (A Villeetlt ...

Advertisements & Notices

... lxQUEEN'S R~OYAL TIFlATRB~-- 37 IENEIT 01 N111. TI. C. SING, and his Last aippeari- a MmC-IiSS Biessie King.-TIllS EVENLG(rdyJl Mil, thle Perfornmances will commience wniththaclebrated Isranin of INGOMAII, 'TljiK IPAKlitAIJM ANof aiia', MrJ'I Kiing ;Myron, M I Notn lmTem'tif ulMr. Duff; Lykon, Mr Viv~5tI; lior %r incent; Aect, Mrs Parker ; l'arthernia, Miss9 A f'arker.No IitiIlltDi ,m ...

Advertisements & Notices

... INSURANCES. GIBESPIAM LIFE ASSUilANCE G SOCIETYi 37, OLD LONV1Y, lONDON. 2n stv'sisr~s, 18S9. Policics isiued during the year assuting cupipards of ONW 611.LION STEELING. New Premiums received during the year 1850, £28,208 2s. 10df. Althobligh the prinvplail portion of this Soeletv's Policiesl are upois kiii class Lives, its peculiar feature consists li the s Assutrnee alesiuitable i ates, of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... JUVENILE CLOTHINGk, M 6ade i~b -Neat and Diwable Afaterials. Ji R40NIANY HOUSEJ, It n, fltabe or lrwlnroosfllloroosBedrooms, &C. A vry arg stck o slec frm. laUicE BUCOKS, ARRELL AND SONS,; .1 GLASNEVIN M1ARBLE WVORKS. Oil victw a AMonlument to the late Iigllt Rev. Ifenry Colt- nIlcI, RIC. 1tioltop of Pltlladelphla. In proess of crOctillo, a M'onumlent eltell to thle Sisters and brothers ofthil ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HE QUEEN'S ROYAL THEATRE.- 3?E Ilcnggmnta for Two Ngtsof M1t.s TMli. TIN.-C sN. 1 Lt 0gt~ ofghi olM r B Nortnton.-lS~ E ENIN i2G (Saturday), July 7t h, t he iPerformancea will comloenco ith llcele elabrated Drania of rAULINKE.-Countt hlorace oleca D r Kis11; Likeled do Norval Mr (0 Vincent a; M ixnhIr VIvivash; Leon do lieauchaiip, Mr J J D uff ; Madanletiode Norvea, Nervs Darker; paulinc, ...