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Belfast, Antrim, Northern Ireland

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Advertisements & Notices

... A STEAM BOILER TO BE SOLD NEAR BALLY- Ml()ONEY. o feet 4 inches diameter, and 37 feet 4 inches long, with internal fire-box and flue, 3 feet 4 inches diameter, capable of behing worked with safety to 401bs. to the square inch. It can be exa- mined onl the outside, as the brickwork is taken awav. FHr further particulars apiply to Messrs. JOUN ROW AN & SONS, Belfast; or to WILLIAMI MiOORE, Moore ...

Advertisements & Notices

... i,11btic Aml11nmt. J)ELFAST' A N A C R E 0 N T I C SOCIETY. TIHE GREAT CONCERT OF TITE SEASON, TUESDAY, 17TH JANUARY. The followilng is tile list of the Artistes engaced; formiig, a cunihiniation of Talent never, perhaps, equalled it, Bel last:- VOCALISTS: Aldle. CORBARL Madameo BADIA. Madame FlORENT[NI. llHrr REICHARIDT. Signor TAGLIAFICO, and Mr. J. LI. HATTON. INSTRU31ENTALISTS: Piano-Forte ...

Advertisements & Notices

... [0 LANDED PROPRIETORS AND FARMERS. DRAIN PIPES for Field Drainage, of 2, 3, and 4 inches bore, of superior quality, to be had at the FERGUSLIE FIRE CLAY WORKS DEPOT, (East Corner of Queen's Bridge), ON COAL QUATS, BELFAST. Cnn be delivered at any suitable landing place in the North of Ireland. PRICES VERY 10DERATE. Always on hand, Fire Clay Feeding Troughs in great variety. 151 'FT A ND R EWS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Jif EATRE ROYAL, BEL F AS T. BENEFIT OF Mrs. CHARLES DILLON. Fifteenth time of KENILWORTII! which is still receivedl withi As:toundinig Plhtudits, and Last Night lit. Three of its Representation. Last Night but Four of Mr. WYBEIR T ROUSBY, who will appear in Two Pieces, TillS E'VENING Vrtlesday), 101h Janutry, 1860, the lprforrsaniis will coimmience with the New Play of THIl CUILD O)F TILE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CHURCH ORGAN FOR SALE.-A TURNING J ORGAN, built by WALKER, of London, with Three Barrels, containing 3G well-selected Tunes, including double and single Chants and Voluntaries. Thlcrc are 5 stops. It is a superior-toned instrument, in good order, and is suited for a Church containing 300 Sittings. Apply to the Rev. T. F. BLACK, Whitehouse, Beltfast1 160 S E E D P O T A T O E S. FLOUNDERS. 1ST ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, BELFAST. Sixteenth time of KENILWORTH! which Nightly inelrusiCS if) flvotir, and Last Night hot Two of' ire l-(SlreseO1Ilti(Z.l Last Ni.Ldht hilt Three of Mrs. CIIARILES DILLON nnd lAir.. WYMMIfT ROUSBY. TillS 1,I'l'NING (Wednesday), 11th January, 18G0, the Perfornanllces will commence with (by particu- Iar Desire) the New Play of THE FOOL'S REVENGE! BerticciO, a Jester, .\Mr. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CLASSICAL IIARMONISTS'SOCIETY. C PUBLIC CONCERT. The Corminttebo ih to announce that the Society vill ,ive, on WEDNESDAY evening, 1st February, for tile first time in Belfast, an OPERA RECITAL, When tvill he performed (with Enwtl sish wortls) the 3i 1lsic of W'W nit's celebrated Opera, DER FR El SC HUTZ. PRINCIPAL VOCALISTS. Agnes Mladame WEISS. Ann Miss E. J. WELLS. RIIoih . . ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ESTATE OF CARTER & MARTIN. rlHE SALE OF THE MACHINERY, &C., IN T CONWAY STREET MILL, will be continued TO-MORROW, commencing at One o'clock P.M. The Heckling, Carding, and Spinning, together with a large quantity of other yaluable Machinery, are still to be disposed of. 170 (By Order of the Trustees.) ] SALE THIS DAY. S A L E O F P A I N T I N G S. Mr. HYNDMAN has received instructions to Sell ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THIIS DAY AND TO-MORROW. BELFAST A AC C R E N T I a SOCIETY. THrE GREAT CONCERT OF TIIE SEASON, ON TUESDAY, 177TI JANUARY. The following- is the list of the Artistes engaged; forloing a c iiihl it ion of' Taleit never, p erhaps, o jualled in Belslt: _ VOCALISTS: ddlle. CORBARI. M alamo lll BADADI Madame FIORENTINI. lher REICHARDTII Signor TAGLIAFICO, and Mr.J. L. HATTON.. INRl'RUMENTALISTS: ...

Advertisements & Notices

... g5 REWARD. LOST ON ijW)NESDAY,1 I TH INSTANT, OFF A L CARRIAGE, letween TUDOR HOUSES, in Ioirwood, and CRAWFORDSBURN, a Large Blackl RAVELLING BOX, containing Dresses and Jew elIery. Whoever will bring tbe same to CARNALEA HOUSE, Crawfordsilburn; or to 'TUDOR HALL, llolywood, villreceive theaboveRuward. £2 wrill be given to any person vho mlay give sucl intorma- tion as wvill lead to the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,,$tevam 6011111n1111ati~alt. JANUARY, 186 0. q 111ST -CLASS S T E A .M ii lS i. SAIL frP n and to l i - I.-AST as noll bolow o.; .. kq txCd)tel:- T!ao n. xii :n !' *:t111 Ticl; s are uiot issnled n b~oord theso Steallnlrs, and calnloiil3 h (! olitined at the Ageuts' Offici'es and i:ailwiy St1Ition wlu re all Pas- selig)Ws are rVqil- i!tol to lppl y. Tlit tin , llfl(l ale for R lturnl ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AT VICTORIA HALL, N -,I 0 N D A. Y EVENING, JANUARY 16, 0 commencing at Eight o'clock , Major BOLTON ,,.ill Deliver ills LAST LECTURE on the Revealed o' W'ay ol Salvation. Text-Acts xiii., 2G-41. AD]MISSIO Fiur. At the Door, his advertised PAMPHLET can lie A had, Price One Shilling; subsequently at Mr. A AITCHISON'S, High Street. 203 _ __ __ _____________ - A BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL FOR YOUNG ...