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Legal Intelligence

... reft jalnft.ffgenC. COURT OF PROBATE-DUBDLI, Novnunxa G. [Before the Right Ron. Judge xEArTINa.J TODD V. THOMPSON. Turs was a suit to try the validity of a will mado in 1858. The testator was e farmer near Newry. Probate had been taken out at the time; but, a ques- tion having been afterwards raised on the ground of undue execution, it became requisite to prove the will in form. Evidence ...


... FIGHT WITH KNIVES-SAD RESULT OF A I DRUNKEN SCUFFLE. A vrnE sad occurrence was investigated on Tuesday by Mr. W. J. Payne, Coroner for the Duehy of Lancaster. A young man, aged 24, named Edward Leigh, commoner of Jesus College, Oxford, who has been residing in Dane's Inn for some time, but was about to return to Oxford to take his B.A. degree, lost his life in a drunken scuffle, as it appears, ...


... BELFAST POLICE COURT-YESTERDAY. [Before W. T. B. LioNS, Esq., J.P.] FURIOUS DRIVING. Thomas Reid was charged by Constable Robinson with having driven his horse and cart furiously through Bridge Street on the previous day. The BENcH found the case proven, and fined the prisoner in 20s and costs. - HOW MR; ERA GOT INTO TROUBLE. John Rea was charged by Cdinstabl6 Fury with having been disorderly ...


... HOME CIRCUIT-CflOYDON, AussesT 27. THE B3UINIG OF Ca.UPDEN 1IOULSE b wOOLLEE v. rOLE. Tins trial was continued yesterday, before Mr. Baron r BsAwxrnLL and a jury of ten, for the third day. a The day commenced by the re-examination of the 1 witness Crozier, the butler, who explained by the E plan the route he toolk to put out the gas on the r night previous to the fire, and he pointed out the ...

Assize Intelligence

... 1-5,5ip 3f;ltdllQmla. 1-:1 COUNTY OF DOWVN. FrROM our. OWN REPORTER.J DOWNPA!TRIC, FrclD. cRowN COUrT. TITs morning, at half-past ten o'clock, the IIon. hMr. Justice HlAY took his seat on the bench, and pro- ceded with the disposel of he crimniual business. Sir Thoma; Staples, Bart., Q C., and lMr: Thomas Macdonnell, Q.C., appeared as counsel for the Crow.iJ LARCEINY. James Whitelow pleaded ...


... BELFAST POLICE COURT-YPSTERD.kY. [Before IV. T. B. Lyoss, ESOr., J.P. ; DAVID TAYLOR, Esq, J.P,; and Dr. MURNEY, J.P.] ASSAULTS. f Arthur O'Nill, a youngn man from Ligoneil, wa;s t charged by William Tully, Steam Lane, with an as- amnlt. It appenred from the evidence that the comrlainant hnd reproved the prisoner for pllyinv pitch-andl-tosss 1 and that the latter took the interference so ill ...


... A WOULD-B'E IIIGI{NAyMAN AND PIR&TE -R13EMDING CHEAP NOVELS. AT the Clerlkenwell Police Court, on Saturday, Win. Roseblade, aged 1, a Sharp, intelligcnt-looking boy, residing an 21, Norfolk Street., Islington, wats charged with stealing nat 5, Pe1civall Street, Clerkenwell, £10 in gold, the in'iicy of his employcr. The prisoner malde the following extraordinary statement. lie said he had been ...


... BELFAST POLICE COURT-SATunRDAw. [Before Dr. M, tLrE, J.1., Saud EDwmrD Omnira, E~q. ABSENT ro02 A croese: AND CAPT. Thomas ]ailoy was fined in 1OR and costs, or to Ie n imprisoned fourteen days, for being drunk in Bally- maacarrett whilst in charge of a horse and cart. : Thomns Richmond was lined in 5s and costs for a similar offence. MISCONDUCT IN SEnVICE.. W William Kelly, Felix iI Cool, and ...

Legal Intelligence

... Xpmat ?Ilf d I iPytt, - -------- ROLLS COURT-DUBLIN, PEIDAY. SAUNDERsON V. 5AUNDEIiLEON Thie SOLICITrnaGe\ERAL, at the sitting of the Court this morning, handed in thle heads of the ar- rangement entered into between the parties, which his lordship made an order of eonrt. BIr. O'DON aLn, Q.C., stated that, th ease beig noW concluded, ho wished to say a word in referenco to the Rev. Mr. Cnhen, ...

Legal Intelligence

... c gpgal EXCHEQUER NISI PRIUS-DUceni, SATUnDAY. tI [Before the Lord Chiumr-BirtoN and a Special a Jury.] 85 WILLIAM c. REYNOLDS V. ORAIXA9 LBION. Si Tuss case occupied the entire (lay, and was uct con- a eluded at the rising of the Court. ti DUBLIN, MOND&Y.! This case has terminated in a compromise. The it terms are, that a verdict iA taken, by consent, for £400, in addition to the sum of £400 ...


... BELFAST POLICE COURT-YESTFRDAY. [Before Wm. S. TRACY, Esq., R.M.; JOHIN CraMsm, Esq., J.P.; and Dr. MumNEY, J.P.] LA-RCENY. ' H ugh Walker was charged with having stolen a j .piece of bacon from the shop of Mr. John M'Kenna, York Street. The bacon was missed from the shop, and wass found in' the prisoner!'s posse~sion; but,. as it wag big, first offenoe, he was discharged with a caution. Wm. ...


... THEE MURDER ON THE NORTH LONDON i EL WAY. DISCOVERY OF THE MVURDERER. London, Wednesday. At length it seems probablo tiat Lnou poece aue in the track of the murderer of Mr. Briggs. A Ger- man, named Franz MIller, left at the house of a cabman named Matthews, a jewelhkr's box, which bore Mr. Deatlti' name. BlMttlhew's deposed ae fol.- lowe, at Bow Street Conrt. yesterday:-I Inow Franz Muller. ...