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Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland

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Advertisements & Notices

... WANT. JMrPLO YERS WAN TIN G AS SIS TAN.TS may:' ?? SvdDVug8fEI~pOENCl~rmicpad )er Three- O COACHBUIILDEIRS.-WVANTE13, Several BoDYAtiiEBS and PAINTEIS, Ono SMITI ,. ComCntent l9en will find cooestaost EmPloyment, and Libecal Wag gvs ITo ztio ?? need apply. Apply to gao. KRA eRY a oc ?Unfuictwry, York. GENERAL NOTICES. : rlE PLEASA.NCEE C HIURCH.I1 SPECIAL SERVICES ON SABBATH 20TIL,.: Forenoon ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GENERAL NOTICES. 3p RI CE OPF BU E AD.--lho l'rice of P the Finest Bread in Edinburgh is 7 id per 41b lonf. ClAIIUlElt OF COMMINERCE AND MANUFACTrURES. A SPECTAL MEETING oftheOCHATBER AX trill be held in the IIHALL, 11 DIELLnOURNE T'LACr, on TUESDAY NEXT, the 24th curt., at Twelve noon. for the coasiderajion ot the Herring Fisheries Bill, the Election of New Nlembe's. and other Business. GEO. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GEINEAIL NOTICES. CODS1ERCIAL BANK OF SCOTLAND. A QUAR1TERLY GENERAL: COURT of PRO- PRiETORS of the CQ .^31MERCIAL BANK of *SACOTLAN D will be held in the Bank's Offlee here, ,on TUESDAY, the 10T}I MARCH; NExT, at Two o'clock Afternoon, pursuant to the Charter. JAs. REID, Secy. Edinburgh, 15th February 1860. POLICE, PRISON, & REGISTRATION .1.. AS$ESSMIENTS. The Public is again reminded that ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GENERAL NOTICES. S E R MI 0N. N TEHE REV. H. D. NORTHROP, of NeivYorklt thas been induced to prolong his stay in Edin- bnrgh for another Week, and will conduct Religious Services in the following Place:- ' a BROUGHTON PLACE U.P. CHaRcH, Rev. Dr Thom- son's, THIS EVENING (TuHnsDAY). Tie Working Classes are specitally IriUd Worship to begin at S o'clock. Sun -TEIE LIQUOR TRAFFIC AND THE*. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AN, . ?? -t'N-~Xi AEGUC t NTEW8AVE18, AND. IBINIY b e hddi_, ~ tepe-! on FIDAY kTr19. te t. t at- Sen oeek, ?? for~se e oe adopting iares gbtaln (10, the Ertsiian,'o a 3im u of -t:i ,at New, baYen, for, thP xreatsr wpteciacof- te lives, and propetty of thu Nilaetmeu ;,snd (2), Te Conint'zuoii cf a EiiLWAYr tetw'een Tfisivv 'auh i.r' ,'bi tpo sea-sh^r,'5 ,* rut i 'of addfingtoth reibklpk~ rco- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC MRETINGS st QUEEN STREET HALL 11OME EVANGELISATION. THIS EVENING (WEDNESDAY), 3d October, at 7 o'clock. The RiGnT HoeN. the LORD PROVOST, Presiding. Bc Addressee by the Rev. Dr Alexander, Rev. Dr _ Guthrie, TRev. Wm. Robertson, New Greylriars', and Rev. A. Millar, of the City Mislion. On THEURSDAY EVENING (To ITORatow), 4th IOctober, at 7 o'clock, Addresses by Rev. Dr Norman C( MLeod, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 19flitral g [ OCIETY FOR THE EDUCATION OF IMBECILE CHILDREN IN SCOTLAND. A GENERAL MEETING of the SOCIETY will be P 1 eldl jal the QUREN STREET IIALL, OU MONDAtY, 3d 01 Febralry, at Two P.M. The RWigt Hon. the EARL os' HADDINGTON in the Chair. 0 The Verv Rev. Deau l Ransay, the Rev. M. Nichol- 51 thle i1ev. J. E. Cumming, the Rev. Dr Guthrie, tbe Rev. ?? palelfon, Chmrles Cow an, Esq. of Logan ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Mote~ &r. TLE PRICE LIST'. THE GRAND SALE OF FRENCH AND ORIENTAL CARPETS AND ENGLISH AND FRENCH CURTAIN MATERIALS AT K ENNINGTON & JENNER'S K must be one of high interest to the Public, on account of the Chatactcr and Quality of all thie GOODS, and the exceedjingly Low Prices at which they are being offered. In pursuance of the notice given in the Papers of Saturday last, KENNINGTON & JENNER ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - L~lNt I:ORl THE WORKING CLASSES . ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Ht STANDARD INVESTMENT SOCIETY ll' ill the IIAL, Of tile CHAMBtiiER of C011. fD, ' 11ilIilwi.t' sR; PLACE, Oi Jl(oldliy Eres itt, v lrv'' , 1 ?? o'clock, when .1! N ,STUART FORBES, DART., 1resitlenit of the Society, . r ll Analss on1 FREETIOLD LAND Si ?? iu conileetio I with the present (lemand | Ovi'LLINXS ?? tie 1 WORKING CLASSES. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IOW and WHAT to READ and STUDY.-The fourth edition, in fop. Svc, price 5s, cloth, COURSE of ENGLISH READING ; or, Allow and 'What fto Study, adapted to Every Anecdotes. BY 10. Tathe Rev. J~CapayerB..rn Coil., Oxford Ather ?? ssetY 5 theMChurh, IIIRecollec- Auions of IIeg DasTTewrce Field, &c. This volume, besdsgvn coiosltofoks for reading, containS an ample eynopsis of a plan for 5tudyifg ...

Advertisements & Notices

... , tltit) I i zs1 i Itt,t. Now Rcadly, Nos. ?? priee (f1 sael!, of XToIT NC'S NEWI T:RANc1SL.zTIN of tldc IL IHLY 1: ll-E. To be cosnplete in Twenty N. t., ?? Hg 760 pp. (cowns 0Ct0-o. SlIeCiL ns sci- f£12, and Subsallierto Mullces reccivcd, ]3v Al~l. ]DX.FU;(l 01201 ;u20lt~lc'.!X. G OD'8 (JI[OSEN liAST; on, IIAT 1rSHALL GJI WF; DO FOR ORIL 001POORER ]ititIIIIEu Y ? Isaiah Iviii. 6, 7 ; Luke ...